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Polar ring galaxies are ideal objects with which to study the three-dimensional shapes of galactic gravitational potentials since two rotation curves can be measured in two perpendicular planes. Observational studies have uncovered systematically larger rotation velocities in the extended polar rings than in the associated host galaxies. In the dark matter context, this can only be explained through dark halos that are systematically flattened along the polar rings. Here, we point out that these objects can also be used as very effective tests of gravity theories, such as those based on Milgromian dynamics (MOND). We run a set of polar ring models using both Milgromian and Newtonian dynamics to predict the expected shapes of the rotation curves in both planes, varying the total mass of the system, the mass of the ring with respect to the host, as well as the size of the hole at the center of the ring. We find that Milgromian dynamics not only naturally leads to rotation velocities being typically higher in the extended polar rings than in the hosts, as would be the case in Newtonian dynamics without dark matter, but that it also gets the shape and amplitude of velocities correct. Milgromian dynamics thus adequately explains this particular property of polar ring galaxies.
We present the analysis of 12 high-resolution galactic rotation curves from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS) in the context of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). These rotation curves were selected to be the most reliable for mass modelling, and they are the highest quality rotation curves currently available for a sample of galaxies spanning a wide range of luminosities. We fit the rotation curves with the simple and standard interpolating functions of MOND, and we find that the simple function yields better results. We also redetermine the value of a0, and find a median value very close to the one determined in previous studies, a0 = (1.22 +- 0.33) x 10^{-8} cm/s^2. Leaving the distance as a free parameter within the uncertainty of its best independently determined value leads to excellent quality fits for 75% of the sample. Among the three exceptions, two are also known to give relatively poor fits also in Newtonian dynamics plus dark matter. The remaining case (NGC 3198), presents some tension between the observations and the MOND fit, which might however be explained by the presence of non-circular motions, by a small distance, or by a value of a0 at the lower end of our best-fit interval, 0.9 x 10^{-8} cm/s^2. The best-fit stellar M/L ratios are generally in remarkable agreement with the predictions of stellar population synthesis models. We also show that the narrow range of gravitational accelerations found to be generated by dark matter in galaxies is consistent with the narrow range of additional gravity predicted by MOND.
We have recently identified a new radial migration mechanism resulting from the overlap of spiral and bar resonances in galactic disks. Here we confirm the efficiency of this mechanism in fully self-consistent, Tree-SPH simulations, as well as high-resolution pure N-body simulations. In all barred cases we clearly identify the effect of spiral-bar resonance overlap by measuring a bimodality in the changes of angular momentum in the disk, dL, whose maxima are near the bars corotation and outer Lindblad resonance. This contrasts with the smooth distribution of dL for a simulation with no stable bar present, where strong radial migration is induced by multiple spirals. The presence of a disk gaseous component appears to increase the rate of angular momentum exchange by about 20%. The efficiency of this mechanism is such that galactic stellar disks can extend to over 10 scale-lengths within 1-3 Gyr in both Milky Way size and low-mass galaxies (circular velocity ~100 km/s). We also show that metallicity gradients can flatten in less than 1 Gyr rendering mixing in barred galaxies an order of magnitude more efficient than previously thought.
227 - G. Gentile , M. Baes , B. Famaey 2010
We present HI observations performed at the GMRT of the nearby dwarf galaxy NGC 1560. This Sd galaxy is well-known for a distinct wiggle in its rotation curve. Our new observations have twice the resolution of the previously published HI data. We derived the rotation curve by taking projection effects into account, and we verified the derived kinematics by creating model datacubes. This new rotation curve is similar to the previously published one: we confirm the presence of a clear wiggle. The main differences are in the innermost ~100 arcsec of the rotation curve, where we find slightly (<~ 5 km/s) higher velocities. Mass modelling of the rotation curve results in good fits using the core-dominated Burkert halo (which however does not reproduce the wiggle), bad fits using the a Navarro, Frenk & White halo, and good fits using MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics), which also reproduces the wiggle.
