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We are motivated by the recently reported dynamical evidence of stars with short orbital periods moving around the center of the Milky Way and the corresponding hypothesis about the existence of a supermassive black hole hosted at its center. In this paper we show how the mass and rotation parameters of a Kerr black hole (assuming that the putative supermassive black hole is of this type), as well as the distance that separates the black hole from the Earth, can be estimated in a relativistic way in terms of i) the red and blue shifts of photons that are emitted by geodesic massive particles (stars and galactic gas) and travel along null geodesics towards a distant observer, and ii) the radius of these star/gas orbits. As a concrete example and as a first step towards a full relativistic analysis of the above mentioned star orbits around the center of our galaxy, we consider stable equatorial circular orbits of stars and express their corresponding red/blue shifts in terms of the metric parameters (mass and angular momentum per unit mass) and the orbital radii of both the emitter star (and/or galactic gas) and the distant observer. In principle, these expressions allow one to statistically estimate the mass and rotation parameters of the Kerr black hole, and the radius of our orbit, through a Bayesian fitting, i.e., with the aid of observational data: the red/blue shifts measured at certain points of stars orbits and their radii, with their respective errors, a task that we hope to perform in the near future. We also point to several astrophysical phenomena, like accretion discs of rotating black holes, binary systems and active galactic nuclei, among others, to which this formalism can be applied.
Braneworld models may yield interesting effects ranging from high-energy physics to cosmology, or even some low-energy physics. Their mode structure modifies standard results in these physical realms that can be tested and used to set bounds on the models parameters. Now, to define braneworld deviations from standard 4D physics, a notion of matter and gravity localization on the brane is crucial. In this work we investigate the localization of universal massive scalar fields in a de Sitter thick tachyonic braneworld generated by gravity coupled to a tachyonic bulk scalar field. This braneworld possesses a 4D de Sitter induced metric and is asymptotically flat despite the presence of a negative bulk cosmological constant, a novel and interesting peculiarity that contrasts with previously known models. Universal scalar fields can be localized in this expanding braneworld if their bulk mass obeys an upper bound, otherwise they delocalize: The dynamics of the scalar field is governed by a Schroedinger equation with an analog quantum mechanical potential of modified Poeschl-Teller type that depends on the bulk curvature of the braneworld system and the value of the bulk scalar field mass. For masses satisfying a certain upper bound, the potential displays a negative minimum and possesses a single massless bound state separated from the Kaluza-Klein (KK) massive modes by a mass gap defined by the Hubble (expansion scale) parameter of the 3-brane. As the bulk scalar field mass increases, the minimum of the quantum mechanical potential approaches a null value and, eventually, it becomes positive, transforming into a potential barrier and leading to delocalization of the bulk scalar field from the brane. The general solution of the Schroedinger equation is given in terms of general Heun functions, giving rise to a new application of these special functions.
We consider a scalar thick brane configuration arising in a 5D theory of gravity coupled to a self-interacting scalar field in a Riemannian manifold. We start from known classical solutions of the corresponding field equations and elaborate on the physics of the transverse traceless modes of linear fluctuations of the classical background, which obey a Schroedinger-like equation. We further consider two special cases in which this equation can be solved analytically for any massive mode with m^2>0, in contrast with numerical approaches, allowing us to study in closed form the massive spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations and to compute the corrections to Newtons law in the thin brane limit. In the first case we consider a solution with a mass gap in the spectrum of KK fluctuations with two bound states - the massless 4D graviton free of tachyonic instabilities and a massive KK excitation - as well as a tower of continuous massive KK modes which obey a Legendre equation. The mass gap is defined by the inverse of the brane thickness, allowing us to get rid of the potentially dangerous multiplicity of arbitrarily light KK modes. It is shown that due to this lucky circumstance, the solution of the mass hierarchy problem is much simpler and transparent than in the (thin) Randall-Sundrum (RS) two-brane configuration. In the second case we present a smooth version of the RS model with a single massless bound state, which accounts for the 4D graviton, and a sector of continuous fluctuation modes with no mass gap, which obey a confluent Heun equation in the Ince limit. (The latter seems to have physical applications for the first time within braneworld models). For this solution the mass hierarchy problem is solved as in the Lykken-Randall model and the model is completely free of naked singularities.
