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We investigate the possibility of exactly flat non-trivial Chern bands in tight binding models with local (strictly short-ranged) hopping parameters. We demonstrate that while any two of three criteria can be simultaneously realized (exactly flat band, non-zero Chern number, local hopping), it is not possible to simultaneously satisfy all three. Our theorem covers both the case of a single flat band, for which we give a rather elementary proof, as well as the case of multiple degenerate flat bands. In the latter case, our result is obtained as an application of $K$-theory. We also introduce a class of models on the Lieb lattice with nearest and next-nearest neighbor hopping parameters, which have an isolated exactly flat band of zero Chern number but, in general, non-zero Berry curvature.
We study the thin torus limit of the Haldane-Rezayi state. Eight of the ten ground states are found to assume a simple product form in this limit, as is known to be the case for many other quantum Hall trial wave functions. The two remaining states have a somewhat unusual thin torus limit, where a broken pair of defects forming a singlet is completely delocalized. We derive these limits from the wave functions on the cylinder, and deduce the dominant matrix elements of the thin torus hollow-core Hamiltonians. We find that there are gapless excitations in the thin torus limit. This is in agreement with the expectation that local Hamiltonians stabilizing wave functions associated with non-unitary conformal field theories are gapless. We also use the thin torus analysis to obtain explicit counting formulas for the zero modes of the hollow-core Hamiltonian on the torus, as well as for the parent Hamiltonians of several other paired and related quantum Hall states.
94 - Alexander Seidel 2010
Using the modular invariance of the torus, constraints on the 1D patterns are derived that are associated with various fractional quantum Hall ground states, e.g. through the thin torus limit. In the simplest case, these constraints enforce the well known odd-denominator rule, which is seen to be a necessary property of all 1D patterns associated to quantum Hall states with minimum torus degeneracy. However, the same constraints also have implications for the non-Abelian states possible within this framework. In simple cases, including the $ u=1$ Moore-Read state and the $ u=3/2$ level 3 Read-Rezayi state, the filling factor and the torus degeneracy uniquely specify the possible patterns, and thus all physical properties that are encoded in them. It is also shown that some states, such as the strong p-wave pairing state, cannot in principle be described through patterns.
105 - Alexander Seidel , Kun Yang 2009
We calculate the electron spectral functions at the edges of the Moore-Read Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian fractional quantum Hall states, in the clean limit. We show that their qualitative differences can be probed using momentum resolved tunneling, thus providing a method to unambiguously distinguish which one is realized in the fractional quantum Hall state observed at filling factor $ u=5/2$. We further argue that edge reconstruction, which may be less important in the first excited Landau level (LL) than in the lowest LL, can also be detected this way if present.
117 - Alexander Seidel 2009
A class of local SU(2)-invariant spin-1/2 Hamiltonians is studied that has ground states within the space of nearest neighbor valence bond states on the kagome lattice. Cases include generalized Klein models without obvious non-valence bond ground states, as well as a resonating-valence-bond Hamiltonian whose unique ground states within the nearest neighbor valence bond space are four topologically degenerate Sutherland-Rokhsar-Kivelson (SRK) type wavefunctions, which are expected to describe a gapped $mathbb{Z}_2$ spin liquid. The proof of this uniqueness is intimately related to the linear independence of the nearest neighbor valence bond states on quite general and arbitrarily large kagome lattices, which is also established in this work. It is argued that the SRK ground states are also unique within the entire Hilbert space, depending on properties of the generalized Klein models. Applications of the strategies developed in this work to other lattice types are also discussed.
57 - Alexander Seidel 2008
Recent work has shown that the low energy sector of certain quantum Hall states is adiabatically connected to simple charge-density-wave patterns that appear, e.g., when the system is deformed into a thin torus. Here it is shown that the patterns emerging in this limit already determine the non-abelian statistics of the $ u=1$ Moore-Read state. Aside from the knowledge of these patterns, the method only relies on the principle of adiabatic continuity, the effectively noncommutative geometry in a strong magnetic field, and topological as well as locality arguments.
The Halperin $(m,m,n)$ bilayer quantum Hall states are studied on thin cylinders. In this limit, charge density wave patterns emerge that are characteristic of the underlying quantum Hall state. The general patterns are worked out from a variant of the plasma analogy. Torus degeneracies are recovered, and for some important special cases a connection to well-known spin chain physics is made. By including interlayer tunneling, we also work out the critical behavior of a possible phase transition between the $(331)$ state and the non-abelian Moore-Read state in the thin cylinder limit.

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