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An uplink system with a single antenna transmitter and a single receiver with a large number of antennas is considered. We propose an energy-detection-based single-shot noncoherent communication scheme which does not use the instantaneous channel state information (CSI), but rather only the knowledge of the channel statistics. The suggested system uses a transmitter that modulates information on the power of the symbols, and a receiver which measures only the average energy across the antennas. We propose constellation designs which are asymptotically optimal with respect to symbol error rate (SER) with an increasing number of antennas, for any finite signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver, under different assumptions on the availability of CSI statistics (exact channel fading distribution or the first few moments of the channel fading distribution). We also consider the case of imperfect knowledge of the channel statistics and describe in detail the case when there is a bounded uncertainty on the moments of the fading distribution. We present numerical results on the SER performance achieved by these designs in typical scenarios and find that they may outperform existing noncoherent constellations, e.g., conventional Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), and pilot-based schemes, e.g., Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM). We also observe that an optimized constellation for a specific channel distribution makes it very sensitive to uncertainties in the channel statistics. In particular, constellation designs based on optimistic channel conditions could lead to significant performance degradation in terms of the achieved symbol error rates.
An encoder, subject to a rate constraint, wishes to describe a Gaussian source under squared error distortion. The decoder, besides receiving the encoders description, also observes side information consisting of uncompressed source symbol subject to slow fading and noise. The decoder knows the fading realization but the encoder knows only its distribution. The rate-distortion function that simultaneously satisfies the distortion constraints for all fading states was derived by Heegard and Berger. A layered encoding strategy is considered in which each codeword layer targets a given fading state. When the side-information channel has two discrete fading states, the expected distortion is minimized by optimally allocating the encoding rate between the two codeword layers. For multiple fading states, the minimum expected distortion is formulated as the solution of a convex optimization problem with linearly many variables and constraints. Through a limiting process on the primal and dual solutions, it is shown that single-layer rate allocation is optimal when the fading probability density function is continuous and quasiconcave (e.g., Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami, and log-normal). In particular, under Rayleigh fading, the optimal single codeword layer targets the least favorable state as if the side information was absent.
Blind Null Space Learning (BNSL) has recently been proposed for fast and accurate learning of the null-space associated with the channel matrix between a secondary transmitter and a primary receiver. In this paper we propose a channel tracking enhancement of the algorithm, namely the Blind Null Space Tracking (BNST) algorithm that allows transmission of information to the Secondary Receiver (SR) while simultaneously learning the null-space of the time-varying target channel. Specifically, the enhanced algorithm initially performs a BNSL sweep in order to acquire the null space. Then, it performs modified Jacobi rotations such that the induced interference to the primary receiver is kept lower than a given threshold $P_{Th}$ with probability $p$ while information is transmitted to the SR simultaneously. We present simulation results indicating that the proposed approach has strictly better performance over the BNSL algorithm for channels with independent Rayleigh fading with a small Doppler frequency.
The problem of joint source-channel coding in transmitting independent sources over interference channels with correlated receiver side information is studied. When each receiver has side information correlated with its own desired source, it is shown that source-channel code separation is optimal. When each receiver has side information correlated with the interfering source, sufficient conditions for reliable transmission are provided based on a joint source-channel coding scheme using the superposition encoding and partial decoding idea of Han and Kobayashi. When the receiver side information is a deterministic function of the interfering source, source-channel code separation is again shown to be optimal. As a special case, for a class of Z-interference channels, when the side information of the receiver facing interference is a deterministic function of the interfering source, necessary and sufficient conditions for reliable transmission are provided in the form of single letter expressions. As a byproduct of these joint source-channel coding results, the capacity region of a class of Z-channels with degraded message sets is also provided.
Lossy transmission over a relay channel in which the relay has access to correlated side information is considered. First, a joint source-channel decode-and-forward scheme is proposed for general discrete memoryless sources and channels. Then the Gaussian relay channel where the source and the side information are jointly Gaussian is analyzed. For this Gaussian model, several new source-channel cooperation schemes are introduced and analyzed in terms of the squared-error distortion at the destination. A comparison of the proposed upper bounds with the cut-set lower bound is given, and it is seen that joint source-channel cooperation improves the reconstruction quality significantly. Moreover, the performance of the joint code is close to the lower bound on distortion for a wide range of source and channel parameters.
