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Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), we have conducted a blind redshift survey in the 3 mm atmospheric transmission window for 26 strongly lensd dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) selected with the South Pole Telescope (SPT). The sources were selected to have S_1.4mm>20 mJy and a dust-like spectrum and, to remove low-z sources, not have bright radio (S_843MHz<6mJy) or far-infrared counterparts (S_100um<1 Jy, S_60um<200mJy). We robustly detect 44 line features in our survey, which we identify as redshifted emission lines of 12CO, 13CO, [CI], H2O, and H2O+. We find one or more spectral features in 23 sources yielding a ~90% detection rate for this survey; in 12 of these sources we detect multiple lines, while in 11 sources we detect only a single line. For the sources with only one detected line, we break the redshift degeneracy with additional spectroscopic observations if available, or infer the most likely line identification based on photometric data. This yields secure redshifts for ~70% of the sample. The three sources with no lines detected are tentatively placed in the redshift desert between 1.7<z<2.0. The resulting mean redshift of our sample is <z>=3.5. This finding is in contrast to the redshift distribution of radio-identified DSFGs, which have a significantly lower mean redshift of <z>=2.3 and for which only 10-15% of the population is expected to be at z>3. We discuss the effect of gravitational lensing on the redshift distribution and compare our measured redshift distribution to that of models in the literature.
Aims. We report on simultaneous observations and modeling of mid-infrared (MIR), near-infrared (NIR), and submillimeter (submm) emission of the source Sgr A* associated with the supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy. Our goal was to monitor the activity of Sgr A* at different wavelengths in order to constrain the emitting processes and gain insight into the nature of the close environment of Sgr A*. Methods. We used the MIR instrument VISIR in the BURST imaging mode, the adaptive optics assisted NIR camera NACO, and the sub-mm antenna APEX to monitor Sgr A* over several nights in July 2007. Results. The observations reveal remarkable variability in the NIR and sub-mm during the five nights of observation. No source was detected in the MIR, but we derived the lowest upper limit for a flare at 8.59 microns (22.4 mJy with A_8.59mu = 1.6+/- 0.5). This observational constraint makes us discard the observed NIR emission as coming from a thermal component emitting at sub-mm frequencies. Moreover, comparison of the sub-mm and NIR variability shows that the highest NIR fluxes (flares) are coincident with the lowest sub-mm levels of our five-night campaign involving three flares. We explain this behavior by a loss of electrons to the system and/or by a decrease in the magnetic field, as might conceivably occur in scenarios involving fast outflows and/or magnetic reconnection.
We present Herschel SPIRE FTS spectroscopy of the nearby luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240. In total 20 lines are detected, including CO J=4-3 through J=13-12, 6 H2O rotational lines, and [CI] and [NII] fine-structure lines. The CO to continuum luminosity ratio is 10 times higher in NGC 6240 than Mrk 231. Although the CO ladders of NGC 6240 and Mrk 231 are very similar, UV and/or X-ray irradiation are unlikely to be responsible for the excitation of the gas in NGC 6240. We applied both C and J shock models to the H2 v=1-0 S(1) and v=2-1 S(1) lines and the CO rotational ladder. The CO ladder is best reproduced by a model with shock velocity v_s=10 km s^-1 and a pre-shock density n_H=5 * 10^4 cm^-3. We find that the solution best fitting the H2 lines is degenerate: The shock velocities and number densities range between v_s = 17 - 47 km s^-1 and n_H=10^7 - 5 * 10^4 cm^-3, respectively. The H2 lines thus need a much more powerful shock than the CO lines. We deduce that most of the gas is currently moderately stirred up by slow (10 km s^-1) shocks while only a small fraction (< 1 percent) of the ISM is exposed to the high velocity shocks. This implies that the gas is rapidly loosing its highly turbulent motions. We argue that a high CO line-to-continuum ratio is a key diagnostic for the presence of shocks.
