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Much progress in realistic modeling of core-collapse supernovae has occurred recently through the availability of multi-teraflop machines and the increasing sophistication of supernova codes. These improvements are enabling simulations with enough realism that the explosion mechanism, long a mystery, may soon be delineated. We briefly describe the CHIMERA code, a supernova code we have developed to simulate core-collapse supernovae in 1, 2, and 3 spatial dimensions. We then describe the results of an ongoing suite of 2D simulations initiated from a 12, 15, 20, and 25 solar mass progenitor. These have all exhibited explosions and are currently in the expanding phase with the shock at between 5,000 and 20,000 km. We also briefly describe an ongoing simulation in 3 spatial dimensions initiated from the 15 solar mass progenitor.
Unraveling the mechanism for core-collapse supernova explosions is an outstanding computational challenge and the problem remains essentially unsolved despite more than four decades of effort. However, much progress in realistic modeling has occurred recently through the availability of multi-teraflop machines and the increasing sophistication of supernova codes. These improvements have led to some key insights which may clarify the picture in the not too distant future. Here we briefly review the current status of the three explosion mechanisms (acoustic, MHD, and neutrino heating) that are currently under active investigation, concentrating on the neutrino heating mechanism as the one most likely responsible for producing explosions from progenitors in the mass range ~10 to ~25 solar masses. We then briefly describe the CHIMERA code, a supernova code we have developed to simulate core-collapse supernovae in 1, 2, and 3 spatial dimensions. We finally describe the results of an ongoing suite of 2D simulations initiated from a 12, 15, 20, and 25 solar mass progenitor. These have all exhibited explosions and are currently in the expanding phase with the shock at between 5,000 and 10,000 km. We finally very briefly describe an ongoing simulation in 3 spatial dimensions initiated from the 15 solar mass progenitor.
Massive stars end their life in an explosion event with kinetic energies of the order 1 Bethe. Immediately after the explosion has been launched, a region of low density and high entropy forms behind the ejecta which is continuously subject to neutrino heating. The neutrinos emitted from the remnant at the center, the protoneutron star (PNS), heat the material above the PNS surface. This heat is partly converted into kinetic energy and the material accelerates to an outflow that is known as the neutrino driven wind. For the first time, we simulate the collapse, bounce, explosion and the neutrino driven wind phases consistently over more than 20 seconds. Our numerical model is based on spherically symmetric general relativistic radiation hydrodynamics using spectral three flavor Boltzmann neutrino transport. In simulations where no explosions are obtained naturally, we model neutrino driven explosions for low and intermediate mass Fe-core progenitor stars by enhancing the charged current reaction rates. In the case of a special progenitor star, the O-Ne-Mg-core, the explosion in spherical symmetry was obtained without enhanced opacities. The post explosion evolution is in qualitative agreement with static steady-state and parametrized dynamic models of the neutrino driven wind. On the other hand, we find generally smaller neutrino luminosities and mean neutrino energies as well as a different evolutionary behavior of the neutrino luminosities and mean neutrino energies. The neutrino driven wind is proton-rich for more than 10 seconds and the contraction of the PNS differs from the assumptions made for the conditions at the inner boundary in previous neutrino driven wind studies. Despite the moderately large entropies per baryon of about 100 and the fast expansion timescale, the conditions found in our model are unlikely to favor...
We discuss the formation of stellar mass black holes via protoneutron star (PNS) collapse. In the absence of an earlier explosion, the PNS collapses to a black hole due to the continued mass accretion onto the PNS. We present an analysis of the emitted neutrino spectra of all three flavors during the PNS contraction. Special attention is given to the physical conditions which depend on the input physics, e.g. the equation of state (EoS) and the progenitor model. The PNSs are modeled as the central object in core collapse simulations using general relativistic three-flavor Boltzmann neutrino transport in spherical symmetry. The simulations are launched from several massive progenitors of 40 and 50 solar mass. We analyze the electron-neutrino luminosity dependencies and construct a simple approximation for the electron-neutrino luminosity, which depends only on the physical conditions at the electron-neutrinosphere. In addition, we analyze different mu/tau-neutrino pair-reactions separately and compare the differences during the post-bounce phase of failed core collapse supernova explosions of massive progenitors. We also investigate the connection between the increasing mu/tau-neutrino luminosity and the PNS contraction during the accretion phase before black hole formation. Comparing the different post bounce phase of the progenitor models under investigation, we find large differences in the emitted neutrino spectra. These differences and the analysis of the electron-neutrino luminosity indicate a strong progenitor model dependency of the emitted neutrino signal.
