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EuRhAl4Si2, crystallizes in tetragonal crystal structure and orders antiferromagnetically at ~12 K. The isothermal magnetization along the two principle directions is highly anisotropic despite Eu2+ being an S-state ion. The variation of entropy change, which is a measure of MCE, with field and temperature, calculated from the isothermal magnetization data taken at various temperatures along the principal crystallographic directions present interesting behavior in EuRhAl4Si2. In the magnetically ordered state the entropy change is non-monotonic below spin flip fields; however, in the paramagnetic region, it is negative irrespective of the strength of applied magnetic field. For H || [001] the maximum entropy change at 7 T is -21 J/Kg K around TN, which is large and comparable to the largest known values in this temperature range. The variation of the MCE with field strongly depends upon the direction of the applied magnetic field. Magnetic phase diagram of EuRhAl4Si2 derived from M(H) data is also constructed.
The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) is a key ingredient of several quantum algorithms and a qudit-specific implementation of the QFT is hence an important step toward the realization of qudit-based quantum computers. This work develops a circuit decomposition of the QFT for hybrid qudits based on generalized Hadamard and generalized controlled-phase gates, which can be implemented using selective rotations in NMR. We experimentally implement the hybrid qudit QFT on an NMR quantum emulator, which uses four qubits to emulate a single qutrit coupled to two qubits.
We report the magnetic properties of two Eu based compounds, single crystalline EuIrGe$_3$ and EuRhGe$_3$, inferred from magnetisation, electrical transport, heat capacity and $^{151}$Eu M{o}ssbauer spectroscopy. These previously known compounds crystallise in the non-centrosymmetric, tetragonal, $I4mm$, BaNiSn$_3$-type structure. Single crystals of EuIrGe$_3$ and EuRhGe$_3$ were grown using high temperature solution growth method using In as flux. EuIrGe$_3$ exhibits two magnetic orderings at $T_{rm N1}$ = 12.4 K, and $T_{rm N2}$ = 7.3 K. On the other hand EuRhGe$_3$ presents a single magnetic transition with a $T_{rm N}$ = 12 K. $^{151}$Eu M{o}ssbauer spectra present evidence for a cascade of transitions from paramagnetic to incommensurate amplitude modulated followed by an equal moment antiferromagnetic phase at lower temperatures in EuIrGe$_3$, the transitions having a substantial first order character. On the other hand the $^{151}$Eu M{o}ssbauer spectra at 4.2 and 9 K in EuRhGe$_3$ present evidence of a single magnetic transition. In both compounds a superzone gap is observed for the current density $Jparallel$ [001], which enhances with transverse magnetic field. The magnetisation measured up to 14 T shows the occurrence of field induced transitions, which are well documented in the magnetotransport data as well. The magnetic phase diagram constructed from these data is complex, revealing the presence of many phases in the $H-T$ phase space.
We report single and multiband linear polarizers for terahertz (THz) frequencies using cut-wire metamaterials (MM). The MMs are designed by finite element method, fabricated by electron beam lithography, and characterized by THz time-domain spectroscopy. The MM unit cells consist of single or multiple length cut-wire pads of gold on semi-insulating Gallium Arsenide for single or multiple band polarizers. The dependence of the resonance frequency of the single band polarizer on the length of the cut-wires is explained based a transmission line model.
We report the synthesis and the magnetic properties of single crystalline CeRhAl$_4$Si$_2$ and CeIrAl$_4$Si$_2$ and their non magnetic La-analogs. The single crystals of these quaternary compounds were grown using Al-Si binary eutectic as flux. The anisotropic magnetic properties of the cerium compounds were explored in detail by means of magnetic susceptibility, isothermal magnetization, electrical resistivity, magnetoresistivity and heat capacity measurements. Both CeRhAl$_4$Si$_2$ and CeIrAl$_4$Si$_2$ undergo two antiferromagnetic transitions, first from the paramagnetic to an antiferromagnetic state at $T_{rm N1}$~=~12.6~K and 15.5~K, followed by a second transition at lower temperatures $T_{rm N2}$~=~9.4~K and 13.8~K, respectively. The paramagnetic susceptibility is highly anisotropic and its temperature dependence in the magnetically ordered state suggests the $c$-axis to be the relatively easy axis of magnetization. Concomitantly, isothermal magnetization at 2~K along the $c$-axis shows a sharp spin-flop transition accompanied by a sizeable hysteresis, while it varies nearly linearly with field along the [100] direction up to the highest field 14~T, of our measurement. The electrical resistivity provides evidence of the Kondo interaction in both compounds, inferred from its $-lnT$ behavior in the paramagnetic region. The heat capacity data confirm the bulk nature of the two magnetic transitions in each compound, and further confirm the presence of Kondo interaction by a reduced value of the entropy associated with the magnetic ordering. From the heat capacity data below 1~K, the coefficient of the linear term in the electronic heat capacity, $gamma$, is inferred to be 195.6 and 49.4~mJ/mol K$^2$ in CeRhAl$_4$Si$_2$ and CeIrAl$_4$Si$_2$, respectively classifying these materials as moderate heavy fermion compounds.
