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The neutral biexciton cascade of single quantum dots is a promising source of entangled photon pairs. The character of the entangled state is determined by the energy difference between the excitonic eigenstates known as fine-structure splitting (FSS). Here we reduce the magnitude of the FSS by simultaneously using two independent tuning mechanisms: in-plane magnetic field and vertical electric field. We observe that there exists a minimum possible FSS in each quantum dot which is independent of these tuning mechanisms. However, with simultaneous application of electric and magnetic fields, we show the FSS can be reduced to its minimum value as the energy of emission is tuned over several meV with a 5-T magnet.
Quantum information technology is set to transform critical network security using quantum cryptography, and complex scientific and engineering simulations with quantum computing. Quantum computer nodes may be based on a variety of systems, such as linear optics, ions, or solid state architectures such as NV-centers in diamond, semiconductor quantum dots or spins in silicon. Interfacing any of these platforms with photonic qubits in secure quantum networks will require quantum teleportation protocols to transfer the information, and matter-light teleportation has for some of these systems been demonstrated. However, although it is conceivable that the input photon originates from a dissimilar source to that supplying the entangled resources, every demonstration so far of teleportation using linear optics use the same or identical sources for the input and entangled photons, often accompanied by a fourth heralding photon. Here we show that photons from fundamentally different sources can be used in the optical quantum teleportation protocol. Input photons are generated by a laser, and teleported using polarisation-entangled photon pairs electrically generated by an entangled-light-emitting diode (ELED). The sources have bandwidth differing by a factor 1000, different photon statistics and need not be precisely degenerate- but we still observe a teleportation fidelity of 0.77, beating the quantum limit by 10 standard deviations. This is a significant leap towards practical applications, such as extending the range of existing QKD systems using quantum relays and repeaters, which usually use weak coherent laser pulses for quantum information transport. The use of an ELED offers practical advantages of electrical control, and as we show erases the multi-photon character of the laser input field, thus eliminating errors if used in a quantum optics circuit.
We report an electrically driven semiconductor single photon source capable of emitting photons with a coherence time of up to 400 ps under fixed bias. It is shown that increasing the injection current causes the coherence time to reduce and this effect is well explained by the fast modulation of a fluctuating environment. Hong-Ou-Mandel type two-photon interference using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is demonstrated using this source to test the indistinguishability of individual photons by post-selecting events where two photons collide at a beamsplitter. Finally, we consider how improvements in our detection system can be used to achieve a higher interference visibility.
We generate indistinguishable photons from a semiconductor diode containing a InAs/GaAs quantum dot. Using an all-electrical technique to populate and control a single-photon emitting state we filter-out dephasing by Stark-shifting the emission energy on timescales below the dephasing time of the state. Mixing consecutive photons on a beam-splitter we observe two-photon interference with a visibility of 64%.
We report an experiment in which two-photon interference occurs between degenerate single photons that never meet. The two photons travel in opposite directions through our fibre-optic interferometer and interference occurs when the photons reach two different, spatially separated, 2-by-2 couplers at the same time. We show that this experiment is analogous to the conventional Franson-type entanglement experiment where the photons are entangled in position and time. We measure wavefunction overlaps for the two photons as high as 94 $pm$ 3%.
We study the effect of the exciton fine-structure splitting on the polarisation-entanglement of photon pairs produced by the biexciton cascade in a single quantum dot. The entanglement is found to persist despite separations between the intermediate energy levels of up to 4 micro-eV. Measurements demonstrate that entanglement of the photon pair is robust to the dephasing of the intermediate exciton state responsible for the first order coherence time of either single photon. We present a theoretical framework taking into account the effects of spin-scattering, background light and dephasing. We distinguish between the first-order coherence time, and a parameter which we measure for the first time and define as the cross-coherence time.
We have developed a microcavity single-photon source based on a single quantum dot within a planar cavity in which wet-oxidation of a high-aluminium content layer provides lateral confinement of both the photonic mode and the injection current. Lateral confinement of the optical mode in optically pumped structures produces a strong enhancement of the radiative decay rate. Using microcavity structures with doped contact layers, we demonstrate a single-photon emitting diode where current may be injected into a single dot.
We have fabricated pillar microcavity samples with Bragg mirrors consisting of alternate layers of GaAs and Aluminium Oxide. Compared to the more widely studied GaAs/AlAs micropillars these mirrors can achieve higher reflectivities with fewer layer repeats and reduce the mode volume. We have studied a number of samples containing a low density of InGaAs/GaAs self assembled quantum dots in a cavity and here report observation of a three fold enhancement in the radiative lifetime of a quantum dot exciton state due to the Purcell effect.

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