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We present analytic computations of gauge invariant quantities for a point mass in a circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole, giving results up to 15.5 post-Newtonian order in this paper and up to 21.5 post-Newtonian order in an online repository. Our calculation is based on the functional series method of Mano, Suzuki and Takasugi (MST) and a recent series of results by Bini and Damour. We develop an optimised method for generating post-Newtonian expansions of the MST series, enabling significantly faster computations. We also clarify the structure of the expansions for large values of $ell$, and in doing so develop an efficient new method for generating the MST renormalised angular momentum, $ u$.
The equations of motion of a point particle interacting with its own field are defined in terms of a certain regularized self-field. Two of the leading methods for computing this regularized field are the mode-sum and effective-source approaches. In this work we unite these two distinct regularization schemes by generalizing traditional frequency-domain mode-sum calculations to incorporate effective-source techniques. For a toy scalar-field model we analytically compute an appropriate puncture field from which the regularized residual field can be calculated. To demonstrate the method, we compute the self-force for a scalar particle on a circular orbit in Schwarzschild spacetime. We also demonstrate the relation between the worldtube and window function approaches to localizing the puncture field to the neighborhood of the worldline and show how the method reduces to the well-known mode-sum regularization scheme in a certain limit. This new computational scheme can be applied to cases where traditional mode-sum regularization is inadequate, such as in calculations at second perturbative order.
We extend our previous calculation of the quasi-local contribution to the self-force on a scalar particle to general (not necessarily geodesic) motion in a general spacetime. In addition to the general case and the case of a particle at rest in a stationary spacetime, we consider as examples a particle held at rest in Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Newman space-times. This allows us to most easily analyse the effect of non-geodesic motion on our previous results and also allows for comparison to existing results for Schwarzschild spacetime.
We consider a scalar charge travelling in a curved background spacetime. We calculate the quasi-local contribution to the scalar self-force experienced by such a particle following a geodesic in a general spacetime. We also show that if we assume a massless field and a vacuum background spacetime, the expression for the self-force simplifies significantly. We consider some specific cases whose gravitational analog are of immediate physical interest for the calculation of radiation reaction corrected orbits of binary black hole systems. These systems are expected to be detectable by the LISA space based gravitational wave observatory. We also investigate how alternate techniques may be employed in some specific cases and use these as a check on our own results.

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