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LAMOST has released more than two million spectra, which provide the opportunity to search for double-peaked narrow emission line (NEL) galaxies and AGNs. The double-peaked narrow-line profiles can be well modeled by two velocity components, respectively blueshifted and redshifted with respect to the systemic recession velocity. This paper presents 20 double-peaked NEL galaxies and AGNs found from LAMOST DR1 using a search method based on multi-gaussian fit of the narrow emission lines. Among them, 10 have already been published by other authors, either listed as genuine double-peaked NEL objects or as asymmetric NEL objects, the remaining 10 being first discoveries. We discuss some possible origins for double-peaked narrow-line features, as interaction between jet and narrow line regions, interaction with companion galaxies and black hole binaries. Spatially resolved optical imaging and/or follow-up observations in other spectral bands are needed to further discuss the physical mechanisms at work.
The calculation of the strangeness and charmness of the nucleon is presented with overlap fermion action on 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion configurations. We adopt stochastic grid sources and the low mode substitution technique to improve the signals of nucleon correlation functions and the loops. The calculation is done on a $24^3times 64$ lattice with $m_l=0.005$, $m_h=0.04$, and $a^{-1}=1.73,{rm GeV}$. We find $ f_{T_{s}} = 0.048(15)$ and $f_{T_{c}} = 0.029(43)$.
83 - M. Gong , A. Li , A. Alexandru 2011
The recently discovered charmed-strangemeson Ds0*(2317) has been speculated to be a tetraquark mesonium. We study this suggestion with overlap fermions on 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion configurations. We use 4-quark interpolating operatorswith Z4 grid sources on two lattices (16times16times16times32 and 24times24times24 times64) to study the volume dependence of the states in an attempt to discern the nature of the states in the four-quark correlator to see if they are all two-meson scattering states or if one is a tetraquark mesonium. We also use the hybrid boundary condition method for this purpose which is designed to lift the two-meson states in energy while leaving the tetraquark mesonium unchanged. We find that the volume method is not effective in the present case due to the fact that the scattering states spectrum is closely packed for such heavy states so that one cannot separate out individual scattering states since the volume dependence is skewed as a result. However, the hybrid boundary condition method works and we found that the four-quark correlators can be fitted with a tower of two-meson scattering states. We conclude that we do not see a tetraquark mesonium in the Ds0*(2317) meson region.
109 - A. Li , A. Alexandru , Y. Chen 2010
The overlap fermion propagator is calculated on 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion gauge configurations on 16^3 x 32, 24^3 x 64 and 32^3 x 64 lattices. With HYP smearing and low eigenmode deflation, it is shown that the inversion of the overlap operator can be expedited by ~ 20 times for the 16^3 x 32 lattice and ~ 80 times for the 32^3 x 64 lattice. Through the study of hyperfine splitting, we found that the O(m^2a^2) error is small and these dynamical fermion lattices can adequately accommodate quark mass up to the charm quark. The low energy constant Delta_{mix} which characterizes the discretization error of the pion made up of a pair of sea and valence quarks in this mixed action approach is calculated via the scalar correlator with periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions. It is found to be small which shifts a 300 MeV pion mass by ~ 10 to 19 MeV on these sets of lattices. We have studied the signal-to-noise issue of the noise source for the meson and baryon. It is found that the many-to-all meson and baryon correlators with Z_3 grid source and low eigenmode substitution is efficient in reducing errors for the correlators of both mesons and baryons. With 64-point Z_3 grid source and low-mode substitution, it can reduce the statistical errors of the light quark (m_{pi} ~ 200 - 300 MeV) meson and nucleon correlators by a factor of ~ 3-4 as compared to the point source. The Z_3 grid source itself can reduce the errors of the charmonium correlators by a factor of ~ 3.
77 - G.X. Peng , A. Li , U. Lombardo 2008
We study the properties of strange quark matter in equilibrium with normal nuclear matter. Instead of using the conventional bag model in quark sector, we achieve the confinement by a density-dependent quark mass derived from in-medium chiral condensates. In nuclear matter, we adopt the equation of state from the Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone approach with three-body forces. It is found that the mixed phase can occur, for a reasonable confinement parameter, near the normal nuclear saturation density, and goes over into pure quark matter at about 5 times the saturation. The onset of mixed and quark phases is compatible with the observed class of low-mass neutron stars, but it hinders the occurrence of kaon condensation.
A novel form of amorphous carbon with sp-sp2 hybridization has been recently produced by supersonic cluster beam deposition showing the presence in the film of both polyynic and cumulenic species [L. Ravagnan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 216103 (2007)]. Here we present a in situ Raman characterization of the low frequency vibrational region (400-800 cm-1) of sp-sp2 films at different temperatures. We report the presence of two peaks at 450 cm-1 and 720 cm-1. The lower frequency peak shows an evolution with the variation of the sp content and it can be attributed, with the support of density functional theory (DFT) simulations, to bending modes of sp linear structures. The peak at 720 cm-1 does not vary with the sp content and it can be attributed to a feature in the vibrational density of states activated by the disorder of the sp2 phase.
A simple, reliable method for preparation of bulk Cr tips for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) is proposed and its potentialities in performing high-quality and high-resolution STM and Spin Polarized-STM (SP-STM) are investigated. Cr tips show atomic resolution on ordered surfaces. Contrary to what happens with conventional W tips, rest atoms of the Si(111)-7x7 reconstruction can be routinely observed, probably due to a different electronic structure of the tip apex. SP-STM measurements of the Cr(001) surface showing magnetic contrast are reported. Our results reveal that the peculiar properties of these tips can be suited in a number of STM experimental situations.
111 - C. H. Chen , A. Li , C. Bohac 2007
We have obtained Spitzer IRS 5.5 - 35 micron spectroscopy of the debris disk around beta Pictoris. In addition to the 10 micron silicate emission feature originally observed from the ground, we also detect the crystalline silicate emission bands at 28 micron and 33.5 micron. This is the first time that the silicate bands at wavelengths longer than 10 micron have ever been seen in the beta Pictoris disk. The observed dust emission is well reproduced by a dust model consisting of fluffy cometary and crystalline olivine aggregates. We searched for line emission from molecular hydrogen and atomic [S I], Fe II, and Si II gas but detected none. We place a 3 sigma upper limit of <17 Earth masses on the H2 S(1) gas mass, assuming an excitation temperature of Tex = 100 K. This suggests that there is less gas in this system than is required to form the envelope of Jupiter. We hypothesize that some of the atomic Na I gas observed in Keplerian rotation around beta Pictoris may be produced by photon-stimulated desorption from circumstellar dust grains.

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