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The present status of the coupled-channel inverse-scattering method with supersymmetric transformations is reviewed. We first revisit in a pedagogical way the single-channel case, where the supersymmetric approach is shown to provide a complete solution to the inverse-scattering problem. A special emphasis is put on the differences between conservative and non-conservative transformations. In particular, we show that for the zero initial potential, a non-conservative transformation is always equivalent to a pair of conservative transformations. These single-channel results are illustrated on the inversion of the neutron-proton triplet eigenphase shifts for the S and D waves. We then summarize and extend our previous works on the coupled-channel case and stress remaining difficulties and open questions. We mostly concentrate on two-channel examples to illustrate general principles while keeping mathematics as simple as possible. In particular, we discuss the difference between the equal-threshold and different-threshold problems. For equal thresholds, conservative transformations can provide non-diagonal Jost and scattering matrices. Iterations of such transformations are shown to lead to practical algorithms for inversion. A convenient technique where the mixing parameter is fitted independently of the eigenphases is developed with iterations of pairs of conjugate transformations and applied to the neutron-proton triplet S-D scattering matrix, for which exactly-solvable matrix potential models are constructed. For different thresholds, conservative transformations do not seem to be able to provide a non-trivial coupling between channels. In contrast, a single non-conservative transformation can generate coupled-channel potentials starting from the zero potential and is a promising first step towards a full solution to the coupled-channel inverse problem with threshold differences.
Starting from a system of $N$ radial Schrodinger equations with a vanishing potential and finite threshold differences between the channels, a coupled $N times N$ exactly-solvable potential model is obtained with the help of a single non-conservative supersymmetric transformation. The obtained potential matrix, which subsumes a result obtained in the literature, has a compact analytical form, as well as its Jost matrix. It depends on $N (N+1)/2$ unconstrained parameters and on one upper-bounded parameter, the factorization energy. A detailed study of the model is done for the $2times 2$ case: a geometrical analysis of the zeros of the Jost-matrix determinant shows that the model has 0, 1 or 2 bound states, and 0 or 1 resonance; the potential parameters are explicitly expressed in terms of its bound-state energies, of its resonance energy and width, or of the open-channel scattering length, which solves schematic inverse problems. As a first physical application, exactly-solvable $2times 2$ atom-atom interaction potentials are constructed, for cases where a magnetic Feshbach resonance interplays with a bound or virtual state close to threshold, which results in a large background scattering length.

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