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201 - P. Dawson , A. Scholz , T.P. Ray 2014
Spectroscopic follow-up is a pre-requisite for studies of the formation and early evolution of brown dwarfs. Here we present IRTF/SpeX near-infrared spectroscopy of 30 candidate members of the young Upper Scorpius association, selected from our previous survey work. All 24 high confidence members are confirmed as young very low mass objects with spectral types from M5 to L1, 15-20 of them are likely brown dwarfs. This high yield confirms that brown dwarfs in Upper Scorpius can be identified from photometry and proper motions alone, with negligible contamination from field objects (<4%). Out of the 6 candidates with lower confidence, 5 might still be young very low mass members of Upper Scorpius, according to our spectroscopy. We demonstrate that some very low mass class II objects exhibit radically different near infrared (0.6 - 2.5micron) spectra from class III objects, with strong excess emission increasing towards longer wavelengths and partially filled in features at wavelengths shorter than 1.25micron. These characteristics can obscure the contribution of the photosphere within such spectra. Therefore, we caution that near infrared derived spectral types for objects with discs may be unreliable. Furthermore, we show that the same characteristics can be seen to some extent in all class II and even a significant fraction of class III objects (~40%), indicating that some of them are still surrounded by traces of dust and gas. Based on our spectra, we select a sample of objects with spectral types of M5 to L1, whose near-infrared emission represents the photosphere only. We recommend the use of these objects as spectroscopic templates for young brown dwarfs in the future.
94 - B.Stelzer 2013
We have analyzed a broad-band optical and near-infrared spectrum of FU Tau A, a presumed young brown dwarf in the Taurus star forming region that has intrigued both theorists and observers by its over-luminosity in the HR diagram with respect to standard pre-main sequence evolutionary models. The new data, obtained with the X-Shooter spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope, include an unprecedented wealth of information on stellar parameters and simultaneously observed accretion and outflow indicators for FU Tau A. We present the first measurements of gravity (log g = 3.5 +- 0.5), radial velocity (RV = 22.5 +- 2.9 km/s), rotational velocity (v sin(i) = 20 +- 5 km/s) and lithium equivalent width (W_Li = 430 +- 20 mAA) for FUTau A. From the rotational velocity and the published period we infer a disk inclination of i ~ 50^deg. The lithium content is much lower than theoretically expected for such a young very low mass object, adding another puzzling feature to this objects properties. We determine the mass accretion rate of FU Tau A from comparison of the luminosities of 24 emission lines to empirical calibrations from the literature and find a mean of log (dM/dt)_acc [M_sun/yr] = -9.9 +- 0.2. The accretion rate determined independently from modeling of the excess emission in the Balmer and Paschen continua is consistent with this value. The corresponding accretion luminosity is too small to make a significant contribution to the bolometric luminosity. The existence of an outflow in FU Tau A is demonstrated through the first detection of forbidden emission lines from which we obtain an estimate for the mass loss rate, log (dM/dt)_out [M_sun/yr] < -10.4. The mass outflow and inflow rates can be combined to yield (dM/dt)_out / (dM/dt)_acc ~ 0.3, a value that is in agreement with jet launching models.
95 - P. Dawson , A. Scholz , T. P. Ray 2012
We present a census of the disk population for UKIDSS selected brown dwarfs in the 5-10 Myr old Upper Scorpius OB association. For 116 objects originally identified in UKIDSS, the majority of them not studied in previous publications, we obtain photometry from the WISE database. The resulting colour-magnitude and colour-colour plots clearly show two separate populations of objects, interpreted as brown dwarfs with disks (class II) and without disks (class III). We identify 27 class II brown dwarfs, 14 of them not previously known. This disk fraction (27 out of 116 or 23%) among brown dwarfs was found to be similar to results for K/M stars in Upper Scorpius, suggesting that the lifetimes of disks are independent of the mass of the central object for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. 5 out of 27 disks (19%) lack excess at 3.4 and 4.6 microns and are potential transition disks (i.e. are in transition from class II to class III). The transition disk fraction is comparable to low-mass stars. We estimate that the timescale for a typical transition from class II to class III is less than 0.4 Myr for brown dwarfs. These results suggest that the evolution of brown dwarf disks mirrors the behaviour of disks around low-mass stars, with disk lifetimes on the order of 5-10 Myr and a disk clearing timescale significantly shorter than 1 Myr.
