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The study of relativistic, higher order and nonlinear effects has become necessary in recent years in the pursuit of precision cosmology. We develop and apply here a framework to study gravitational lensing in exact models in general relativity that are not restricted to homogeneity and isotropy, and where full nonlinearity and relativistic effects are included. We apply the framework to a specific, anisotropic galaxy cluster model which is based on a modified NFW halo density profile and described by the Szekeres metric. We examine the effects of increasing levels of anisotropy in the galaxy cluster on lensing observables like the convergence and shear for various lensing geometries, finding a strong nonlinear response in both the convergence and shear for rays passing through anisotropic regions of the cluster. Deviation from the expected values in a spherically symmetric structure are asymmetric with respect to path direction and thus will persist as a statistical effect when averaged over some ensemble of such clusters. The resulting relative difference in various geometries can be as large as approximately 2%, 8%, and 24% in the measure of convergence for levels of anisotropy of 5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively, as a fraction of total cluster mass. For the total magnitude of shear, the relative difference can grow near the center of the structure to be as large as 15%, 32%, and 44% for the same levels of anisotropy, averaged over the two extreme geometries. The convergence is impacted most strongly for rays which pass in directions along the axis of maximum dipole anisotropy in the structure, while the shear is most strongly impacted for rays which pass in directions orthogonal to this axis, as expected. These effects due to anisotropic structures will affect lensing measurements and must be fully examined in an era of precision cosmology.
We study the effects and implications of anisotropies at the scale of galaxy clusters by building an exact general relativistic model of a cluster using the inhomogeneous and anisotropic Szekeres metric. The model is built from a modified Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) density profile. We compare this to a corresponding spherically symmetric structure in the Lemaitre-Tolman (LT) model and quantify the impact of introducing varying levels of anisotropy. We examine two physical measures of gravitational infall -- the growth rate of density and the velocity of the source dust in the model. We introduce a generalization of the LT dust velocity profile for the Szekeres metric and demonstrate its consistency with the growth rate of density. We find that the growth rate of density in one substructure increases by 0.5%, 1.5%, and 3.75% for 5%, 10%, and 15% levels of introduced anisotropy, which is measured as the fractional displaced mass relative to the spherically symmetric case. The infall velocity of the dust is found to increase by 2.5, 10, and 20 km/s (0.5%, 2%, and 4.5%), respectively, for the same three levels of anisotropy. This response to the anisotropy in a structure is found to be strongly nonlinear with respect to the strength of anisotropy. These relative velocities correspond to an equivalent increase in the total mass of the spherically symmetric structure of 1%, 3.8%, and 8.4%, indicating that not accounting for the presence of anisotropic mass distributions in cluster models can strongly bias the determination of physical properties like the total mass.
Probes of cosmic expansion constitute the main basis for arguments to support or refute a possible apparent acceleration due to different expansion rates in the universe as described by inhomogeneous cosmological models. We present in this Letter a separate argument based on results from an analysis of the growth rate of large-scale structure in the universe as modeled by the inhomogeneous cosmological models of Szekeres. We use the models with no assumptions of spherical or axial symmetries. We find that while the Szekeres models can fit very well the observed expansion history without a $Lambda$, they fail to produce the observed late-time suppression in the growth unless $Lambda$ is added to the dynamics. A simultaneous fit to the supernova and growth factor data shows that the cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant ($Lambda$CDM) provides consistency with the data at a confidence level of 99.65% while the Szekeres model without $Lambda$ achieves only a 60.46% level. When the data sets are considered separately, the Szekeres with no $Lambda$ fits the supernova data as well as the $Lambda$CDM does, but provides a very poor fit to the growth data with only 31.31% consistency level compared to 99.99% for the $Lambda$CDM. This absence of late-time growth suppression in inhomogeneous models without a $Lambda$ is consolidated by a physical explanation.
We use the Szekeres inhomogeneous cosmological models to study the growth of large-scale structure in the universe including nonzero spatial curvature and a cosmological constant. In particular, we use the Goode and Wainwright formulation, as in this form the models can be considered to represent exact nonlinear perturbations of an averaged background. We identify a density contrast in both classes I and II of the models, for which we derive growth evolution equations. By including Lambda, the time evolution of the density contrast as well as kinematic quantities can be tracked through the matter- and Lambda-dominated cosmic eras up to the present and into the future. In various models of class I and class II, the growth rate is found to be stronger than that of the LCDM cosmology, and it is suppressed at later times due to the presence of Lambda. We find that there are Szekeres models able to provide a growth history similar to that of LCDM while requiring less matter content and nonzero curvature, which speaks to the importance of including the effects of large-scale inhomogeneities in analyzing the growth of large-scale structure. Using data for the growth factor f from redshift space distortions and the Lyman-alpha forest, we obtain best fit parameters for class II models and compare their ability to match observations with LCDM. We find that there is negligible difference between best fit Szekeres models with no priors and those for LCDM, both including and excluding Lyman-alpha data. We also find that the growth index gamma parametrization cannot be applied in a simple way to the growth in Szekeres models, so a direct comparison of the function f to the data is performed. We conclude that the Szekeres models can provide an exact framework for the analysis of large-scale growth data that includes inhomogeneities and allows for different interpretations of observations. (abridged)

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