We develop a framework to optimize the tradeoff between diversity, multiplexing, and delay in MIMO systems to minimize end-to-end distortion. We first focus on the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in MIMO systems, and develop analytical results to minimize distortion of a vector quantizer concatenated with a space-time MIMO channel code. In the high SNR regime we obtain a closed-form expression for the end-to-end distortion as a function of the optimal point on the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff curve. For large but finite SNR we find this optimal point via convex optimization. We then consider MIMO systems using ARQ retransmission to provide additional diversity at the expense of delay. For sources without a delay constraint, distortion is minimized by maximizing the ARQ window size. This results in an ARQ-enhanced multiplexing-diversity tradeoff region, with distortion minimized over this region in the same manner as without ARQ. Under a source delay constraint the problem formulation changes to account for delay distortion associated with random message arrival and random ARQ completion times. We use a dynamic programming formulation to capture the channel diversity-multiplexing tradeoff at finite SNR as well as the random arrival and retransmission dynamics; we solve for the optimal multiplexing-diversity-delay tradeoff to minimize end-to-end distortion associated with the source encoder, channel, and ARQ retransmissions. Our results show that a delay-sensitive system should adapt its operating point on the diversity-multiplexing-delay tradeoff region to the system dynamics. We provide numerical results that demonstrate significant performance gains of this adaptive policy over a static allocation of diversity/multiplexing in the channel code and a static ARQ window size.
A game-theoretic framework is used to study the effect of constellation size on the energy efficiency of wireless networks for M-QAM modulation. A non-cooperative game is proposed in which each user seeks to choose its transmit power (and possibly transmit symbol rate) as well as the constellation size in order to maximize its own utility while satisfying its delay quality-of-service (QoS) constraint. The utility function used here measures the number of reliable bits transmitted per joule of energy consumed, and is particularly suitable for energy-constrained networks. The best-response strategies and Nash equilibrium solution for the proposed game are derived. It is shown that in order to maximize its utility (in bits per joule), a user must choose the lowest constellation size that can accommodate the users delay constraint. This strategy is different from one that would maximize spectral efficiency. Using this framework, the tradeoffs among energy efficiency, delay, throughput and constellation size are also studied and quantified. In addition, the effect of trellis-coded modulation on energy efficiency is discussed.
A game-theoretic framework is used to study the effect of constellation size on the energy efficiency of wireless networks for M-QAM modulation. A non-cooperative game is proposed in which each user seeks to choose its transmit power (and possibly transmit symbol rate) as well as the constellation size in order to maximize its own utility while satisfying its delay quality-of-service (QoS) constraint. The utility function used here measures the number of reliable bits transmitted per joule of energy consumed, and is particularly suitable for energy-constrained networks. The best-response strategies and Nash equilibrium solution for the proposed game are derived. It is shown that in order to maximize its utility (in bits per joule), a user must choose the lowest constellation size that can accommodate the users delay constraint. Using this framework, the tradeoffs among energy efficiency, delay, throughput and constellation size are also studied and quantified. The effect of trellis-coded modulation on energy efficiency is also discussed.
Capacity improvement from transmitter and receiver cooperation is investigated in a two-transmitter, two-receiver network with phase fading and full channel state information available at all terminals. The transmitters cooperate by first exchanging messages over an orthogonal transmitter cooperation channel, then encoding jointly with dirty paper coding. The receivers cooperate by using Wyner-Ziv compress-and-forward over an analogous orthogonal receiver cooperation channel. To account for the cost of cooperation, the allocation of network power and bandwidth among the data and cooperation channels is studied. It is shown that transmitter cooperation outperforms receiver cooperation and improves capacity over non-cooperative transmission under most operating conditions when the cooperation channel is strong. However, a weak cooperation channel limits the transmitter cooperation rate; in this case receiver cooperation is more advantageous. Transmitter-and-receiver cooperation offers sizable additional capacity gain over transmitter-only cooperation at low SNR, whereas at high SNR transmitter cooperation alone captures most of the cooperative capacity improvement.
A transmitter without channel state information (CSI) wishes to send a delay-limited Gaussian source over a slowly fading channel. The source is coded in superimposed layers, with each layer successively refining the description in the previous one. The receiver decodes the layers that are supported by the channel realization and reconstructs the source up to a distortion. In the limit of a continuum of infinite layers, the optimal power distribution that minimizes the expected distortion is given by the solution to a set of linear differential equations in terms of the density of the fading distribution. In the optimal power distribution, as SNR increases, the allocation over the higher layers remains unchanged; rather the extra power is allocated towards the lower layers. On the other hand, as the bandwidth ratio b (channel uses per source symbol) tends to zero, the power distribution that minimizes expected distortion converges to the power distribution that maximizes expected capacity. While expected distortion can be improved by acquiring CSI at the transmitter (CSIT) or by increasing diversity from the realization of independent fading paths, at high SNR the performance benefit from diversity exceeds that from CSIT, especially when b is large.

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