Here we present the results from two sets of simulations, in two and three spatial dimensions. In two dimensions, the simulations include multifrequency flux-limited diffusion neutrino transport in the ray-by-ray-plus approximation, two-dimensional self gravity in the Newtonian limit, and nuclear burning through a 14-isotope alpha network. The three-dimensional simulations are model simulations constructed to reflect the post stellar core bounce conditions during neutrino shock reheating at the onset of explosion. They are hydrodynamics-only models that focus on critical aspects of the shock stability and dynamics and their impact on the supernova mechanism and explosion. In two dimensions, we obtain explosions (although in one case weak) for two progenitors (11 and 15 Solar mass models). Moreover, in both cases the explosion is initiated when the inner edge of the oxygen layer accretes through the shock. Thus, the shock is not revived while in the iron core, as previously discussed in the literature. The three-dimensional studies of the development of the stationary accretion shock instability (SASI) demonstrate the fundamentally new dynamics allowed when simulations are performed in three spatial dimensions. The predominant l=1 SASI mode gives way to a stable m=1 mode, which in turn has significant ramifications for the distribution of angular momentum in the region between the shock and proto-neutron star and, ultimately, for the spin of the remnant neutron star. Moreover, the three-dimensional simulations make clear, given the increased number of degrees of freedom, that two-dimensional models are severely limited by artificially imposed symmetries.
The overwhelming evidence that the core collapse supernova mechanism is inherently multidimensional, the complexity of the physical processes involved, and the increasing evidence from simulations that the explosion is marginal presents great computational challenges for the realistic modeling of this event, particularly in 3 spatial dimensions. We have developed a code which is scalable to computations in 3 dimensions which couples PPM Lagrangian with remap hydrodynamics [1], multigroup, flux-limited diffusion neutrino transport [2], with many improvements), and a nuclear network [3]. The neutrino transport is performed in a ray-by-ray plus approximation wherein all the lateral effects of neutrinos are included (e.g., pressure, velocity corrections, advection) except the transport. A moving radial grid option permits the evolution to be carried out from initial core collapse with only modest demands on the number of radial zones. The inner part of the core is evolved after collapse along with the rest of the core and mantle by subcycling the lateral evolution near the center as demanded by the small Courant times. We present results of 2-D simulations of a symmetric and an asymmetric collapse of both a 15 and an 11 M progenitor. In each of these simulations we have discovered that once the oxygen rich material reaches the shock there is a synergistic interplay between the reduced ram pressure, the energy released by the burning of the shock heated oxygen rich material, and the neutrino energy deposition which leads to a revival of the shock and an explosion.
First results from a fully self-consistent, temperature-dependent equation of state that spans the whole density range of neutron stars and supernova cores are presented. The equation of state (EoS) is calculated using a mean-field Hartree-Fock method in three dimensions (3D). The nuclear interaction is represented by the phenomenological Skyrme model in this work, but the EoS can be obtained in our framework for any suitable form of the nucleon-nucleon effective interaction. The scheme we employ naturally allows effects such as (i) neutron drip, which results in an external neutron gas, (ii) the variety of exotic nuclear shapes expected for extremely neutron heavy nuclei, and (iii) the subsequent dissolution of these nuclei into nuclear matter. In this way, the equation of state is calculated across phase transitions without recourse to interpolation techniques between density regimes described by different physical models. EoS tables are calculated in the wide range of densities, temperature and proton/neutron ratios on the ORNL NCCS XT3, using up to 2000 processors simultaneously.

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