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Cosmological constraints are usually derived under the assumption of a $6$ parameters $Lambda$-CDM theoretical framework or simple one-parameter extensions. In this paper we present, for the first time, cosmological constraints in a significantly extended scenario, varying up to $12$ cosmological parameters simultaneously, including the sum of neutrino masses, the neutrino effective number, the dark energy equation of state, the gravitational waves background and the running of the spectral index of primordial perturbations. Using the latest Planck 2015 data release (with polarization) we found no significant indication for extensions to the standard $Lambda$-CDM scenario, with the notable exception of the angular power spectrum lensing amplitude, $A_{rm lens}$ that is larger than the expected value at more than two standard deviations even when combining the Planck data with BAO and supernovae type Ia external datasets. In our extended cosmological framework, we find that a combined Planck+BAO analysis constrains the value of the r.m.s. density fluctuation parameter to $sigma_8=0.781_{-0.063}^{+0.065}$ at $95 %$ c.l., helping to relieve the possible tensions with the CFHTlenS cosmic shear survey. We also find a lower value for the reionization optical depth $tau=0.058_{-0.043}^{+0.040}$ at $95$ % c.l. respect to the one derived under the assumption of $Lambda$-CDM. The scalar spectral index $n_S$ is now compatible with a Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum to within $2.5$ standard deviations. Combining the Planck dataset with the HST prior on the Hubble constant provides a value for the equation of state $w < -1$ at more than two standard deviations while the neutrino effective number is fully compatible with the expectations of the standard three neutrino framework.
The recent measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies provided by the Planck satellite experiment have significantly improved the constraints on several cosmological parameters. In this brief paper we point out a small but interesting tension present between recent values of the primordial deuterium measured from quasar absorption line systems and the same value inferred, albeit indirectly, from the Planck measurements assuming {Lambda}CDM and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. Here we discuss this tension in detail investigating the possible new physics that could be responsible for the tension. We found that, among 8 extra parameters, only an anomalous lensing component and a closed universe could change the Planck constraint towards a better consistency with direct deuterium measurements.
The recent Cosmic Microwave Background data from the Planck satellite experiment, when combined with HST determinations of the Hubble constant, are compatible with a larger, non-standard, number of relativistic degrees of freedom at recombination, parametrized by the neutrino effective number $N_{eff}$. In the curvaton scenario, a larger value for $N_{eff}$ could arise from a non-zero neutrino chemical potential connected to residual neutrino isocurvature density (NID) perturbations after the decay of the curvaton field, parametrized by the amplitude $alpha^{NID}$. Here we present new constraints on $N_{eff}$ and $alpha^{NID}$ from an analysis of recent cosmological data. We found that the Planck+WP dataset does not show any indication for a neutrino isocurvature component, severly constraining its amplitude, and that current indications for a non-standard $N_{eff}$ are further relaxed.
Recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) results from the Planck satellite, combined with previous CMB data and Hubble constant measurements from the Hubble Space Telescope, provide a constraint on the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom of Neff=3.62^{+0.50}_{-0.48} at 95% CL. These new measurements provide a unique opportunity to place limits on models containing relativistic species at the decoupling epoch. Here we review the bounds or the allowed parameter regions in sterile neutrino models, hadronic axion models as well as on extended dark sectors with additional light species based on the latest Planck CMB observations.
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) have recently provided new and precise measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy damping tail. This region of the CMB angular spectra, thanks to the angular distortions produced by gravitational lensing, can probe the growth of matter perturbations and provide a test for general relativity. Here we make use of the ACT and SPT power spectrum measurements (combined with the recent WMAP9 data) to constrain f(R) gravity theories. Adopting a parametrized approach, we obtain an upper limit on the lengthscale of the theory of B_0 < 0.86 at 95% c.l. from ACT, while we get a significantly stronger bound from SPT with B_0 < 0.14 at 95% c.l..
