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We present results of electronic band structure, Fermi surface and electron transport properties calculations in orthorhombic $n$- and $p$-type SnSe, applying Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method and Boltzmann transport approach. The analysis accounted for temperature effect on crystallographic parameters in $Pnma$ structure as well as the phase transition to $CmCm$ structure at $T_csim 807 $K. Remarkable modifications of conduction and valence bands were notified upon varying crystallographic parameters within the structure before $T_c$, while the phase transition mostly leads to jump in the band gap value. The diagonal components of kinetic parameter tensors (velocity, effective mass) and resulting transport quantity tensors (electrical conductivity $sigma$, thermopower $S$ and power factor PF) were computed in wide range of temperature ($15-900 $K) and, hole ($p-$type) and electron ($n-$type) concentration ($10^{17}-10^{21}$ cm$^{-3}$). SnSe is shown to have strong anisotropy of the electron transport properties for both types of charge conductivity, as expected for the layered structure. In general, $p$-type effective masses are larger than $n$-type ones. Interestingly, $p$-type SnSe has strongly non-parabolic dispersion relations, with the pudding-mold-like shape of the highest valence band. The analysis of $sigma$, $S$ and PF tensors indicates, that the inter-layer electron transport is beneficial for thermoelectric performance in $n$-type SnSe, while this direction is blocked in $p$-type SnSe, where in-plane transport is preferred. Our results predict, that $n$-type SnSe is potentially even better thermoelectric material than $p$-type one. Theoretical results are compared with single crystal $p$-SnSe measurements, and good agreement is found.
Polycrystalline HfPd2Al has been synthesized using the arc-melting method and studied under ambient pressure conditions by x-ray diffraction from room temperature up to 450^oC. High pressure x-ray diffraction up to 23 GPa was also performed using Diacell-type membrane diamond anvil cells. The estimated linear thermal expansion coefficient was found to be {alpha} = 1.40(3)x10^{-5} K^{-1}, and the bulk modulus derived from the fit to the 3rd order Birch-Murnaghan EOS (BMEOS) is B0 = 97(2) GPa. Resistivity studies under applied pressure (p < 7.49 GPa) showed a linear decrease of superconducting critical temperature with increasing pressure and the slope dTc/dp = -0.13(1) K GPa^{-1}. The same behavior is observed for the electron-phonon coupling constant {lambda_{ep}}(p) that changes from 0.67 to 0.6, estimated for p = 0.05 GPa and 7.49 GPa, respectively. First principles electronic structure and phonon calculation results are presented and used to estimate the magnitude of electron-phonon interaction {lambda_{ep}} and its evolution with pressure. Theoretical results explain the experimentally observed decrease in Tc due to considerable lattice stiffening.
We present a theoretical study of the influence of the relativistic effects on electronic band structure and thermopower of Mg2X(X= Si, Ge, Sn) semiconductors. The full potential Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method is used, and the detailed comparison between the fully relativistic and semi-relativistic electronic structure features is done. We show that the spin-orbit (S-O) interaction splits the valence band structure at Gamma point in good agreement with the experimental data, and this effect strongly depends on X atom. The S-O modifications of the topology of the Gamma-centered hole-like Fermi surface pockets lead to a change in electron transport properties, which are investigated using the Boltzmann approach. In addition, the simple and efficient method is presented for the calculation of density of states effective mass m*, and then used to examine the impact of relativistic effects on m*. It is found that S-O coupling of the valence bands reduces effective mass and therefore significantly lowers the thermopower, primarily in Mg2Sn, but also in Mg2Ge. A detrimental influence of the S-O interaction on thermoelectric performance of p-type Mg2X is analyzed in function of temperature (10-900 K) and carrier concentration (10^18-10^22 cm-3). Interestingly, similar calculations in n-type Mg2X, show negligible effect of the S-O interaction on lowest conduction bands and consequently also on the Seebeck coefficient.

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