We present detailed investigations in single crystals of two recently reported quaternary intermetallic compounds EuRhAl$_4$Si$_2$ and EuIrAl$_4$Si$_2$ employing magnetization, electrical resistivity in zero and applied fields, heat capacity and $^{151}$Eu M{o}ssbauer spectroscopy measurements. The two compounds order antiferromagnetically at $T_{rm N1}$ = 11.7 and 14.7,K, respectively, each undergoing two magnetic transitions: the first from paramagnetic to incommensurate modulated antiferromagnetic, the second at lower temperature to a commensurate antiferromagnetic phase as confirmed by heat capacity and M{o}ssbauer spectra. The magnetic properties in the ordered state present a large anisotropy despite Eu$^{2+}$ being an $S$-state ion for which the single-ion anisotropy is expected to be weak. Two features in the magnetization measured along the $c$-axis are prominent. At 1.8,K, a ferromagnetic-like jump occurs at very low field to a value one third of the saturation magnetization (1/3 M$_0$) followed by a wide plateau up to 2,T for T = Rh and 4,T for T = Ir. At this field value, a sharp hysteretic spin-flop transition occurs to a fully saturated state (M$_0$). Surprisingly, the magnetization does not return to origin when the field is reduced to zero in the return cycle, as expected in an antiferromagnet. Instead, a remnant magnetization 1/3 M$_0$ is observed and the magnetic loop around the origin shows hysteresis. This suggests that the zero field magnetic structure has a ferromagnetic component, and we present a model with up to third neighbor exchange and dipolar interaction which reproduces the magnetization curves and hints to an up-up-down magnetic structure in zero field.
125 - Vikesh Siddhu , Arvind 2014
Quantum Private Comparison (QPC) allows us to protect private information during its comparison. In the past various three-party quantum protocols have been proposed that claim to work well under noisy conditions. Here we tackle the problem of QPC under noise. We analyze the EPR-based protocol under depolarizing noise, bit flip and phase flip noise. We show how noise affects the robustness of the EPR-based protocol. We then present a straightforward protocol based on CSS codes to perform QPC which is robust against noise and secure under general attacks.
We experimentally explore the state space of three qubits on an NMR quantum information processor. We construct a scheme to experimentally realize a canonical form for general three-qubit states up to single-qubit unitaries. This form involves a non-trivial combination of GHZ and W-type maximally entangled states of three qubits. The general circuit that we have constructed for the generic state reduces to those for GHZ and W states as special cases. The experimental construction of a generic state is carried out for a nontrivial set of parameters and the good fidelity of preparation is confirmed by complete state tomography. The GHZ and W-states are constructed as special cases of the general experimental scheme. Further, we experimentally demonstrate a curious fact about three-qubit states, where for almost all pure states, the two-qubit reduced states can be used to reconstruct the full three-qubit state. For the case of a generic state and for the W-state, we demonstrate this method of reconstruction by comparing it with the directly tomographed three-qubit state.
We present the NMR implementation of a recently proposed quantum algorithm to find the parity of a permutation. In the usual qubit model of quantum computation, speedup requires the presence of entanglement and thus cannot be achieved by a single qubit. On the other hand, a qutrit is qualitatively more quantum than a qubit because of the existence of quantum contextuality and a single qutrit can be used for computing. We use the deuterium nucleus oriented in a liquid crystal as the experimental qutrit. This is the first experimental exploitation of a single qutrit to carry out a computational task.
The supercooled liquid silicon, modeled by Stillinger-Weber potential, shows anomalous increase in heat capacity $C_p$, with a maximum $C_p$ value close to 1060 K at zero pressure. We study equilibration and relaxation of the supercooled SW Si, in the temperature range of 1060 K--1070 K at zero pressure. We find that as the relaxation of the metastable supercooled liquid phase initiates, a straight line region (SLR) is formed in cumulative potential energy distributions. The configurational temperature corresponding to the SLR is close to 1060 K, which was earlier identified as the freezing temperature of 4-coordinated amorphous network. The SLR is found to be tangential to the distribution of the metastable liquid phase and thus influences the broadness of the distribution. As the bath temperature is reduced from 1070 K to 1060 K, the effective temperature approaches the bath temperature which results in broadening of the metastable phase distribution. This, in turn, causes an increase in overall fluctuations of potential energy and hence an increase of heat capacity. We also find that during initial stages of relaxation, 4-coordinated atoms form 6-membered rings with a chair--like structure and other structural units that indicate crystallization. Simultaneously a strong correlation is established between the number of chair-shaped 6-membered rings and the number of 4-coordinated atoms in the system. This shows that all properties related to 4-coordinated particles are highly correlated as the SLR is formed in potential energy distributions and this can be interpreted as a consequence of `freezing of amorphous network formed by 4-coordinated particles.

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