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The lenticular galaxy ESO 243-49 hosts the ultraluminous X-ray source HLX-1, the best candidate intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) currently known. The environments of IMBHs remain unknown, however the proposed candidates include the nuclei of dwarf galaxies or globular clusters. Evidence at optical wavelengths points at HLX-1 being the remnant of an accreted dwarf galaxy. Here we report the Australia Telescope Compact Array radio observations of HI emission in and around ESO 243-49 searching for signatures of a recent merger event. No HI line emission is detected in ESO 243-49 with a 5$sigma$ upper limit on the HI gas mass of a few $10^8 M_{odot}$. A likely reason for this non-detection is the cluster environment depleting ESO 243-49s HI gas reservoir. The upper limit is consistent with an interpretation of HLX-1 as a dwarf satellite of ESO 243-49, however more sensitive observations are required for a detection. We detect ~$5 times 10^8 M_{odot}$ of HI gas in the peculiar spiral galaxy AM 0108-462, located at a projected distance of ~170 kpc from ESO 243-49. This amount of HI gas is ~10 times less than in spiral galaxies with similar optical and near-infrared properties in the field, strengthening the conclusion that the cluster environment indeed depletes the HI gas reservoir of these two galaxies. Here we also report observations of AM 0108-462 in several optical and near-infrared bands using the Magellan 6.5 m telescopes, and archival X-ray and ultraviolet observations with XMM-Newton and Swift. These data combined with the HI line data suggest it is likely that AM 0108-462 is experiencing a merger event.
The average-density approximation is used to construct a nonlocal kinetic energy functional for an inhomogeneous two-dimensional Fermi gas. This functional is then used to formulate a Thomas-Fermi von Weizsacker-like theory for the description of the ground state properties of the system. The quality of the kinetic energy functional is tested by performing a fully self-consistent calculation for an ideal, harmonically confined, two-dimensional system. Good agreement with exact results are found, with the number and kinetic energy densities exhibiting oscillatory structure associated with the nonlocality of the energy functional. Most importantly, this functional shows a marked improvement over the two-dimensional Thomas-Fermi von Weizsacker theory, particularly in the vicinity of the classically forbidden region.
In this paper we present a combined analysis of data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Very Large Telescope (VLT), and Swift X-ray telescope (XRT) of the intermediate mass black hole ESO 243-49 HLX-1 that were taken 2 months apart between September and November 2010. Previous separate analyses of these data found that they were consistent with an irradiated accretion disc with contribution from either a very young or very old stellar population, and also indicated that the optical flux of the HLX-1 counterpart could be variable. Such variability could only be attributed to a varying accretion disc, so simultaneous analysis of all data sets should break the degeneracies in the model fits. We thus simultaneously fit the broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) from near-infrared through to X-ray wavelengths of the two epochs of data with a model consisting of an irradiated accretion disc and a stellar population. We show that this combined analysis rules out an old stellar population, finding that the SED is dominated by emission from an accretion disc with moderate reprocessing in the outer disc around an intermediate mass black hole imbedded in a young (20 Myr) stellar cluster with a mass of 1E5 Msun. We also place an upper limit on the mass of an additional hidden old stellar population of 1E6 Msun. However, optical r-band observations of HLX-1 obtained with the Gemini-South telescope covering part of the decay from a later X-ray outburst are consistent with constant optical flux, indicating that the observed variability between the HST and VLT observations could be spurious caused by differences in the background subtraction applied to the two optical data sets. In this scenario the contribution of the stellar population, and thus the stellar mass of the cluster, may be higher (abridged).
