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Ultra-deep observations of ECDF-S with Chandra and XMM-Newton enable a search for extended X-ray emission down to an unprecedented flux of $2times10^{-16}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$. We present the search for the extended emission on spatial scales of 32$^{primeprime}$ in both Chandra and XMM data, covering 0.3 square degrees and model the extended emission on scales of arcminutes. We present a catalog of 46 spectroscopically identified groups, reaching a redshift of 1.6. We show that the statistical properties of ECDF-S, such as logN-logS and X-ray luminosity function are broadly consistent with LCDM, with the exception that dn/dz/d$Omega$ test reveals that a redshift range of $0.2<z<0.5$ in ECDF-S is sparsely populated. The lack of nearby structure, however, makes studies of high-redshift groups particularly easier both in X-rays and lensing, due to a lower level of clustered foreground. We present one and two point statistics of the galaxy groups as well as weak-lensing analysis to show that the detected low-luminosity systems are indeed low-mass systems. We verify the applicability of the scaling relations between the X-ray luminosity and the total mass of the group, derived for the COSMOS survey to lower masses and higher redshifts probed by ECDF-S by means of stacked weak lensing and clustering analysis, constraining any possible departures to be within 30% in mass. Abridged.
We study the evolution of the total star formation (SF) activity, total stellar mass and halo occupation distribution in massive halos by using one of the largest X-ray selected sample of galaxy groups with secure spectroscopic identification in the major blank field surveys (ECDFS, CDFN, COSMOS, AEGIS). We provide an accurate measurement of SFR for the bulk of the star-forming galaxies using very deep mid-infrared Spitzer MIPS and far-infrared Herschel PACS observations. For undetected IR sources, we provide a well-calibrated SFR from SED fitting. We observe a clear evolution in the level of SF activity in galaxy groups. The total SF activity in the high redshift groups (0.5<z<1.1) is higher with respect to the low redshift (0.15<z<0.5) sample at any mass by 0.8+/-0.12 dex. A milder difference (0.35+/-0.1 dex) is observed between the low redshift bin and the groups at z~0. We show that the level of SF activity is declining more rapidly in the more massive halos than in the more common lower mass halos. We do not observe any evolution in the halo occupation distribution and total stellar mass- halo mass relations in groups. The picture emerging from our findings suggests that the galaxy population in the most massive systems is evolving faster than galaxies in lower mass halos, consistently with a halo downsizing scenario.
The most striking feature of the Cosmic Star Formation History (CSFH) of the Universe is a dramatic drop of the star formation (SF) activity, since z~1. In this work we investigate if the very same process of assembly and growth of structures is one of the major drivers of the observed decline. We study the contribution to the CSFH of galaxies in halos of different masses. This is done by studying the total SFR-halo mass-redshift plane from redshift 0 to redshift z~1.6 in a sample of 57 groups and clusters by using the deepest available mid- and far-infrared surveys conducted with Spitzer MIPS and Herschel PACS and SPIRE. Our results show that low mass groups provide a 60-80% contribution to the CSFH at z~1. Such contribution declines faster than the CSFH in the last 8 billion years to less than 10% at z<0.3, where the overall SF activity is sustained by lower mass halos. More massive systems provide only a marginal contribution (<10%) at any epoch. A simplified abundance matching method shows that the large contribution of low mass groups at z~1 is due to a large fraction (>50%) of very massive, highly star forming Main Sequence galaxies. Below z~1 a quenching process must take place in massive halos to cause the observed faster suppression of their SF activity. Such process must be a slow one though, as most of the models implementing a rapid quenching of the SF activity in accreting satellites significantly underpredicts the observed SF level in massive halos at any redshift. Starvation or the transition from cold to hot accretion would provide a quenching timescale of 1 Gyrs more consistent with the observations. Our results suggest a scenario in which, due to the structure formation process, more and more galaxies experience the group environment and, thus, the associated quenching process. This leads to the progressive suppression of their SF activity shaping the CSFH below z~1.
