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We report the discovery of significant localized structures in the projected two-dimensional (2D) spatial distributions of the Globular Cluster (GC) systems of the ten brightest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. We use catalogs of GCs extracted from the HST ACS Virgo Cluster Survey (ACSVCS) imaging data, complemented, when available, by additional archival ACS data. These structures have projected sizes ranging from $sim!5$ arcsec to few arc-minutes ($sim!1$ to $sim!25$ kpc). Their morphologies range from localized, circular, to coherent, complex shapes resembling arcs and streams. The largest structures are preferentially aligned with the major axis of the host galaxy. A few relatively smaller structures follow the minor axis. Differences in the shape and significance of the GC structures can be noticed by investigating the spatial distribution of GCs grouped by color and luminosity. The largest coherent GC structures are located in low-density regions within the Virgo cluster. This trend is more evident in the red GC population, believed to form in mergers involving late-type galaxies. We suggest that GC over-densities may be driven by either accretion of satellite galaxies, major dissipationless mergers or wet dissipation mergers. We discuss caveats to these scenarios, and estimate the masses of the potential progenitors galaxies. These masses range in the interval $10^{8.5}!-!10^{9.5}$ solar masses, larger than those of the Local Group dwarf galaxies.
We report on simultaneous observations of the local starburst system Arp 299 with NuSTAR and Chandra, which provides the first resolved images of this galaxy up to energies of ~ 45 keV. Fitting the 3-40 keV spectrum reveals a column density of $N_{rm H}$ ~ 4 x10^{24} cm^{-2}, characteristic of a Compton-thick AGN, and a 10-30 keV luminosity of 1.2x 10^{43} ergs s^{-1}. The hard X-rays detected by NuSTAR above 10 keV are centered on the western nucleus, Arp 299-B, which previous X-ray observations have shown to be the primary source of neutral Fe-K emission. Other X-ray sources, including Arp 299-A, the eastern nucleus which is also thought to harbor an AGN, as well as X-ray binaries, contribute $lesssim 10%$ to the 10-20 keV emission from the Arp 299 system. The lack of significant emission above 10 keV other than that attributed to Arp 299-B suggests that: a) any AGN in Arp 299-A must be heavily obscured ($N_{rm H}$ > 10^{24} cm^{-2}) or have a much lower luminosity than Arp 299-B and b) the extranuclear X-ray binaries have spectra that cut-off above ~10 keV. Such soft spectra are characteristic of ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) sources observed to date by NuSTAR.
We present new, deep Chandra X-ray and Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope 610~MHz observations of the spiral-galaxy-rich compact group HCG 16, which we use to examine nuclear activity, star formation and the high luminosity X-ray binary populations in the major galaxies. We confirm the presence of obscured active nuclei in NGC 833 and NGC 835, and identify a previously unrecognized nuclear source in NGC 838. All three nuclei are variable on timescales of months to years, and for NGC 833 and NGC 835 this is most likely caused by changes in accretion rate. The deep Chandra observations allow us to detect for the first time an Fe-K$alpha$ emission line in the spectrum of the Seyfert 2 nucleus of NGC 835. We find that NGC 838 and NGC 839 are both starburst-dominated systems, with only weak nuclear activity, in agreement with previous optical studies. We estimate the star formation rates in the two galaxies from their X-ray and radio emission, and compare these results with estimates from the infra-red and ultra-violet bands to confirm that star formation in both galaxies is probably declining after galaxy-wide starbursts were triggered ~400-500 Myr ago. We examine the physical properties of their galactic superwinds, and find that both have temperatures of ~0.8 keV. We also examine the X-ray and radio properties of NGC 848, the fifth largest galaxy in the group, and show that it is dominated by emission from its starburst.
We present direct constraints on how the formation of low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) populations in galactic fields depends on stellar age. In this pilot study, we utilize Chandra and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data to detect and characterize the X-ray point source populations of three nearby early-type galaxies: NGC 3115, 3379, and 3384. The luminosity-weighted stellar ages of our sample span 3-10 Gyr. X-ray binary population synthesis models predict that the field LMXBs associated with younger stellar populations should be more numerous and luminous per unit stellar mass than older populations due to the evolution of LMXB donor star masses. Crucially, the combination of deep Chandra and HST observations allows us to test directly this prediction by identifying and removing counterparts to X-ray point sources that are unrelated to the field LMXB populations, including LMXBs that are formed dynamically in globular clusters, Galactic stars, and background AGN/galaxies. We find that the young early-type galaxy NGC 3384 (~2-5 Gyr) has an excess of luminous field LMXBs (L_X > (5-10) x 10^37 erg/s) per unit K-band luminosity (L_K; a proxy for stellar mass) than the old early-type galaxies NGC 3115 and 3379 (~8-10 Gyr), which results in a factor of ~2-3 excess of LX/LK for NGC 3384. This result is consistent with the X-ray binary population synthesis model predictions; however, our small galaxy sample size does not allow us to draw definitive conclusions on the evolution field LMXBs in general. We discuss how future surveys of larger galaxy samples that combine deep Chandra and HST data could provide a powerful new benchmark for calibrating X-ray binary population synthesis models.