In this work we show that universal gauge vector fields can be localized on the recently proposed 5D thick tachyonic braneworld which involves a de Sitter cosmological background induced on the 3-brane. Namely, by performing a suitable decomposition of the vector field, the resulting 4D effective action corresponds to a massive gauge field, while the profile along the extra dimension obeys a Schroedinger-like equation with a Poeschl-Teller potential. It turns out that the massless zero mode of the gauge field is bound to the expanding 3-brane and allows us to recover the standard 4D electromagnetic phenomena of our world. Moreover, this zero mode is separated from the continuum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes by a mass gap determined by the scale of the expansion parameter. We also were able to analytically solve the corresponding Schroedinger-like equation for arbitrary mass, showing that KK massive modes asymptotically behave like plane waves as expected.
In this work we study a scenario with a warped 5D smooth braneworld with 4D Minkowski geometry builded from bulk scalar matter non-minimally coupled to gravity with an additional Gauss-Bonnet term. We present exact solutions for the full braneworld configuration in contrast to previous results where only approximate solutions were constructed due to the highly non-linear character of the relevant differential equations. These solutions allow us to study the necessary conditions for the finiteness of the 4D Planck mass and additionally, enables us to perform a more rigorous analysis of 4D gravity localization compared to approximate approaches. It is remarkable that all the constructed braneworld configurations lead to standard 4D gravity localization since they contain a localized massless tensor mode (the graviton). We also analyze the localization properties of scalar, vector and tensor fluctuation modes for the constructed field configurations. We show that for the considered backgrounds, only the massless tensor mode, i.e. the 4D graviton, is localized on the brane, while the vector and scalar modes are not confined to the brane.
Among the multiple 5D thick braneworld models that have been proposed in the last years, in order to address several open problems in modern physics, there is a specific one involving a tachyonic bulk scalar field. Delving into this framework, a thick braneworld with a cosmological background induced on the brane is here investigated. The respective field equations --- derived from the model with a warped 5D geometry --- are highly non-linear equations, admitting a non-trivial solution for the warp factor and the tachyon scalar field as well, in a de Sitter 4D cosmological background. Moreover, the non-linear tachyonic scalar field, that generates the brane in complicity with warped gravity, has the form of a kink-like configuration. Notwithstanding, the non-linear field equations restricting character does not allow one to easily find thick brane solutions with a decaying warp factor which leads to the localization of 4D gravity and other matter fields. We derive such a thick brane configuration altogether in this tachyon-gravity setup. When analyzing the spectrum of gravity fluctuations in the transverse traceless sector, the 4D gravity is shown to be localized due to the presence of a {it single} zero mode bound state, separated by a continuum of massive Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes by a mass gap. It contrasts with previous results, where there is a KK massive bound excitation providing no clear physical interpretation. The mass gap is determined by the scale of the metric parameter $H$. Finally, the corrections to Newtons law in this model are computed and shown to decay exponentially. It is in full compliance to corrections reported in previous results (up to a constant factor) within similar braneworlds with induced 4D de Sitter metric, despite the fact that the warp factor and the massive modes have a different form.
We study a smooth cosmological solution within a generalized 5D standing wave braneworld modeled by gravity and a phantom scalar field. In this model the 3-brane is anisotropically warped along its spatial dimensions and contains a novel time-dependent scale factor that multiplies the anisotropic spatial interval of the 5D metric, a fact that allows us to study cosmological effects. By explicitly solving the bulk field equations we found a natural mechanism which isotropizes the braneworld for a wide class of natural initial conditions. We are able to give a physical interpretation of the anisotropic dissipation: as the anisotropic energy of the 3-brane rapidly leaks into the bulk through the nontrivial components of the projected to the brane non-local Weyl tensor, the bulk becomes less isotropic. At the same time, under the action of the 4D cosmological constant, the anisotropic braneworld super-exponentially isotropizes by itself, rendering a 3-brane with de Sitter symmetry embedded in a 5D de Sitter space-time, while the phantom scalar field exponentially vanishes.

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