259 - O. Bienayme , B. Famaey , X. Wu 2009
We look for observational signatures that could discriminate between Newtonian and modified Newtonian (MOND) dynamics in the Milky Way, in view of the advent of large astrometric and spectroscopic surveys. Indeed, a typical signature of MOND is an apparent disk of phantom dark matter, which is uniquely correlated with the visible disk-density distribution. Due to this phantom dark disk, Newtonian models with a spherical halo have different signatures from MOND models close to the Galactic plane. The models can thus be differentiated by measuring dynamically (within Newtonian dynamics) the disk surface density at the solar radius, the radial mass gradient within the disk, or the velocity ellipsoid tilt angle above the Galactic plane. Using the most realistic possible baryonic mass model for the Milky Way, we predict that, if MOND applies, the local surface density measured by a Newtonist will be approximately 78 Msun/pc2 within 1.1 kpc of the Galactic plane, the dynamically measured disk scale-length will be enhanced by a factor of 1.25 with respect to the visible disk scale-length, and the local vertical tilt of the velocity ellipsoid at 1 kpc above the plane will be approximately 6 degrees. None of these tests can be conclusive for the present-day accuracy of Milky Way data, but they will be of prime interest with the advent of large surveys such as GAIA.
We present the analysis of 23 published rotation curves of disk galaxies belonging to the Ursa Major group of galaxies, with kinematics free of irregularities. The rotation curves are analysed in the context of MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics). We add an extra component to the rotation curve fits, in addition to the stellar and gaseous disks: a speculative halo of constant density made of, e.g., neutrinos, which would solve the bulk of the problem currently faced by MOND on rich galaxy clusters scales. We find that this additional unseen mass density is poorly constrained (as expected a priori, given that a neutrino halo never dominates the kinematics), but we also find that the best-fit value is non-zero: rho = 3.8 x 10^{-27} g/cm^3, and that a zero-density is marginally excluded with 87% confidence; also, the 95% confidence upper limit for the density is rho = 9.6 x 10^{-27} g/cm^3. These limits are slightly above the expectations from the Tremaine-Gunn phase space constraints on ordinary 2 eV neutrinos, but in accordance with the maximum density expected for one or two species of 5 eV sterile neutrinos.
We summarize the status of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) in galaxy clusters. The observed acceleration is typically larger than the acceleration threshold of MOND in the central regions, implying that some dark matter is necessary to explain the mass discrepancy there. A plausible resolution of this issue is that the unseen mass in MOND is in the form of ordinary neutrinos with masses just below the experimentally detectable limit. In particular, we show that the lensing mass reconstructions of the clusters 1E0657-56 (the bullet cluster) and Cl0024+17 (the ring) do not pose a new challenge to this scenario. However, the mass discrepancy for cool X-ray emitting groups, in which neutrinos cannot cluster, pose a more serious problem, meaning that dark baryons could present a more satisfactory solution to the problem of unseen mass in MOND clusters.
Within the cold dark matter (CDM) framework tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs) cannot contain dark matter, so the recent results by Bournaud et al. (2007) that 3 rotating TDGs do show significant evidence for being dark matter dominated is inconsistent with the current concordance cosmological theory unless yet another dark matter component is postulated. We confirm that the TDG rotation curves are consistent with Newtonian dynamics only if either an additional dark matter component is postulated, or if all 3 TDGs happen to be viewed nearly edge-on, which is unlikely given the geometry of the tidal debris. We also find that the observed rotation curves are very naturally explained without any free parameters within the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) framework if inclinations are adopted as derived by Bournaud et al. We explore different inclination angles and two different assumptions about the external field effect. The results do not change significantly, and we conclude therefore that Newtonian dynamics has severe problems while MOND does exceedingly well in explaining the observed rotation curves of the 3 TDGs studied by Bournaud et al.

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