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We examine the statistics of the low-redshift Lyman-alpha forest from smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations in light of recent improvements in the estimated evolution of the cosmic ultraviolet background (UVB) and recent observations from the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). We find that the value of the metagalactic photoionization rate required by our simulations to match the observed properties of the low-redshift Lyman-alpha forest is a factor of 5 larger than the value predicted by state-of-the art models for the evolution of this quantity. This mismatch results in the mean flux decrement of the Lyman-alpha forest being underpredicted by at least a factor of 2 (a 10-sigma discrepancy with observations) and a column density distribution of Lyman-alpha forest absorbers systematically and significantly elevated compared to observations over nearly two decades in column density. We examine potential resolutions to this mismatch and find that either conventional sources of ionizing photons (galaxies and quasars) must be significantly elevated relative to current observational estimates or our theoretical understanding of the low-redshift universe is in need of substantial revision.
We examine the global HI properties of galaxies in quarter-billion particle cosmological simulations using Gadget-2, focusing on how galactic outflows impact HI content. We consider four outflow models, including a new one (ezw) motivated by recent interstellar medium simulations in which the wind speed and mass loading factor scale as expected for momentum-driven outflows for larger galaxies and energy-driven outflows for dwarfs (sigma<75 km/s). To obtain predicted HI masses, we employ a simple but effective local correction for particle self-shielding, and an observationally-constrained transition from neutral to molecular hydrogen. Our ezw simulation produces an HI mass function whose faint-end slope of -1.3 agrees well with observations from the ALFALFA survey; other models agree less well. Satellite galaxies have a bimodal distribution in HI fraction versus halo mass, with smaller satellites and/or those in larger halos more often being HI-deficient. At a given stellar mass, HI content correlates with star formation rate and inversely correlates with metallicity, as expected if driven by stochasticity in the accretion rate. To higher redshifts, massive HI galaxies disappear and the mass function steepens. The global cosmic HI density conspires to remain fairly constant from z~5-0, but the relative contribution from smaller galaxies increases with redshift.
We present an analytic formalism that describes the evolution of the stellar, gas, and metal content of galaxies. It is based on the idea, inspired by hydrodynamic simulations, that galaxies live in a slowly-evolving equilibrium between inflow, outflow, and star formation. We argue that this formalism broadly captures the behavior of galaxy properties evolving in simulations. The resulting equilibrium equations for the star formation rate, gas fraction, and metallicity depend on three key free parameters that represent ejective feedback, preventive feedback, and re-accretion of ejected material. We schematically describe how these parameters are constrained by models and observations. Galaxies perturbed off the equilibrium relations owing to inflow stochasticity tend to be driven back towards equilibrium, such that deviations in star formation rate at a given mass are correlated with gas fraction and anti-correlated with metallicity. After an early gas accumulation epoch, quiescently star-forming galaxies are expected to be in equilibrium over most of cosmic time. The equilibrium model provides a simple intuitive framework for understanding the cosmic evolution of galaxy properties, and centrally features the cycle of baryons between galaxies and surrounding gas as the driver of galaxy growth.
228 - Romeel Dave 2011
We examine the growth of the stellar content of galaxies from z=3-0 in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations incorporating parameterised galactic outflows. Without outflows, galaxies overproduce stellar masses (M*) and star formation rates (SFRs) compared to observations. Winds introduce a three-tier form for the galaxy stellar mass and star formation rate functions, where the middle tier depends on differential (i.e. mass-dependent) recycling of ejected wind material back into galaxies. A tight M*-SFR relation is a generic outcome of all these simulations, and its evolution is well-described as being powered by cold accretion, although current observations at z>2 suggest that star formation in small early galaxies must be highly suppressed. Roughly one-third of z=0 galaxies at masses below M^* are satellites, and star formation in satellites is not much burstier than in centrals. All models fail to suppress star formation and stellar mass growth in massive galaxies at z<2, indicating the need for an external quenching mechanism such as black hole feedback. All models also fail to produce dwarfs as young and rapidly star-forming as observed. An outflow model following scalings expected for momentum-driven winds broadly matches observed galaxy evolution around M^* from z=0-3, which is a significant success since these galaxies dominate cosmic star formation, but the failures at higher and lower masses highlight the challenges still faced by this class of models. We argue that central star-forming galaxies are well-described as living in a slowly-evolving equilibrium between inflows from gravity and recycled winds, star formation, and strong and ubiquitous outflows that regulate how much inflow forms into stars. Star-forming galaxy evolution is thus primarily governed by the continual cycling of baryons between galaxies and intergalactic gas.
