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We present a new approach to obtaining the scaling behavior of the entanglement entropy in fractional quantum Hall states from finite-size wavefunctions. By employing the torus geometry and the fact that the torus aspect ratio can be readily varied, we can extract the entanglement entropy of a spatial block as a continuous function of the block boundary. This approach allows us to extract the topological entanglement entropy with an accuracy superior to what is possible on the spherical or disc geometry, where no natural continuously variable parameter is available. Other than the topological information, the study of entanglement scaling is also useful as an indicator of the difficulty posed by fractional quantum Hall states for various numerical techniques.
We present an implementation of the hybridization expansion impurity solver which employs sparse matrix exact-diagonalization techniques to compute the time evolution of the local Hamiltonian. This method avoids computationally expensive matrix-matrix multiplications and becomes advantageous over the conventional implementation for models with 5 or more orbitals. In particular, this method will allow the systematic investigation of 7-orbital systems (lanthanide and actinide compounds) within single-site dynamical mean field theory. We illustrate the power and usefulness of our approach with dynamical mean field results for a 5-orbital model which captures some aspects of the physics of the iron based superconductors.
We present a detailed study of the population imbalanced three-component Hubbard chain with attractive interactions. Such a system can be realized experimentally with three different hyperfine states of ultra cold $^6$Li atoms in an optical lattice. We find that there are different phases that compete with each other in this system: A molecular superfluid phase in which the three fermion species pair up to form molecules (trions), a usual pairing phase involving two species with exactly opposite momenta, and a more exotic generalized Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase consisting of three competing pairing tendencies with different non-zero center-of-mass momenta. At large attractive interactions the system exhibits strong tendencies towards collapse and phase separation. Employing the density-matrix-renormalization-group-method (DMRG) to determine the decay exponents of the various correlators we establish the phase diagram of this model for different fillings and interactions. We also discuss the experimentally relevant situation in a trap and report the existence of an additional region where two species are dynamically balanced.
We study the field dependence of the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice by means of exact diagonalizations. In a first part, we calculate the spin-wave velocity, the spin-stiffness, and the magnetic susceptibility and thus determine the microscopic parameters of the low-energy long-wavelength description. In a second part, we present a comprehensive study of dynamical spin correlation functions for magnetic fields ranging from zero up to saturation. We find that at low fields, magnons are well defined in the whole Brillouin zone, but the dispersion is substantially modified by quantum fluctuations compared to the classical spectrum. At higher fields, decay channels open and magnons become unstable with respect to multi-magnon scattering. Our results directly apply to inelastic neutron scattering experiments.
We show that in the severe slowing down temperature regime the relaxation of antiferromagnetic rings and similar magnetic nanoclusters is governed by the quasi-continuum portion of their quadrupolar fluctuation spectrum and not by the lowest excitation lines. This is at the heart of the intriguing near-universal power-law temperature dependence of the electronic correlation frequency $omega_c$ with an exponent close to 4. The onset of this behavior is defined by an energy scale which is fixed by the lowest spin gap $Delta_0$. This explains why experimental curves of $omega_c$ for different cluster sizes and spins nearly coincide when $T$ is rescaled by $Delta_0$.
We determine dynamical response functions of the S=1/2 Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice based on large-scale exact diagonalizations combined with a continued fraction technique. The dynamical spin structure factor has important spectral weight predominantly along the boundary of the extended Brillouin zone and energy scans reveal broad response extending over a range of 2 sim 3J concomitant with pronounced intensity at lowest available energies. Dispersive features are largely absent. Dynamical singlet correlations -- which are relevant for inelastic light probes -- reveal a similar broad response, with a high intensity at low frequencies omega/J lesssim 0.2J. These low energy singlet excitations do however not seem to favor a specific valence bond crystal, but instead spread over many symmetry allowed eigenstates.
We study the physics of cold polar molecules loaded into an optical lattice in the regime of strong three-body interactions, as put forward recently by Buchler [Nature Phys. 3, 726 (2007)]. To this end quantum Monte Carlo simulations, exact diagonalization and a semiclassical approach are used to explore hardcore bosons on the two-dimensional square lattice which interact solely by long ranged three-body terms. The resulting phase diagram shows a sequence of solid and supersolid phases. Our findings are directly relevant for future experimental implementations and open a new route towards the discovery of a lattice supersolid phase in experiment.
We explore the pairing properties of the one-dimensional attractive Hubbard model in the presence of finite spin polarization. The correlation exponents for the most important fluctuations are determined as a function of the density and the polarization. We find that in a system with spin population imbalance, Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO)-type pairing at wavevector Q=|k_{F,uparrow}-k_{F,downarrow}| is always dominant and there is no Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit. We then investigate the case of weakly coupled 1D systems and determine the region of stability of the 1D FFLO phase. This picture is corroborated by density-matrix-renormalization-group (DMRG) simulations of the spatial noise correlations in uniform and trapped systems, unambiguously revealing the presence of fermion pairs with nonzero momentum Q. This opens up an interesting possibility for experimental studies of FFLO states.
We report the results of exact diagonalization studies of Hubbard models on a $4times 4$ square lattice with periodic boundary conditions and various degrees and patterns of inhomogeneity, which are represented by inequivalent hopping integrals $t$ and $t^{prime}$. We focus primarily on two patterns, the checkerboard and the striped cases, for a large range of values of the on-site repulsion $U$ and doped hole concentration, $x$. We present evidence that superconductivity is strongest for $U$ of order the bandwidth, and intermediate inhomogeneity, $0 <t^prime< t$. The maximum value of the ``pair-binding energy we have found with purely repulsive interactions is $Delta_{pb} = 0.32t$ for the checkerboard Hubbard model with $U=8t$ and $t^prime = 0.5t$. Moreover, for near optimal values, our results are insensitive to changes in boundary conditions, suggesting that the correlation length is sufficiently short that finite size effects are already unimportant.

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