We present APEX SABOCA 350micron and LABOCA 870micron observations of 11 representative examples of the rare, extremely bright (S_1.4mm > 15mJy), dust-dominated millimeter-selected galaxies recently discovered by the South Pole Telescope (SPT). All 11 sources are robustly detected with LABOCA with 40 < S_870micron < 130mJy, approximately an order of magnitude higher than the canonical submillimeter galaxy (SMG) population. Six of the sources are also detected by SABOCA at >3sigma, with the detections or upper limits providing a key constraint on the shape of the spectral energy distribution (SED) near its peak. We model the SEDs of these galaxies using a simple modified blackbody and perform the same analysis on samples of SMGs of known redshift from the literature. These calibration samples inform the distribution of dust temperature for similar SMG populations, and this dust temperature prior allows us to derive photometric redshift estimates and far infrared luminosities for the sources. We find a median redshift of <z> = 3.0, higher than the <z> = 2.2 inferred for the normal SMG population. We also derive the apparent size of the sources from the temperature and apparent luminosity, finding them to appear larger than our unlensed calibration sample, which supports the idea that these sources are gravitationally magnified by massive structures along the line of sight.
So far, no systematic long-term blazar monitoring programs and detailed variability studies exist at sub-mm wavelengths. Here, we present a new sub-mm blazar monitoring program using the APEX 12-m telescope. A sample of about 40 gamma-ray blazars has been monitored since 2007/2008 with the LABOCA bolometer camera at 345 GHz. First light curves, preliminary variability results and a first comparison with the longer cm/mm bands (F-GAMMA program) are presented, demonstrating the extreme variability characteristics of blazars at such short wavelengths.
88 - A. Weiss , F. Walter , D. Downes 2012
We report on sensitive observations of the CO(7-6) and CI(2-1) transitions in the z=2.79 QSO host galaxy RXJ0911.4+0551 using the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI). Our extremely high signal to noise spectra combined with the narrow CO line width of this source (FWHM = 120 km/s) allows us to estimate sensitive limits on the space-time variations of the fundamental constants using two emission lines. Our observations show that the CI and CO line shapes are in good agreement with each other but that the CI line profile is of order 10% narrower, presumably due to the lower opacity in the latter line. Both lines show faint wings with velocities up to +/-250 km/s, indicative of a molecular outflow. As such the data provide direct evidence for negative feedback in the molecular gas phase at high redshift. Our observations allow us to determine the observed frequencies of both transitions with so far unmatched accuracy at high redshift. The redshift difference between the CO and CI lines is sensitive to variations of dF/F with F=alpha^2/mu where alpha is the fine structure constant and mu the proton-to-electron mass ratio. We find dF/F=6.9 +/-3.7 x 10^-6 at a lookback time of 11.3 Gyr, which within the uncertainties, is consistent with no variations of the fundamental constants.
We present observations of the rotational ortho-water ground transition, the two lowest para-water transitions, and the ground transition of ionised ortho-water in the archetypal starburst galaxy M82, performed with the HIFI instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory. These observations are the first detections of the para-H2O(111-000) (1113,GHz) and ortho-H2O+(111-000) (1115,GHz) lines in an extragalactic source. All three water lines show different spectral line profiles, underlining the need for high spectral resolution in interpreting line formation processes. Using the line shape of the para-H2O(111-000) and ortho-H2O+(111-000) absorption profile in conjunction with high spatial resolution CO observations, we show that the (ionised) water absorption arises from a ~2000 pc^2 region within the HIFI beam located about ~50 pc east of the dynamical centre of the galaxy. This region does not coincide with any of the known line emission peaks that have been identified in other molecular tracers, with the exception of HCO. Our data suggest that water and ionised water within this region have high (up to 75%) area-covering factors of the underlying continuum. This indicates that water is not associated with small, dense cores within the ISM of M82 but arises from a more widespread diffuse gas component.
