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The possibility to compute nucleon electromagnetic form factors in the time-like region by analytic continuation of their space-like expressions has been explored in the framework of the Skyrme model. We have developed a procedure to solve analytically Fourier transforms of the nucleon electromagnetic current and hence to obtain form factors defined in all kinematical regions and fulfilling the first-principles requirements. The results are discussed and compared to data, both in space-like and time-like region.
A study of the horn in the particle ratio $K^+/pi^+$ for central heavy-ion collisions as a function of the collision energy $sqrt{s}$ is presented. We analyse two different interpretations: the onset of deconfinement and the transition from a baryon- to a meson-dominated hadron gas. We use a realistic equation of state (EOS), which includes both hadron and quark degrees-of-freedom. The Taub-adiabate procedure is followed to determine the system at the early stage. Our results do not support an explanation of the horn as due to the onset of deconfinement. Using only hadronic EOS we reproduced the energy dependence of the $K^+/pi^+$ and $Lambda/pi^-$ ratios employing an experimental parametrisation of the freeze-out curve. We observe a transition between a baryon- and a meson-dominated regime; however, the reproduction of the $K^+/pi^+$ and $Lambda/pi^-$ ratios as a function of $sqrt{s}$ is not completely satisfying. We finally propose a new idea for the interpretation of the data, the roll-over scheme, in which the scalar meson field $sigma$ has not reached the thermal equilibrium at freeze-out. The rool-over scheme for the equilibration of the $sigma$-field is based on the inflation mechanism. The non-equilibrium evolution of the scalar field influences the particle production, e.g. $K^+/pi^+$, however, the fixing of the free parameters in this model is still an open issue.
The recent measurement of two solar mass pulsars has initiated an intense discussion on its impact on our understanding of the high-density matter in the cores of neutron stars. A task force meeting was held from October 7-10, 2013 at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies to address the presence of quark matter in these massive stars. During this meeting, the recent oservational astrophysical data and heavy-ion data was reviewed. The possibility of pure quark stars, hybrid stars and the nature of the QCD phase transition were discussed and their observational signals delineated.
We present a model for describing nuclear matter at finite density based on quarks interacting with chiral fields, sigma and pi and with vector mesons introduced as massive gauge fields. The chiral Lagrangian includes a logarithmic potential, associated with the breaking of scale invariance. We provide results for the soliton in vacuum and at finite density, using the Wigner-Seitz approximation. We show that the model can reach higher densities respect to the linear-sigma model and that the introduction of vector mesons allows to obtain saturation. This result was never obtained before in similar approaches.
We discuss new limits on masses and radii of compact stars and we conclude that they can be interpreted as an indication of the existence of two classes of stars: normal compact stars and ultra-compact stars. We estimate the critical mass at which the first configuration collapses into the second.
In millisecond pulsars the existence of the Coriolis force allows the development of the so-called Rossby oscillations (r-modes) which are know to be unstable to emission of gravitational waves. These instabilities are mainly damped by the viscosity of the star or by the existence of a strong magnetic field. A fraction of the observed millisecond pulsars are known to be inside Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs), systems in which a neutron star (or a black hole) is accreting from a donor whose mass is smaller than 1 $M_odot$. Here we show that the r-mode instabilities can generate strong toroidal magnetic fields by inducing differential rotation. In this way we also provide an alternative scenario for the origin of the magnetars.
We describe possible scenarios of quark deconfinement in compact stars and we analyze their astrophysical implications. The quark deconfinement process can proceed rapidly, as a strong deflagration, releasing a huge amount of energy in a short time and generating an extra neutrino burst. If energy is transferred efficiently to the surface, like e.g. in the presence of convective instabilities, this burst could contribute to revitalize a partially failed SN explosion. We discuss how the neutrino observations from SN1987A would fit in this scenario. Finally, we focus on the fate of massive and rapidly rotating progenitors, discussing possible time separations between the moment of the core collapse and the moment of quark deconfinement. This mechanism can be at the basis of the interpretation of gamma ray bursts in which lines associated with heavy elements are present in the spectrum.

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