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98 - A. Pal 2015
We present the first photometric observations of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) taken with the Kepler space telescope, obtained in the course of the K2 ecliptic survey. Two faint objects have been monitored in specifically designed pixel masks that were centered on the stationary points of the objects, when their daily motion was the slowest. In the design of the experiment, only the apparent path of these objects were retrieved from the detectors, i.e. the costs in terms of Kepler pixels were minimized. Because of the faintness of the targets we employ specific reduction techniques and co-added images. We measure rotational periods and amplitudes in the unfiltered Kepler band as follows: for (278361) 2007 JJ43 and 2002 GV31 we get P_rot=12.097 h and P_rot=29.2 h while 0.10 and 0.35 mag for the total amplitudes, respectively. Future space missions, like TESS and PLATO are not well suited to this kind of observations. Therefore, we encourage to include the brightest TNOs around their stationary points in each observing campaign to exploit this unique capability of the K2 Mission -- and therefore to provide unbiased rotational, shape and albedo characteristics of many objects.
53 - A. Pal 2009
We present HATNet observations of XO-5b, confirming its planetary nature based on evidence beyond that described in the announcement of Burke et al. (2008), namely, the lack of significant correlation between spectral bisector variations and orbital phase. In addition, using extensive spectroscopic measurements spanning multiple seasons, we investigate the relatively large scatter in the spectral line bisectors. We also examine possible blended stellar configurations (hierarchical triples, chance alignments) that can mimic the planet signals, and we are able to show that none are consistent with the sum of all the data. The analysis of the S activity index shows no significant stellar activity. Our results for the planet parameters are consistent with values in Burke et al. (2008), and we refine both the stellar and planetary parameters using our data. XO-5b orbits a slightly evolved, late G type star with mass M_s = 0.88 +/- 0.03, radius R_s = 1.08 +/- 0.04, and metallicity close to solar. The planetary mass and radius are M_p = 1.059 +/- 0.028 M_Jup and R_p = 1.109 +/- 0.050 R_Jup, respectively, corresponding to a mean density of 0.96 -0.11 +0.14 g/cm^3. The ephemeris for the orbit is P = 4.187757 +/- 0.000011, E= 2454552.67168 +/- 0.00029 (BJD) with transit duration of 0.1307 +/- 0.0013 d. By measuring four individual transit centers, we found no signs for transit timing variations. The planet XO-5b is notable for its anomalously high Safronov number, and has a high surface gravity when compared to other transiting exoplanets with similar period.
96 - G. A. Bakos , A. Pal (1 2008
We report on the discovery of HAT-P-10b, the lowest mass (0.46 +/- 0.03 MJ) transiting extrasolar planet (TEP) discovered to date by transit searches. HAT-P-10b orbits the moderately bright V=11.89 K dwarf GSC 02340-01714, with a period P = 3.7224690 +/- 0.0000067 d, transit epoch Tc = 2454729.90631 +/- 0.00030 (BJD) and duration 0.1100 +/- 0.0015 d. HAT-P-10b has a radius of 1.05 +(0.05)-(0.03) RJ yielding a mean density of 0.498+/-0.064 g cm^-3 . Comparing these observations with recent theoretical models we find that HAT-P-10 is consistent with a ~4.5 Gyr, coreless, pure hydrogen and helium gas giant planet. With an equilibrium temperature of Teq = 1030 +(26)-(19)K, HAT-P-10b is one of the coldest TEPs. Curiously, its Safronov number Theta = 0.047 +/- 0.003 falls close to the dividing line between the two suggested TEP populations.
132 - A. Pal , G. A. Bakos (1 2008
We report on the latest discovery of the HATNet project; a very hot giant planet orbiting a bright (V = 10.5) star with a small semi-major axis of a = 0.0377 +/- 0.0005 AU. Ephemeris for the system is P = 2.2047299 +/- 0.0000040 days, mid-transit time E = 2,453,790.2593 +/- 0.0010 (BJD). Based on the available spectroscopic data on the host star and photometry of the system, the planet has a mass of Mp = 1.78+/-^{0.08}_{0.05} MJup and radius of Rp = 1.36+/-^{0.20}_{0.09} RJup. The parent star is a slightly evolved F6 star with M = 1.47+/-^{0.08}_{-0.05} Msun,R = 1.84+/-^{0.23}_{0.11} Rsun, Teff = 6350 +/- 80 K, and metallicity [Fe/H] = +0.26 +/- 0.08. The relatively hot and large host star, combined with the close orbit of the planet, yield a very high planetary irradiance of (4.71+/-^{1.44}_{0.05}) 10^9 erg cm^{-2}s^{-1}, which places the planet near the top of the pM class of irradiated planets as defined by Fortney et al. (2007). If as predicted by Fortney et al. (2007) the planet re-radiates its absorbed energy before distributing it to the night side, the day-side temperature should be about (2730+/-^{150}_{100}) K. Because the host star is quite bright, measurement of the secondary eclipse should be feasible for ground-based telescopes, providing a good opportunity to compare the predictions of current hot Jupiter atmospheric models with the observations. Moreover, the host star falls in the field of the upcoming Kepler mission; hence extensive space-borne follow-up, including not only primary transit and secondary eclipse observations but also asteroseismology, will be possible.

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