We present detailed analysis of the transient X-ray source 2XMMi J003833.3+402133 detected by XMM-Newton in January 2008 during a survey of M 31. The X-ray spectrum is well fitted by either a steep power law plus a blackbody model or a double blackbody model. Prior observations with XMM-Newton, Chandra, Swift and ROSAT spanning 1991 to 2007, as well as an additional Swift observation in 2011, all failed to detect this source. No counterpart was detected in deep optical imaging with the Canada France Hawaii Telescope down to a 3sigma lower limit of g = 26.5 mag. This source has previously been identified as a black hole X-ray binary in M 31. While this remains a possibility, the transient behaviour, X-ray spectrum, and lack of an optical counterpart are equally consistent with a magnetar interpretation for 2XMMi J003833.3+402133. The derived luminosity and blackbody emitting radius at the distance of M 31 argue against an extragalactic location, implying that if it is indeed a magnetar it is located within the Milky Way but 22deg out of the plane. The high Galactic latitude could be explained if 2XMMi J003833.3+402133 were an old magnetar, or if its progenitor was a runaway star that traveled away from the plane prior to going supernova.
Here we report the detection of a 626 s periodic modulation from the X-ray source 2XMM J174016.0-290337 located in the direction of the Galactic center. We present temporal and spectral analyses of archival XMM-Newton data and photometry of archived near-infrared data in order to investigate the nature of this source. We find that the X-ray light curve shows a strong modulation at 626 +/- 2 s with a confidence level > 99.9% and a pulsed fraction of 54%. Spectral fitting demonstrates that the spectrum is consistent with an absorbed power law. No significant spectral variability was observed over the 626 s period. We have investigated the possibility that the 626 s period is orbital in nature (either that of an ultra-compact X-ray binary or an AM CVn) or related to the spin of a compact object (either an accretion powered pulsar or an intermediate polar). The X-ray properties of the source and the photometry of the candidate near-infrared counterparts are consistent with an accreting neutron star X-ray binary on the near-side of the Galactic bulge, where the 626 s period is most likely indicative of the pulsar spin period. However, we cannot rule out an ultra-compact X-ray binary or an intermediate polar with the data at hand. In the former case, if the 626 s modulation is the orbital period of an X-ray binary, it would be the shortest period system known. In the latter case, the modulation would be the spin period of a magnetic white dwarf. However, we find no evidence for absorption dips over the 626 s period, a low temperature black body spectral component, or Fe Kalpha emission lines. These features are commonly observed in intermediate polars, making 2XMM J174016.0-290337 a rather unusual member of this class if confirmed. We instead suggest that 2XMM J174016.0-290337 could be a new addition to the emerging class of symbiotic X-ray binaries.
In this Letter we report a spectroscopic confirmation of the association of HLX-1, the brightest ultra-luminous X-ray source, with the galaxy ESO 243-49. At the host galaxy distance of 95 Mpc, the maximum observed 0.2 - 10 keV luminosity is 1.2E42 erg/s. This luminosity is ~400 times above the Eddington limit for a 20 Msun black hole, and has been interpreted as implying an accreting intermediate mass black hole with a mass in excess of 500 Msun (assuming the luminosity is a factor of 10 above the Eddington value). However, a number of other ultra-luminous X-ray sources have been later identified as background active galaxies or foreground sources. It has recently been claimed that HLX-1 could be a quiescent neutron star X-ray binary at a Galactic distance of only 2.5 kpc, so a definitive association with the host galaxy is crucial in order to confirm the nature of the object. Here we report the detection of the Halpha emission line for the recently identified optical counterpart at a redshift consistent with that of ESO 243-49. This finding definitively places HLX-1 inside ESO 243-49, confirming the extreme maximum luminosity and strengthening the case for it containing an accreting intermediate mass black hole of more than 500 Msun.
Using archival X-ray data from the second XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue, we present comparative analysis of the overall population of X-ray sources in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. We see a difference between the characteristics of the brighter sources in the two populations in the X-ray band. Utilising flux measurements in different energy bands we are able to sort the X-ray sources based on similarities to other previously identified and classified objects. In this manner we are able to identify the probable nature of some of the unknown objects, identifying a number of possible X-ray binaries and Super Soft Sources.

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