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We performed the observation of the flux densities of SgrA* at 90 and 102GHz in order to detect the time lag between these frequencies using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array, which was previously reported at lower frequencies. We detected a radio flare during the observation period on 6 April 2005 and calculated the z-transformed discrete correlation function between the light curves. The time lag between these frequencies was not detected. If the expanding plasma model which explains the time lag at lower frequencies is valid, the light curve at 90GHz would be delayed with respect to the one at 102GHz. This result suggests that the plasma blobs ejected near the Galactic Center black hole may be widely diverse especially in optical thickness. Another possibility is that the major portion of the flux above 100GHz does not originate from the blobs.
We performed the observation of the flux densities of Sgr A* at 90 and 102 GHz on 6 April 2005 using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array in order to detect the time lag between these frequencies. We constructed light curves covering a few hour with 1 min bin, and the Intra-Day Variability, which had a rising phase and intensity peak, of Sgr A* is clearly seen at both frequencies. We calculated the z-transformed discrete correlation function between the light curves of Sgr A* at 90 and 102 GHz. The derived time lag of the flares at these frequencies was approximately zero, contrary to our expectations based on the previously reported time lag at lower frequencies. If the radio flares of Sgr A* are explained by the expanding plasma model, the light curve at 90 GHz would be delayed with respect to the one at 102 GHz. However, we could not find such a delay with statistical significance in our data.
We present the statistical properties of molecular clumps in the Galactic center 50 km s$^{-1}$ molecular cloud (GCM-0.02-0.07) based on observations of the CS $J=1-0$ emission line with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array. In the cloud, 37 molecular clumps with local thermal equilibrium (LTE) masses of $2times10^2-6times10^3 M_odot$ were identified by using the {it clumpfind} algorithm. The velocity widths of the molecular clumps are about five-fold those of Galactic disk molecular clouds with the same radius. The virial-theorem masses are three-fold the LTE masses. The mass and size spectra can be described by power laws of $dN/dMpropto M^{-2.6pm0.1}$ ($Mgtrsim 900M_odot$) and $dN/dRpropto R^{-5.9pm0.3}$ ($Rgtrsim 0.35$ pc), respectively. The statistical properties of the region interacting with the Sgr A East shell and those of the non-interacting part of the cloud are significantly different. The interaction probably makes the mass function steeper, from $dN/dMpropto M^{-2.0pm0.1}$ in the non-interacting part to $dN/dMpropto M^{-4.0pm0.2}$ in the interacting region. On the other hand, the interaction presumably truncates the size spectrum on the larger side of $Rsim 0.4$ pc.
Cygnus X-3 (Cyg X-3) is a well-known microquasar with relativistic jets. Cyg X-3 is especially famous for its giant radio outbursts, which have been observed once every few years since their first discovery. Each giant outburst presumably consists of a series of short-duration flares. The physical parameters of the flares in the giant outbursts are difficult to derive because the successive flares overlap. Here, we report isolated flares in the quiescent phase of Cyg X-3, as observed at 23, 43, and 86 GHz with the 45-m radio telescope at Nobeyama Radio Observatory. The observed flares have small amplitude (0.5--2 Jy) and short duration (1--2 h). The millimeter fluxes rapidly increase and then exponentially decay. The lifetime of the decay is shorter at higher frequency. The radio spectrum of Cyg X-3 during the flares is flat or inverted around the peak flux density. After that, the spectrum gradually becomes steeper. The observed characteristics are consistent with those of adiabatic expanding plasma. The brightness temperature of the plasma at the peak is estimated to be $T_Bgtrsim 1 times 10^{11}$ K. The magnetic field in the plasma is calculated to be $0.2 lesssim H lesssim 30$ G.
Cyg X-3 is a well-known microquasar with a bipolar relativistic jet. Its famous giant radio outbursts have been repeated once every several years. However, the behavior of the millimeter wave emission has remained unclear because of limitations of time resolution in previous observations. We report here millimeter wave observations of Cyg X-3 experiencing giant outbursts with one of the finest time resolutions. We find a series of short-lived flares with amplitude of 1-2 Jy in the millimeter light curve of the 2008 April-May outburst. They have flat spectra around 100 GHz. We also find abrupt and large amplitude flux density changes with e-folding time of 3.6 minutes or less. The source size of Cyg X-3 is constrained within 0.4 AU and the brightness temperature is estimated to be $T_B gtrsim 1times10^{11}$ K.

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