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119 - A. T. Rezakhani , M. Hassani , 2015
In estimating an unknown parameter of a quantum state the quantum Fisher information (QFI) is a pivotal quantity, which depends on the state and its derivate with respect to the unknown parameter. We prove the continuity property for the QFI in the sense that two close states with close first derivatives have close QFIs. This property is completely general and irrespective of dynamics or how states acquire their parameter dependence and also the form of parameter dependence---indeed this continuity is basically a feature of the classical Fisher information that in the case of the QFI naturally carries over from the manifold of probability distributions onto the manifold of density matrices. We demonstrate that in the special case where the dependence of the states on the unknown parameter comes from one dynamical map (quantum channel), the continuity holds in its reduced form with respect to the initial states. In addition, we show that when one initial state evolves through two different quantum channels, the continuity relation applies in its general form. A situation in which such scenario can occur is an open-system metrology where one of the maps represents the ideal dynamics whereas the other map represents the real (noisy) dynamics. In the making of our main result, we also introduce a regularized representation for the symmetric logarithmic derivative which works for general states even with incomplete rank, and its features continuity similarly to the QFI.
It is well known that the quantum Zeno effect can protect specific quantum states from decoherence by using projective measurements. Here we combine the theory of weak measurements with stabilizer quantum error correction and detection codes. We derive rigorous performance bounds which demonstrate that the Zeno effect can be used to protect appropriately encoded arbitrary states to arbitrary accuracy, while at the same time allowing for universal quantum computation or quantum control.
Adiabatic quantum algorithms are characterized by their run time and accuracy. The relation between the two is essential for quantifying adiabatic algorithmic performance, yet is often poorly understood. We study the dynamics of a continuous time, adiabatic quantum search algorithm, and find rigorous results relating the accuracy and the run time. Proceeding with estimates, we show that under fairly general circumstances the adiabatic algorithmic error exhibits a behavior with two discernible regimes: the error decreases exponentially for short times, then decreases polynomially for longer times. We show that the well known quadratic speedup over classical search is associated only with the exponential error regime. We illustrate the results through examples of evolution paths derived by minimization of the adiabatic error. We also discuss specific strategies for controlling the adiabatic error and run time.
We develop a general approach for monitoring and controlling evolution of open quantum systems. In contrast to the master equations describing time evolution of density operators, here, we formulate a dynamical equation for the evolution of the process matrix acting on a system. This equation is applicable to non-Markovian and/or strong coupling regimes. We propose two distinct applications for this dynamical equation. We first demonstrate identification of quantum Hamiltonians generating dynamics of closed or open systems via performing process tomography. In particular, we argue how one can efficiently estimate certain classes of sparse Hamiltonians by performing partial tomography schemes. In addition, we introduce a novel optimal control theoretic setting for manipulating quantum dynamics of Hamiltonian systems, specifically for the task of decoherence suppression.
490 - J. B. Stang , A. T. Rezakhani , 2008
We introduce history-dependent discrete-time quantum random walk models by adding uncorrelated memory terms and also by modifying Hamiltonian of the walker to include couplings with memory-keeping agents. We next numerically study the correlation effects in these models. We also propose a correlation exponent as a relevant and promising tool for investigation of correlation or memory (hence non-Markovian) effects. Our analysis can easily be applied to more realistic models in which different regimes may emerge because of competition between different underlying physical mechanisms.

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