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In this paper, we develop differential twisted K-theory and define a twisted Chern character on twisted K-theory which depends on a choice of connection and curving on the twisting gerbe. We also establish the general Riemann-Roch theorem in twisted K-theory and find some applications in the study of twisted K-theory of compact simple Lie groups.
Recently, examples of an index theory for KMS states of circle actions were discovered, cite{CPR2,CRT}. We show that these examples are not isolated. Rather there is a general framework in which we use KMS states for circle actions on a C*-algebra A to construct Kasparov modules and semifinite spectral triples. By using a residue construction analogous to that used in the semifinite local index formula we associate to these triples a twisted cyclic cocycle on a dense subalgebra of A. This cocycle pairs with the equivariant KK-theory of the mapping cone algebra for the inclusion of the fixed point algebra of the circle action in A. The pairing is expressed in terms of spectral flow between a pair of unbounded self adjoint operators that are Fredholm in the semifinite sense. A novel aspect of our work is the discovery of an eta cocycle that forms a part of our twisted residue cocycle. To illustrate our theorems we observe firstly that they incorporate the results in cite{CPR2,CRT} as special cases. Next we use the Araki-Woods III_lambda representations of the Fermion algebra to show that there are examples which are not Cuntz-Krieger systems.

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