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The most X-ray luminous cluster known, RXJ1347-1145 (z=0.45), has been the object of extensive study across the electromagnetic spectrum. We have imaged the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect (SZE) at 90 GHz (3.3 mm) in RXJ1347-1145 at 10 resolution with the 64-pixel MUSTANG bolometer array on the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), confirming a previously reported strong, localized enhancement of the SZE 20 to the South-East of the center of X-ray emission. This enhancement of the SZE has been interpreted as shock-heated (> 20 keV) gas caused by an ongoing major (low mass-ratio) merger event. Our data support this interpretation. We also detect a pronounced asymmetry in the projected cluster pressure profile, with the pressure just east of the cluster core ~1.6 times higher than just to the west. This is the highest resolution image of the SZE made to date.
We present final results on the angular power spectrum of total intensity anisotropies in the CMB from the CBI. Our analysis includes all primordial anisotropy data collected between January 2000 and April 2005, and benefits significantly from an improved maximum likelihood analysis pipeline. It also includes results from a 30 GHz foreground survey conducted with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) which places significant constraints on the possible contamination due to foreground point sources. We improve on previous CBI results by about a factor of two in the damping tail. These data confirm, at ~3-sigma, the existence of an excess of power over intrinsic CMB anisotropy on small angular scales (l > 1800). Using the GBT survey, we find currently known radio source populations are not capable of generating the power; a new population of faint sources with steeply rising spectral indices would be required to explain the excess with sources... We also present a full cosmological parameter analysis of the new CBI power spectrum... With CBI alone, the full parameter analysis finds the excess is 1.6-sigma above the level expected for a sigma_8=0.8 universe. We find the addition of high-l CMB data substantially improves constraints on cosmic string contributions to the TT power spectrum as well as the running of the scalar spectral index... We also present forecasts for what other experiments should see at different frequencies and angular resolutions given the excess power observed by CBI. We find that the reported high-l bandpowers from current high resolution CMB bolometer experiments are consistent with each other and CBI if the excess power is due to the SZE at the CBI-level of 2.5 +/- 1 times the sigma_8=0.8 standard SZ template. <Abridged>

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