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The Minkowski spacetime quantum Clifford algebra structure associated with the conformal group and the Clifford-Hopf alternative k-deformed quantum Poincare algebra is investigated in the Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro mod 8 theorem context. The resulting algebra is equivalent to the deformed anti-de Sitter algebra U_q(so(3,2)), when the associated Clifford-Hopf algebra is taken into account, together with the associated quantum Clifford algebra and a (not braided) deformation of the periodicity Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro theorem.
We suggest a perturbative approach for generic choices for the universe equation of state and introduce a novel framework for studying mass varying neutrinos (MaVaNs) coupled to the dark sector. For concreteness, we examine the coupling between neutrinos and the underlying scalar field associated with the generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG), a unification model for dark energy and dark matter. It is shown that the application of a perturbative approach to MaVaN mechanisms translates into a constraint on the coefficient of a linear perturbation, which depends on the ratio between a neutrino energy dependent term and scalar field potential terms. We quantify the effects on the MaVaN sector by considering neutrino masses generated by the seesaw mechanism. After setting the GCG parameters in agreement with general cosmological constraints, we find that the squared speed of sound in the neutrino-scalar GCG fluid is naturally positive. In this scenario, the model stability depends on previously set up parameters associated with the equation of state of the universe. Our results suggest that the GCG is a particularly suitable candidate for constructing a stable MaVaN scenario.
161 - Alex E. Bernardini 2008
The general and explicit relation between the phase time and the dwell time for quantum tunneling of a relativistically propagating particle is investigated and quantified. In analogy with previously obtained non-relativistic results, it is shown that the group delay can be described in terms of the dwell time and a self-interference delay. Lessons concerning the phenomenology of the relativistic tunneling are drawn.
91 - Alex E. Bernardini 2008
The transit times are obtained for a symmetrized (two identical bosons) and an antisymmetrized (two identical fermions) quantum colliding configuration. Considering two identical particles symmetrically impinging on a one-dimensional barrier, we demonstrate that the phase time and the dwell time give connected results where, however, the exact position of the scattered particles is explicitly determined by the phase time (group delay). For the antisymmetrized wave function configuration, an unusual effect of {em accelerated} transmission is clearly identified in a simultaneous tunneling of two identical fermions.
124 - Alex E. Bernardini 2008
We obtain the solutions for the tunneling zone of a one-dimensional electrostatic potential in the relativistic (Dirac to Klein-Gordon) wave equation regime when the incoming wave packet exhibits the possibility of being almost totally transmitted through the potential barrier. The conditions for the occurrence of accelerated and, eventually, superluminal tunneling transmission probabilities are all quantified and the problematic superluminal interpretation originated from the study based on non-relativistic dynamics of tunneling is overcome. The treatment of the problem suggests revealing insights into condensed-matter experiments using electrostatic barriers in single- and bi-layer graphene, for which the accelerated tunneling effect deserves a more careful investigation.
The Standard Model extension with additional Lorentz violating terms allows for redefining the equation of motion of a propagating left-handed fermionic particle. The obtained Dirac-type equation can be embedded in a generalized Lorentz-invariance preserving-algebra through the definition of Lorentz algebra-like generators with a light-like preferred axis. The resulting modification to the fermionic equation of motion introduces some novel ingredients to the phenomenological analysis of the cross section of the tritium $beta$-decay. Assuming lepton number conservation, our formalism provides a natural explanation for the tritium $beta$-decay end-point via an effective neutrino mass term without the need of a sterile right-handed state.
84 - Alex E. Bernardini 2008
We study the tunneling zone solutions of a one-dimensional electrostatic potential for the relativistic (Dirac to Klein-Gordon) wave equation when the incoming wave packet exhibits the possibility of being almost totally transmitted through the barrier. The transmission probabilities, the phase times and the dwell times for the proposed relativistic dynamics are obtained and the conditions for the occurrence of accelerated tunneling transmission are all quantified. We show that, in some limiting cases, the analytical difficulties that arise when the stationary phase method is employed for obtaining phase (traversal) tunneling times are all overcome. Lessons concerning the phenomenology of the relativistic tunneling suggest revealing insights into condensed-matter experiments using electrostatic barriers for which the accelerated tunneling effect can be observed.
93 - Alex E. Bernardini 2008
Using a generalized procedure for obtaining the equation of motion of a propagating fermionic particle, we examine previous claims for a lightlike preferred axis embedded in the framework of Lorentz-invariance violation with preserved algebra. In a high energy scale, the corresponding equation of motion is reduced to a conserving lepton number chiral (VSR) equation, and in a low energy scale, the Dirac equation for a free is recovered. The new dynamics introduces some novel ingredients (modified cross section) to the phenomenology of the tritium beta decay end-point.
154 - Alex E. Bernardini 2008
The stationary phase method is often employed for computing tunneling {em phase} times of analytically-continuous {em gaussian} or infinite-bandwidth step pulses which collide with a potential barrier. The indiscriminate utilization of this method without considering the barrier boundary effects leads to some misconceptions in the interpretation of the phase times. After reexamining the above barrier diffusion problem where we notice the wave packet collision necessarily leads to the possibility of multiple reflected and transmitted wave packets, we study the phase times for tunneling/reflecting particles in a framework where an idea of multiple wave packet decomposition is recovered. To partially overcome the analytical incongruities which rise up when tunneling phase time expressions are obtained, we present a theoretical exercise involving a symmetrical collision between two identical wave packets and a one dimensional squared potential barrier where the scattered wave packets can be recomposed by summing the amplitudes of simultaneously reflected and transmitted waves.

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