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We present a study of the substructure finder dependence of subhalo clustering in the Aquarius Simulation. We run 11 different subhalo finders on the haloes of the Aquarius Simulation and we study their differences in the density profile, mass fraction and 2-point correlation function of subhaloes in haloes. We also study the mass and vmax dependence of subhalo clustering. As the Aquarius Simulation has been run at different resolutions, we study the convergence with higher resolutions. We find that the agreement between finders is at around the 10% level inside R200 and at intermediate resolutions when a mass threshold is applied, and better than 5% when vmax is restricted instead of mass. However, some discrepancies appear in the highest resolution, underlined by an observed resolution dependence of subhalo clustering. This dependence is stronger for the smallest subhaloes, which are more clustered in the highest resolution, due to the detection of subhaloes within subhaloes (the sub-subhalo term). This effect modifies the mass dependence of clustering in the highest resolutions. We discuss implications of our results for models of subhalo clustering and their relation with galaxy clustering.
We study how well we can reconstruct the 2-point clustering of galaxies on linear scales, as a function of mass and luminosity, using the halo occupation distribution (HOD) in several semi-analytical models (SAMs) of galaxy formation from the Millennium Simulation. We find that HOD with Friends of Friends groups can reproduce galaxy clustering better than gravitationally bound haloes. This indicates that Friends of Friends groups are more directly related to the clustering of these regions than the bound particles of the overdensities. In general we find that the reconstruction works at best to 5% accuracy: it underestimates the bias for bright galaxies. This translates to an overestimation of 50% in the halo mass when we use clustering to calibrate mass. We also found a degeneracy on the mass prediction from the clustering amplitude that affects all the masses. This effect is due to the clustering dependence on the host halo substructure, an indication of assembly bias. We show that the clustering of haloes of a given mass increases with the number of subhaloes, a result that only depends on the underlying matter distribution. As the number of galaxies increases with the number of subhaloes in SAMs, this results in a low bias for the HOD reconstruction. We expect this effect to apply to other models of galaxy formation, including the real universe, as long as the number of galaxies incresases with the number of subhaloes. We have also found that the reconstructions of galaxy bias from the HOD model fails for low mass haloes with M = 3-5x10^11 Msun/h. We find that this is because galaxy clustering is more strongly affected by assembly bias for these low masses.

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