Strong outbursts in very young and embedded protostars are rare and not yet fully understood. They are believed to originate from an increase of the mass accretion rate onto the source. We report the discovery of a strong outburst in a low-mass embedded young stellar object (YSO), namely 2MASS-J05424848-0816347 or [CTF93]216-2, as well as its photometric and spectroscopic follow-up. Using near- to mid-IR photometry and NIR low-resolution spectroscopy, we monitor the outburst, deriving its magnitude, duration, as well as the enhanced accretion luminosity and mass accretion rate. [CTF93]216-2 increased in brightness by ~4.6, 4.0, 3.8, and 1.9 mag in the J, H, Ks bands and at 24 um, respectively, corresponding to an L_bol increase of ~20 L_sun. Its early spectrum, probably taken soon after the outburst, displays a steep almost featureless continuum, with strong CO band heads and H_2O broad-band absorption features, and Br gamma line in emission. A later spectrum reveals more absorption features, allowing us to estimate T_eff~3200 K, M~0.25 M_sun, and mass accretion rate~1.2x10^{-6} M_sun yr^{-1}. This makes it one of the lowest mass YSOs with a strong outburst so far discovered.
125 - B. Stelzer SUPA 2009
The reflection nebula NGC 7129 has long been known to be a site of recent star formation as evidenced, e.g., by the presence of deeply embedded protostars and HH objects. However, studies of the stellar population produced in the star formation process have remained rudimentary. At a presumed age of ~3 Myr, NGC7129 is in the critical range where disks around young stars disappear. We make use of Chandra X-ray and Spitzer and 2MASS IR imaging observations to identify the pre-main sequence stars in NGC7129. We define a sample of Young Stellar Objects based on color-color diagrams composed from IR photometry between 1.6 and 8 mu, from 2MASS and Spitzer, and based on X-ray detected sources from a Chandra observation. This sample is composed of 26 Class II and 25 Class III candidates. The sample is estimated to be complete down to ~ 0.5 solar masses. The most restricted and least biased sub-sample of pre-main sequence stars is composed of lightly absorbed (A_V < 5 mag) stars in the cluster core. This sample comprises 7 Class II and 14 Class III sources, it has a disk fraction of 33^{+24}_{-19} %, and a median X-ray luminosity of log (L_x) [erg/s] = 30.3. Despite the various uncertainties related to the sample selection, absorption, mass distribution, distance and, consequently, the computation of disk fraction and X-ray luminosities, the data yield consistent results. In particular, we confirm the age of ~3 Myr for the NGC7129 cluster. The derived disk fraction is similar to that of sigma Orionis, smaller than that of Cha I (~2 Myr), and larger than that of Upper Sco (5 Myr). The X-ray luminosity function is similar to that of NGC 2264 (2 Myr) but fainter than that of the Orion Nebula Cluster (1 Myr).
80 - A. Reiners 2008
Today, the generation of magnetic fields in solar-type stars and its relation to activity and rotation can coherently be explained, although it is certainly not understood in its entirety. Rotation facilitates the generation of magnetic flux that couples to the stellar wind, slowing down the star. There are still many open questions, particularly at early phases (young age), and at very low mass. It is vexing that rotational braking becomes inefficient at the threshold to fully convective interiors, although no threshold in magnetic activity is seen, and the generation of large scale magnetic fields is still possible for fully convective stars. This article briefly outlines our current understanding of the rotation-magnetic field relation.
We are conducting a large program to classify newly discovered Milky Way star cluster candidates from the list of Froebrich, Scholz & Raftery (2007). Here we present deep NIR follow-up observations from ESO/NTT of 14 star cluster candidates. We show that the combined analysis of star density maps and colour-colour/magnitude diagrams derived from deep near-infrared imaging is a viable tool to reliably classify new stellar clusters. This allowed us to identify two young clusters with massive stars, three intermediate age open clusters, and two globular cluster candidates among our targets. The remaining seven objects are unlikely to be stellar clusters. Among them is the object FSR1767 which has previously been identified as a globular cluster using 2MASS data by Bonatto et al. (2007). Our new analysis shows that FSR1767 is not a star cluster. We also summarise the currently available follow-up analysis of the FSR candidates and conclude that this catalogue may contain a large number of new stellar clusters, probably dominated by old open clusters.

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