There is now a large consensus that the current epoch of the Cosmic Star Formation History (CSFH) is dominated by low mass galaxies while the most active phase at 1<z<2 is dominated by more massive galaxies, which undergo a faster evolution. Massive galaxies tend to inhabit very massive halos such as galaxy groups and clusters. We aim to understand whether the observed galaxy downsizing could be interpreted as a halo downsizing, whereas the most massive halos, and their galaxy populations, evolve more rapidly than the halos of lower mass. Thus, we study the contribution to the CSFH of galaxies inhabiting group-sized halos. This is done through the study of the evolution of the Infra-Red (IR) luminosity function of group galaxies from redshift 0 to ~1.6. We use a sample of 39 X-ray selected groups in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS), the Chandra Deep Field North (CDFN), and the COSMOS field, where the deepest available mid- and far-IR surveys have been conducted with Spitzer MIPS and Hersche PACS. Groups at low redshift lack the brightest, rarest, and most star forming IR-emitting galaxies observed in the field. Their IR-emitting galaxies contribute <10% of the comoving volume density of the whole IR galaxy population in the local Universe. At redshift >~1, the most IR-luminous galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs) are preferentially located in groups, and this is consistent with a reversal of the star-formation rate vs .density anti-correlation observed in the nearby Universe. At these redshifts, group galaxies contribute 60-80% of the CSFH, i.e. much more than at lower redshifts. Below z~1, the comoving number and SFR densities of IR-emitting galaxies in groups decline significantly faster than those of all IR-emitting galaxies. Our results are consistent with a halo downsizing scenario and highlight the significant role of environment quenching in shaping the CSFH.
We previously identified LH146, a diffuse X-ray source in the Lockman Hole, as a galaxy cluster at redshift 1.753. The redshift was based on one spectroscopic value, buttressed by seven additional photometric redshifts. We here confirm the previous spectroscopic redshift and present concordant spectroscopic redshifts for an additional eight galaxies. The average of these nine redshifts is 1.714 +/- 0.012 (error on mean). Scrutiny of the galaxy distribution in redshift and the plane of the sky shows that there are two concentrations of galaxies near the X-ray source. In addition there are three diffuse X-ray sources spread along the axis connecting the galaxy concentrations. LH146 is one of these three and lies approximately at the center of the two galaxy concentrations and the outer two diffuse X-ray sources. We thus conclude that LH146 is at the redshift initially reported but it is not a single virialized galaxy cluster as previously assumed. Rather it appears to mark the approximate center of a larger region containing more objects. For brevity we term all these objects and their alignments as large scale structure. The exact nature of LH146 itself remains unclear.
We describe X-ray observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton of 18 galaxy groups (M_group ~ 1-6x10^13 Msolar, z~0.05) from the Zurich Environmental Study (ZENS). We aim to establish the frequency and properties, unaffected by host galaxy dilution and obscuration, of AGNs in central and satellite galaxy members, also as a function of halo-centric distance. X-ray point-source detections are reported for 22 of 177 observed galaxies, down to a limit of f_(0.5-8 keV) ~ 5x10^-15 erg cm^-2 s^-1, corresponding to a limiting luminosity of L_(0.5-8 keV)~3x10^40 erg s^-1. With the majority of the X-ray sources attributed to AGNs of low-to-moderate levels (L/L_Edd>~10^-4), we discuss the detection rate in the context of the occupation of AGNs to halos of this mass scale and redshift, and compare the structural/morphological properties between AGN-active and non-active galaxies of different rank and location within the group halos. We see a slight tendency for AGN hosts to have either relatively brighter/denser disks (or relatively fainter/diffuse bulges) than non-active galaxies of similar mass. At galaxy mass scales <10^11 Msolar, central galaxies appear to be a factor ~4 more likely to host AGNs than satellite galaxies of similar mass. This effect, coupled with the tendency for AGNs to reside in massive galaxies, explains the (weak) trend for AGNs to be preferentially found in the inner regions of groups, with no detectable trend with halo-centric distance in the frequency of AGNs within the satellite population. Finally, our data support other analyses in finding that the rate of decline with redshift of AGN activity in groups matches that of the global AGN population, indicating that either AGNs occur preferentially in groups, or that the evolution rate is independent of halo mass. These trends are of potential importance, and require X-ray coverage of a larger sample to be solidly confirmed.