The intergalactic medium (IGM) is the dominant reservoir of baryons at all cosmic epochs. We investigate the evolution of the IGM from z=2-0 in 48 Mpc/h, 110-million particle cosmological hydrodynamic simulations using three prescriptions for galactic outflows. We focus on the evolution of IGM physical properties, and how such properties are traced by Ly-alpha absorption as detectable using HST/COS. Our results broadly confirm the canonical picture that most Ly-alpha absorbers arise from highly ionized gas tracing filamentary large-scale structure. Growth of structure causes gas to move from the diffuse photoionized IGM into other cosmic phases, namely stars, cold and hot gas within galaxy halos, and the unbound and shock-heated warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). By today, baryons are roughly equally divided between bound phases (35%), the diffuse IGM (41%), and the WHIM (24%). Here we (re)define the WHIM as gas with overdensities lower than that in halos and temperatures >10^5 K, in order to more closely align it with missing baryons. When we tune our photoionizing background to match the observed evolution of the Ly-alpha mean flux decrement, we obtain a line count evolution that broadly agrees with available data. We predict a column density distribution slope of -1.70 for our favored momentum-driven wind model, in agreement with recent observations, and it becomes shallower with redshift. With improved statistics, the frequency of strong lines can be a valuable diagnostic of outflows, and our favored wind model matches existing data best among our models. The relationship between column density and physical density is fairly tight from z=2-0, and evolves as rho N_HI^0.74 10^(-0.37z) for diffuse absorbers. Linewidths only loosely reflect the temperature of the absorbing gas, which will hamper attempts to quantify the WHIM using broad Ly-alpha absorbers. [Abridged]
We analyse cosmological hydrodynamic simulations that include observationally-constrained prescriptions for galactic outflows. If these simulated winds accurately represent winds in the real Universe, then material previously ejected in winds provides the dominant source of gas infall for new star formation at redshifts z<1. This recycled wind accretion, or wind mode, provides a third physically distinct accretion channel in addition to the hot and cold modes emphasised in recent theoretical studies. Because of the interaction between outflows and gas in and around halos, the recycling timescale of wind material (t_rec) is shorter in higher-mass systems, which reside in denser gaseous environments. In these simulations, this differential recycling plays a central role in shaping the present-day galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF). If we remove all particles that were ever ejected in a wind, then the predicted GSMFs are much steeper than observed; galaxy masses are suppressed both by the direct removal of gas and by the hydrodynamic heating of their surroundings, which reduces subsequent infall. With wind recycling included, the simulation that incorporates our favoured momentum-driven wind scalings reproduces the observed GSMF for stellar masses 10^9 < M < 5x10^10 Msolar. At higher masses, wind recycling leads to excessive galaxy masses and excessive star formation rates relative to observations. In these massive systems, some quenching mechanism must suppress the re-accretion of gas ejected from star-forming galaxies. In short, as has long been anticipated, the form of the GSMF is governed by outflows; the unexpected twist here for our simulated winds is that it is not primarily the ejection of material but how the ejected material is re-accreted that governs the GSMF.
We study the nature of rapidly star-forming galaxies at z=2 in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, and compare their properties to observations of sub-millimetre galaxies (SMGs). We identify simulated SMGs as the most rapidly star-forming systems that match the observed number density of SMGs. In our models, SMGs are massive galaxies sitting at the centres of large potential wells, being fed by smooth infall and gas-rich satellites at rates comparable to their star formation rates (SFR). They are not typically undergoing major mergers that significantly boost their quiescent SFR, but they still often show complex gas morphologies and kinematics. Our simulated SMGs have stellar masses of log M*/Mo~11-11.7, SFRs of ~180-500 Mo/yr, a clustering length of 10 Mpc/h, and solar metallicities. The SFRs are lower than those inferred from far-IR data by a factor of 3, which we suggest may owe to one or more systematic effects in the SFR calibrations. SMGs at z=2 live in ~10^13 Mo halos, and by z=0 they mostly end up as brightest group galaxies in ~10^14 Mo halos. We predict that higher-M* SMGs should have on average lower specific SFRs, less disturbed morphologies, and higher clustering. We also predict that deeper far-IR surveys will smoothly join SMGs onto the massive end of the SFR-M* relationship defined by lower-mass z=2 galaxies. Overall, our simulated rapid star-formers provide as good a match to available SMG data as merger-based scenarios, offering an alternative scenario that emerges naturally from cosmological simulations.

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