64 - E. Schinnerer 2010
Two selected regions in the molecular gas spiral arms in M51 were mapped with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) mm-interferometer in the 12CO(2-1), 13CO(1-0), C18O(1-0), HCN(1-0) and HCO+(1-0) emission lines. The CO data have been combined with the 12CO(1-0) data from Aalto et al. (1999) covering the central 3.5kpc to study the physical properties of the molecular gas. All CO data cubes were short spacing corrected using IRAM 30m (12CO(1-0): NRO 45m) single dish data. A large velocity gradient (LVG) analysis finds that the giant molecular clouds (GMCs) are similar to Galactic GMCs when studied at 180pc (120pc) resolution with an average kinetic temperature of T_kin = 20(16)K and H_2 density of n(H_2) = 120(240)cm^(-3) when assuming virialized clouds (a constant velocity gradient dv/dr. The associated conversion factor between H_2 mass and CO luminosity is close to the Galactic value for most regions analyzed. Our findings suggest that the GMC population in the spiral arms of M51 is similar to those of the Milky Way and therefore the strong star formation occurring in the spiral arms has no strong impact on the molecular gas in the spiral arms. Extinction inferred from the derived H_2 column density is very high (A_V about 15 - 30 mag), about a factor of 5-10 higher than the average value derived toward HII regions. Thus a significant fraction of the ongoing star formation could be hidden inside the dust lanes of the spiral arms. A comparison of MIPS 24um and H_alpha data, however, suggests that this is not the case and most of the GMCs studied here are not (yet) forming stars. We also present low (4.5) resolution OVRO maps of the HCN(1-0) and HCO+(1-0) emission at the location of the brightest 12CO(1-0) peak.
482 - A. Weiss , A. Kovacs , K. Coppin 2009
We present a sensitive 870 micron survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) using LABOCA on the APEX telescope. The LABOCA ECDFS Submillimetre Survey (LESS) covers the full 30 x 30 field size of the ECDFS and has a uniform noise level of 1.2 mJy/beam. LESS is thus the largest contiguous deep submillimetre survey undertaken to date. The noise properties of our map show clear evidence that we are beginning to be affected by confusion noise. We present a catalog of 126 SMGs detected with a significance level above 3.7 sigma. The ECDFS exhibits a deficit of bright SMGs relative to previously studied blank fields but not of normal star-forming galaxies that dominate the extragalactic background light (EBL). This is in line with the underdensities observed for optically defined high redshift source populations in the ECDFS (BzKs, DRGs,optically bright AGN and massive K-band selected galaxies). The differential source counts in the full field are well described by a power law with a slope of alpha=-3.2, comparable to the results from other fields. We show that the shape of the source counts is not uniform across the field. The integrated 870 micron flux densities of our source-count models account for >65% of the estimated EBL from COBE measurements. We have investigated the clustering of SMGs in the ECDFS by means of a two-point correlation function and find evidence for strong clustering on angular scales <1. Assuming a power law dependence for the correlation function and a typical redshift distribution for the SMGs we derive a spatial correlation length of r_0=13+/-6 h^-1 Mpc.
104 - T.R. Greve 2009
Using the 330hr ESO-MPG 870-micron survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S) obtained with the Large Apex BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) on the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX), we have carried out a stacking analysis at submillimeter (submm) wavelengths of a sample of 8266 near-infra-red (near-IR) selected (K_vega <= 20) galaxies, including 893 BzK galaxies, 1253 extremely red objects (EROs) and 737 distant red galaxies (DRGs), selected from the Multi-wavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC). We measure average 870-micron fluxes of 0.20+-0.01mJy (20.0sigma), 0.45+-0.04mJy (11.3sigma), 0.42+-0.03mJy (14.0sigma), and 0.41+-0.04mJy (10.3sigma) for the K_vega <= 20, BzK, ERO and DRG samples, respectively. For the BzK, ERO and DRG subsamples, which overlap to some degree and are like to be at z ~ 1-2, this implies an average far-IR luminosity of ~2-6x10^{11} Lsolar and star formation rate of ~40-100Msolar. Splitting the BzK galaxies up into star-forming (sBzK) and passive (pBzK) galaxies, the former is significantly detected (0.48+-0.04mJy, 12.0sigma) while the latter is only marginally detected (0.27+-0.10mJy, 2.7sigma), thus confirming that the sBzK/pBzK criteria do isolate obscured, star forming and truly passive galaxies. The K_vega <= 20 galaxies are found to contribute with 6.6+-0.3Jy deg^{-2} (~15%) to the 870-micron extragalactic background light (EBL). sBzK and pBzK galaxies contribute 1.7+-0.2Jy deg^{-2} (~4%) and 0.2+-0.1 Jy deg^{-2} (< 0.5%) to the EBL. [Abridged]

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