We investigate the evolution of the star formation rate (SFR)-density relation in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) and the Great Observatories Origin Deep Survey (GOODS) fields up to z~1.6. In addition to the traditional method, in which the environment is defined according to a statistical measurement of the local galaxy density, we use a dynamical approach, where galaxies are classified according to three different environment regimes: group, filament-like, and field. Both methods show no evidence of a SFR-density reversal. Moreover, group galaxies show a mean SFR lower than other environments up to z~1, while at earlier epochs group and field galaxies exhibit consistent levels of star formation (SF) activity. We find that processes related to a massive dark matter halo must be dominant in the suppression of the SF below z~1, with respect to purely density-related processes. We confirm this finding by studying the distribution of galaxies in different environments with respect to the so-called Main Sequence (MS) of star-forming galaxies. Galaxies in both group and filament-like environments preferentially lie below the MS up to z~1, with group galaxies exhibiting lower levels of star-forming activity at a given mass. At z>1, the star-forming galaxies in groups reside on the MS. Groups exhibit the highest fraction of quiescent galaxies up to z~1, after which group, filament-like, and field environments have a similar mix of galaxy types. We conclude that groups are the most efficient locus for star-formation quenching. Thus, a fundamental difference exists between bound and unbound objects, or between dark matter haloes of different masses.
We present the results of a search for extended X-ray sources and their corresponding galaxy groups from 800-ks Chandra coverage of the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). This yields one of the largest X-ray selected galaxy group catalogs from a blind survey to date. The red-sequence technique and spectroscopic redshifts allow us to identify 100$%$ of reliable sources, leading to a catalog of 52 galaxy groups. The groups span the redshift range $zsim0.066-1.544$ and virial mass range $M_{200}sim1.34times 10^{13}-1.33times 10^{14}M_odot$. For the 49 extended sources which lie within DEEP2 and DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey coverage, we identify spectroscopic counterparts and determine velocity dispersions. We select member galaxies by applying different cuts along the line of sight or in projected spatial coordinates. A constant cut along the line of sight can cause a large scatter in scaling relations in low-mass or high-mass systems depending on the size of cut. A velocity dispersion based virial radius can more overestimate velocity dispersion in comparison to X-ray based virial radius for low mass systems. There is no significant difference between these two radial cuts for more massive systems. Independent of radial cut, overestimation of velocity dispersion can be created in case of existence of significant substructure and also compactness in X-ray emission which mostly occur in low mass systems. We also present a comparison between X-ray galaxy groups and optical galaxy groups detected using the Voronoi-Delaunay method (VDM) for DEEP2 data in this field.
Data from the AEGIS, COSMOS and ECDFS surveys are combined to infer the bias and dark matter halo mass of moderate luminosity [LX(2-10 keV) = 42.9 erg s-1] X-ray AGN at z~1 via their cross-correlation function with galaxies. In contrast to standard cross-correlation function estimators, we present a method that requires spectroscopy only for the AGN and uses photometric redshift probability distribution functions for galaxies to determine the projected real-space AGN/galaxy cross-correlation function. The estimated dark matter halo mass of X-ray AGN in the combined AEGIS, COSMOS and ECDFS fields is ~13h-1M_solar, in agreement with previous studies at similar redshift and luminosity ranges. Removing from the sample the 5 per cent of the AGN associated with X-ray selected groups results in a reduction by about 0.5 dex in the inferred AGN dark matter halo mass. The distribution of AGN in dark matter halo mass is therefore skewed and the bulk of the population lives in moderate mass haloes. This result favour cold gas accretion as the main channel of supermassive black hole growth for most X-ray AGN.
We present the first direct measurement of the mean Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) of X-ray selected AGN in the COSMOS field at z < 1, based on the association of 41 XMM and 17 C-COSMOS AGN with member galaxies of 189 X-ray detected galaxy groups from XMM and Chandra data. We model the mean AGN occupation in the halo mass range logM_200[Msun] = 13-14.5 with a rolling-off power-law with the best fit index alpha = 0.06(-0.22;0.36) and normalization parameter f_a = 0.05(0.04;0.06). We find the mean HOD of AGN among central galaxies to be modelled by a softened step function at logMh > logMmin = 12.75 (12.10,12.95) Msun while for the satellite AGN HOD we find a preference for an increasing AGN fraction with Mh suggesting that the average number of AGN in satellite galaxies grows slower (alpha_s < 0.6) than the linear proportion (alpha_s = 1) observed for the satellite HOD of samples of galaxies. We present an estimate of the projected auto correlation function (ACF) of galaxy groups over the range of r_p = 0.1-40 Mpc/h at <z> = 0.5. We use the large-scale clustering signal to verify the agreement between the group bias estimated by using the observed galaxy groups ACF and the value derived from the group mass estimates. We perform a measurement of the projected AGN-galaxy group cross-correlation function, excluding from the analysis AGN that are within galaxy groups and we model the 2-halo term of the clustering signal with the mean AGN HOD based on our results.

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