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74 - V. Sommariva 2014
The process that quenched star formation in galaxies at intermediate and high redshift is still the subject of considerable debate. One way to investigate this puzzling issue is to study the number density of quiescent galaxies at z~2, and its dependence on mass. Here we present the results of a new study based on very deep Ks-band imaging (with the HAWK-I instrument on the VLT) of two HST CANDELS fields (the UKIDSS Ultra-deep survey (UDS) field and GOODS-South). The new HAWK-I data (taken as part of the HUGS VLT Large Program) reach detection limits of Ks>26 (AB mag). We select a sample of passively-evolving galaxies in the redshift range 1.4<z<2.5. Thanks to the depth and large area coverage of our imaging, we have been able to extend the selection of quiescent galaxies a magnitude fainter than previous analyses. Through extensive simulations we demonstrate, for the first time, that the observed turn-over in the number of quiescent galaxies at K>22 is real. This has enabled us to establish unambiguously that the number counts of quiescent galaxies at z~2 flatten and slightly decline at magnitudes fainter than Ks~22(AB mag.). We show that this trend corresponds to a stellar mass threshold $M_*10^{10.8},{rm M_{odot}}$ below which the mechanism that halts the star formation in high-redshift galaxies seems to be inefficient. Finally we compare the observed pBzK number counts with those of quiescent galaxies extracted from four different semi-analytic models. We find that none of the models provides a statistically acceptable description of the number density of quiescent galaxies at these redshifts. We conclude that the mass function of quiescent galaxies as a function of redshift continues to present a key and demanding challenge for proposed models of galaxy formation and evolution.
There have been recent claims that a significant fraction of type 2 AGN accrete close or even above the Eddington limit. In type 2 AGN the bolometric luminosity (L_b) is generally inferred from the [OIII] emission line luminosity (L_OIII). The key issue, in order to estimate the bolometric luminosity in these AGN, is therefore to know the bolometric correction to be applied to L_OIII. A complication arises from the fact that the observed L_OIII is affected by extinction, likely due to dust within the narrow line region. The extinction-corrected [OIII] luminosity (L^c_OIII) is a better estimator of the nuclear luminosity than L_OIII. However, so far only the bolometric correction to be applied to the uncorrected L_OIII has been evaluated. This paper is devoted to estimate the bolometric correction C_OIII=L_b/L^c_OIII in order to derive the Eddington ratios for the type 2 AGN in a sample of SDSS objects. We have collected from the literature 61 sources with reliable estimate of both L^c_OIII and X-ray luminosities (L_X). To estimate C_OIII, we combined the observed correlation between L^c_OIII and L_X with the X-ray bolometric correction. We found, contrary to previous studies, a linear correlation between L^c_OIII and L_X. We estimated C_OIII using the luminosity-dependent X-ray bolometric correction of Marconi et al. (2004), and we found a mean value of C_OIII in the luminosity ranges log L_OIII=38-40, 40-42, and 42-44 of 87, 142 and 454 respectively. We used it to calculate the Eddington ratio distribution of type 2 SDSS AGN at 0.3<z<0.4 and we found that these sources are not accreting near their Eddington limit, contrary to previous claims.
The evidence of a decrease with increasing luminosity of the fraction f_{abs} of absorbed and Compton-thin among X-ray (2-10 keV) selected AGN is observationally rather well supported, while that of an increase of f_{abs} with redshift is rather controversial. In Lamastra, Perola & Matt (2006) the gravitational effect of the SMBH on the molecular interstellar gas, in the central region of the host galaxy, was shown to predict an anti-correlation between f_{abs} and M_{BH}. The most recent findings on the distribution of the Eddington ratio lambda=L_b/L_E as a function of M_{BH} and z are used to convert that relationship into one between f_{abs} and both bolometric (L_b) and X-ray (L_X) luminosities at various values of z. The findings on lambda(M_{BH},z) are properly treated in order to ensure completeness in the prediction of f_{abs} above a certain luminosity, at values of z=0.1, 0.35, 0.7 and >1. To verify the consequence of these findings alone, we adopted in a first istance a distribution of gas surface density Sigma, observed in a sample of local spiral galaxies, irrespective of the galaxy morphological type and z. Assuming in the lambda(M_{BH},z) distribution the Eddington limit, lambda=1, as a ``natural cut-off, the predictions are consistent with the existence of an anti-correlation between f_{abs} and L_X, but fail to reproduce an increase of f_{abs} with z. Because the early type galaxies on average are much poorer in molecular gas than late type ones, a quantitative agreement with the local value of f_{abs} requires the existence of a correlation between Sigma and the central activity. An increase of typical values of Sigma with z, correlated with the activity, might explain an increase of f_{abs} with z. However, at the highest luminosities f_{abs} could hardly exceed about 0.3.

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