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We derive first- and second-order piezoelectric coefficients for the zinc-blende III-V semiconductors, {Al,Ga,In}-{N,P,As,Sb}. The results are obtained within the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof hybrid-functional approach in the framework of density functional theory and the Berry-phase theory of electric polarization. To achieve a meaningful interpretation of the results, we build an intuitive phenomenological model based on the description of internal strain and the dynamics of the electronic charge centers. We discuss in detail first- and second-order internal strain effects, together with strain-induced changes in ionicity. This analysis reveals that the relatively large importance in the III-Vs of non-linear piezoelectric effects compared to the linear ones arises because of a delicate balance between the ionic polarization contribution due to internal strain relaxation effects, and the contribution due to the electronic charge redistribution induced by macroscopic and internal strain.
We present an atomistic description of the electronic and optical properties of $text{In}_{0.25}text{Ga}_{0.75}$N/GaN quantum wells. Our analysis accounts for fluctuations of well width, local alloy composition, strain and built-in field fluctuations as well as Coulomb effects. We find a strong hole and much weaker electron wave function localization in InGaN random alloy quantum wells. The presented calculations show that while the electron states are mainly localized by well-width fluctuations, the holes states are already localized by random alloy fluctuations. These localization effects affect significantly the quantum well optical properties,leading to strong inhomogeneous broadening of the lowest interband transition energy. Our results are compared with experimental literature data.
We present a computational scheme for orbital-free density functional theory (OFDFT) that simultaneously provides access to all-electron values and preserves the OFDFT linear scaling as a function of the system size. Using the projector augmented-wave method (PAW) in combination with real-space methods we overcome some obstacles faced by other available implementation schemes. Specifically, the advantages of using the PAW method are two fold. First, PAW reproduces all-electron values offering freedom in adjusting the convergence parameters and the atomic setups allow tuning the numerical accuracy per element. Second, PAW can provide a solution to some of the convergence problems exhibited in other OFDFT implementations based on Kohn-Sham codes. Using PAW and real-space methods, our orbital-free results agree with the reference all-electron values with a mean absolute error of 10~meV and the number of iterations required by the self-consistent cycle is comparable to the KS method. The comparison of all-electron and pseudopotential bulk modulus and lattice constant reveal an enormous difference, demonstrating that in order to assess the performance of OFDFT functionals it is necessary to use implementations that obtain all-electron values. The proposed combination of methods is the most promising route currently available. We finally show that a parametrized kinetic energy functional can give lattice constants and bulk moduli comparable in accuracy to those obtained by the KS PBE method, exemplified with the case of diamond.
206 - S. Schulz , M. A. Caro , L.-T. Tan 2013
A combined experimental and theoretical study is presented of the band gap of AlInN, confirming the breakdown of the virtual crystal approximation (VCA) for the conduction and valence band edges. Composition dependent bowing parameters for these quantities are extracted. Additionally, composition dependent band offsets for GaN/AlInN systems are provided. We show that local strain and built-in fields affect the band edges significantly, leading to optical polarization switching at much lower In composition than expected from a VCA approach.
We present a theory of local electric polarization in crystalline solids and apply it to study the case of wurtzite group-III nitrides. We show that a local value of the electric polarization, evaluated at the atomic sites, can be cast in terms of a summation over nearest-neighbor distances and Born effective charges. Within this model, the local polarization shows a direct relation to internal strain and can be expressed in terms of internal strain parameters. The predictions of the present theory show excellent agreement with a formal Berry phase calculation for random distortions of a test-case CuPt-like InGaN alloy and InGaN supercells with randomly placed cations. While the present level of theory is appropriate for highly ionic compounds, we show that a more complex model is needed for less ionic materials, in which the strain dependence of Born effective charges has to be taken into account. Moreover, we provide ab initio parameters for GaN, InN and AlN, including hybrid functional values for the piezoelectric coefficients and the spontaneous polarization, which we use to accurately implement the local theory expressions. In order to calculate the local polarization potential, we also present a point dipole method. This method overcomes several limitations related to discretization and resolution which arise when obtaining the local potential by solving Poissons equation on an atomic grid. Finally, we perform tight-binding supercell calculations to assess the impact of the local polarization potential arising from alloy fluctuations on the electronic properties of InGaN alloys. In particular, we find that the large upward bowing with composition of the InGaN valence band edge is strongly influenced by local polarization effects. Furthermore, our analysis allows us to extract composition-dependent bowing parameters for the energy gap and valence and conduction band edges.
We demonstrate that cation-related localized states strongly perturb the band structure of $text{Al}_{1-x}text{In}_x$N leading to a strong band gap bowing at low In content. Our first-principles calculations show that In-related localized states are formed both in the conduction and the valence band in $text{Al}_{1-x}text{In}_x$N for low In composition, $x$, and that these localized states dominate the evolution of the band structure with increasing $x$. Therefore, the commonly used assumption of a single composition-independent bowing parameter breaks down when describing the evolution both of the conduction and of the valence band edge in $text{Al}_{1-x}text{In}_x$N.
Using first-principles calculations within the generalized gradient approximation, we predicted the lattice parameters, elastic constants, vibrational properties, and electronic structure of cementite (Fe3C). Its nine single-crystal elastic constants were obtained by computing total energies or stresses as a function of applied strain. Furthermore, six of them were determined from the initial slopes of the calculated longitudinal and transverse acoustic phonon branches along the [100], [010] and [001] directions. The three methods agree well with each other, the calculated polycrystalline elastic moduli are also in good overall agreement with experiments. Our calculations indicate that Fe3C is mechanically stable. The experimentally observed high elastic anisotropy of Fe3C is also confirmed by our study. Based on electronic density of states and charge density distribution, the chemical bonding in Fe3C was analyzed and was found to exhibit a complex mixture of metallic, covalent, and ionic characters.

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