Coupled cosmologies can predict values for the cosmological parameters at low redshifts which may differ substantially from the parameters values within non-interacting cosmologies. Therefore, low redshift probes, as the growth of structure and the dark matter distribution via galaxy and weak lensing surveys constitute a unique tool to constrain interacting dark sector models. We focus here on weak lensing forecasts from future Euclid and LSST-like surveys combined with the ongoing Planck cosmic microwave background experiment. We find that these future data could constrain the dimensionless coupling to be smaller than a few $times 10^{-2}$. The coupling parameter $xi$ is strongly degenerate with the cold dark matter energy density $Omega_{c}h^2$ and the Hubble constant $H_0$.These degeneracies may cause important biases in the cosmological parameter values if in the universe there exists an interaction among the dark matter and dark energy sectors.
Current cosmic microwave background (CMB) bounds on the sum of the neutrino masses assume a sudden reionization scenario described by a single parameter that determines the onset of reionization. We investigate the bounds on the neutrino mass in a more general reionization scenario based on a principal component approach. We found the constraint on the sum of the neutrino masses from CMB data can be relaxed by a $sim$40% in a generalized reionization scenario. Moreover, the amplitude of the r.m.s. mass fluctuations $sigma_8$ is also considerably lower providing a better consistency with a low amplitude of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal.
We present new constraints on cosmic variations of Newtons gravitational constant by making use of the latest CMB data from WMAP, BOOMERANG, CBI and ACBAR experiments and independent constraints coming from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We found that current CMB data provide constraints at the 10% level, that can be improved to 3% by including BBN data. We show that future data expected from the Planck satellite could constrain G at the 1.5% level while an ultimate, cosmic variance limited, CMB experiment could reach a precision of about 0.4%, competitive with current laboratory measurements.
Light sterile neutrinos might mix with the active ones and be copiously produced in the early Universe. In the present paper, a detailed multi-flavor analysis of sterile neutrino production is performed. Making some justified approximations allows us to consider not only neutrino interactions with the primeval medium and neutrino coherence breaking effects, but also oscillation effects arising from the presence of three light (mostly-active) neutrino states mixed with two heavier (mostly-sterile) states. First, we emphasize the underlying physics via an analytical description of sterile neutrino abundances that is valid for cases with small mixing between active and sterile neutrinos. Then, we study in detail the phenomenology of (3+2) sterile neutrino models in light of short-baseline oscillation data, including the LSND and MiniBooNE results. Finally, by using the information provided by this analysis, we obtain the expected sterile neutrino cosmological abundances and then contrast them with the most recent available data from Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure observations. We conclude that (3+2) models are significantly more disfavored by the internal inconsistencies between sterile neutrino interpretations of appearance and disappearance short-baseline data themselves, rather than by the used cosmological data.
WMAP observations have accurately determined the position of the first two peaks and dips in the CMB temperature power spectrum. These encode information on the ratio of the distance to the last scattering surface to the sound horizon at decoupling. However pre-recombination processes can contaminate this distance information. In order to assess the amplitude of these effects we use the WMAP data and evaluate the relative differences of the CMB peaks and dips multipoles. We find that the position of the first peak is largely displaced with the respect to the expected position of the sound horizon scale at decoupling. In contrast the relative spacings of the higher extrema are statistically consistent with those expected from perfect harmonic oscillations. This provides evidence for a scale dependent phase shift of the CMB oscillations which is caused by gravitational driving forces affecting the propagation of sound waves before recombination. By accounting for these effects we have performed a MCMC likelihood analysis to constrain in combination with recent BAO data a constant dark energy equation w. For a flat universe we find at 95% upper limit w<-1.10, and including the HST prior w<-1.14, which are only marginally consistent with limits derived from the supernova SNLS sample. Larger limits are obtained for non-flat cosmologies. From the full CMB likelihood analysis we also estimate the values of the shift parameter R and the multipole l_a of the acoustic horizon at decoupling for several cosmologies to test their dependence on model assumptions. Although the analysis of the full CMB spectra should be always preferred, using the position of the CMB peaks and dips provide a simple and consistent method for combining CMB constraints with other datasets.

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