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113 - A. Ibort , V.I. Manko , G. Marmo 2013
The existing relation between the tomographic description of quantum states and the convolution algebra of certain discrete groupoids represented on Hilbert spaces will be discussed. The realizations of groupoid algebras based on qudit, photon-number (Fock) states and symplectic tomography quantizers and dequantizers will be constructed. Conditions for identifying the convolution product of groupoid functions and the star--product arising from a quantization--dequantization scheme will be given. A tomographic approach to construct quasi--distributions out of suitable immersions of groupoids into Hilbert spaces will be formulated and, finally, intertwining kernels for such generalized symplectic tomograms will be evaluated explicitly.
A spinless covariant field $phi$ on Minkowski spacetime $M^{d+1}$ obeys the relation $U(a,Lambda)phi(x)U(a,Lambda)^{-1}=phi(Lambda x+a)$ where $(a,Lambda)$ is an element of the Poincare group $Pg$ and $U:(a,Lambda)to U(a,Lambda)$ is its unitary representation on quantum vector states. It expresses the fact that Poincare transformations are being unitary implemented. It has a classical analogy where field covariance shows that Poincare transformations are canonically implemented. Covariance is self-reproducing: products of covariant fields are covariant. We recall these properties and use them to formulate the notion of covariant quantum fields on noncommutative spacetimes. In this way all our earlier results on dressing, statistics, etc. for Moyal spacetimes are derived transparently. For the Voros algebra, covariance and the *-operation are in conflict so that there are no covariant Voros fields compatible with *, a result we found earlier. The notion of Drinfeld twist underlying much of the preceding discussion is extended to discrete abelian and nonabelian groups such as the mapping class groups of topological geons. For twists involving nonabelian groups the emergent spacetimes are nonassociative.
In this paper, we further develop the analysis started in an earlier paper on the inequivalence of certain quantum field theories on noncommutative spacetimes constructed using twisted fields. The issue is of physical importance. Thus it is well known that the commutation relations among spacetime coordinates, which define a noncommutative spacetime, do not constrain the deformation induced on the algebra of functions uniquely. Such deformations are all mathematically equivalent in a very precise sense. Here we show how this freedom at the level of deformations of the algebra of functions can fail on the quantum field theory side. In particular, quantum field theory on the Wick-Voros and Moyal planes are shown to be inequivalent in a few different ways. Thus quantum field theory calculations on these planes will lead to different physics even though the classical theories are equivalent. This result is reminiscent of chiral anomaly in gauge theories and has obvious physical consequences. The construction of quantum field theories on the Wick-Voros plane has new features not encountered for quantum field theories on the Moyal plane. In fact it seems impossible to construct a quantum field theory on the Wick-Voros plane which satisfies all the properties needed of field theories on noncommutative spaces. The Moyal twist seems to have unique features which make it a preferred choice for the construction of a quantum field theory on a noncommutative spacetime.
215 - P. Aniello , A. Ibort , V. Manko 2009
Using the formalism of quantizers and dequantizers, we show that the characters of irreducible unitary representations of finite and compact groups provide kernels for star products of complex-valued functions of the group elements. Examples of permutation groups of two and three elements, as well as the SU(2) group, are considered. The k-deformed star products of functions on finite and compact groups are presented. The explicit form of the quantizers and dequantizers, and the duality symmetry of the considered star products are discussed.

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