162 - P. Reig 2014
We report on the discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J21343+4738 during an XMM-Newton observation. We obtained a barycentric corrected pulse period of 320.35+-0.06 seconds. The pulse profile displays a peak at low energy that flattens at high energy. The pulse fraction is 45+-3$% and independent of energy within the statistical uncertainties. The 0.2-12 keV spectrum is well fit by a two component model consisting of a blackbody with kT=0.11+-0.01 keV and a power law with photon index Gamma=1.02+-0.07. Both components are affected by photoelectric absorption with a equivalent hydrogen column density NH=(1.08+-0.15)x 10^{22} cm^{-2} The observed unabsorbed flux is 1.4x10^{-11} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1} in the 0.2-12 keV energy band. Despite the fact that the Be stars circumstellar disc has almost vanished, accretion continues to be the main source of high energy radiation. We argue that the observed X-ray luminosity (LX~10^{35} erg s^{-1}) may result from accretion via a low-velocity equatorial wind from the optical companion.
Activity classification of galaxies based on long-slit and fiber spectroscopy can be strongly influenced by aperture effects. Here we investigate how activity classification for 14 nearby galaxies depends on the proportion of the host galaxys light that is included in the aperture. We use both observed long-slit spectra and simulated elliptical-aperture spectra of different sizes. The degree of change varies with galaxy morphology and nuclear activity type. Starlight removal techniques can mitigate but not remove the effect of host galaxy contamination in the nuclear aperture. Galaxies with extra-nuclear star formation can show higher [O III] {lambda}5007/H{beta} ratios with increasing aperture, in contrast to the naive expectation that integrated light will only dilute the nuclear emission lines. We calculate the mean dispersion for the diagnostic line ratios used in the standard BPT diagrams with respect to the central aperture of spectral extraction to obtain an estimate of the uncertainties resulting from aperture effects.
We report the spectral and temporal variability properties of 18 candidate transient and potential transient (TC and PTC) sources detected in deep multi-epoch Chandra observation of the nearby elliptical galaxies, NGC 3379, NGC 4278 and NGC 4697. Only one source can be identified with a background counterpart, leaving 17 TCs + PTCs in the galaxies. Of these, 14 are in the galaxy field, supporting the theoretical picture that the majority of field X-ray binaries (XRBs) will exhibit transient accretion for >75% of their lifetime. Three sources are coincident with globular clusters (GCs), including two high-luminosity candidate black hole (BH) XRBs, with Lx=5.4E38 erg/s, and Lx=2.8E39 erg/s, respectively. The spectra, luminosities and temporal behavior of these 17 sources suggest that the transient population is heterogeneous, including neutron star (NS) and BH XRBs in both normal and high-rate accretion modes, and super soft sources containing white dwarf binaries. Our TC and PTC detections are noticeably fewer that the number expected from the populations synthesis (PS) models of Fragos et al. (2009), tailored to our new Chandra pointings of NGC 4278. We attribute this discrepancy to the PS assumption that the transient population is composed of NS XRBs, as well as differences between the statistical analysis and error estimates used in the model and our observations.
Our campaign of deep monitoring observations with {it Chandra} of the nearby elliptical galaxy NGC 3379 has lead to the detection of nine globular cluster (GC) and 53 field low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) in the joint {it Hubble}/{it Chandra} field of view of this galaxy. Comparing these populations, we find a highly significant lack of GC LMXBs at the low (0.3-8 keV) X-ray luminosities (in the $sim 10^{36}$ to $sim 4times10^{37}$ erg s$^{-1}$ range) probed with our observations. This result conflicts with the proposition that all LMXBs are formed in GCs. This lack of low-luminosity sources in GCs is consistent with continuous LMXB formation due to stellar interactions and with the transition from persistent to transient LMXBs. The observed cut-off X-ray luminosity favors a predominance of LMXBs with main-sequence donors instead of ultra-compact binaries with white-dwarf donors; ultra-compacts could contribute significantly only if their disks are not affected by X-ray irradiation. Our results suggest that current theories of magnetic stellar wind braking may work rather better for the unevolved companions of GC LMXBs than for field LMXBs and cataclysmic variables in the Galaxy, where these companions may be somewhat evolved.

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