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We demonstrate a polarization-managed 8-dimensional modulation format that is time domain coded to reduce inter-channel nonlinearity. Simulation results show a 2.33 dB improvement in maximum net system margin (NSM) relative to polarization multiplexed (PM)-BPSK, and a 1.0 dB improvement relative to time interleaved return to zero (RZ)-PM-BPSK, for a five channel fill propagating on 20x80 km spans of 90% compensated ELEAF. In contrast to the other modulations considered, the new 8-dimentional (8D) format has negligible sensitivity to the polarization states of the neighboring channels. Laboratory results from High-density WDM (HD-WDM) propagation experiments on a 5000 km dispersion-managed link show a 1 dB improvement in net system margin relative to PM-BPSK.
This article presents an extended model of gravity obtained by gauging the AdS-Mawell algebra. It involves additional fields that shift the spin connection, leading effectively to theory of two independent connections. Extension of algebraic structure by another tetrad gives rise to the model described by a pair of Einstein equations.
We present the class of deformations of simple Euclidean superalgebra, which describe the supersymmetrization of some Lie algebraic noncommutativity of D=4 Euclidean space-time. The presented deformations are generated by the supertwists. We provide new explicit formulae for a chosen twisted D=4 Euclidean Hopf superalgebra and describe the corresponding quantum covariant deformation of chiral Euclidean superspace.
We present a large class of supersymmetric classical r-matrices, describing the supertwist deformations of Poincare and Euclidean superalgebras. We consider in detail new family of four supertwists of N=1 Poincare superalgebra and provide as well their Euclidean counterpart. The proposed supertwists are better adjusted to the description of deformed D=4 Euclidean supersymmetries with independent left-chiral and right-chiral supercharges. They lead to new quantum superspaces, obtained by the superextension of twist deformations of spacetime providing Lie-algebraic noncommutativity of space-time coordinates. In the Hopf-algebraic Euclidean SUSY framework the considered supertwist deformations provide an alternative to the N=1/2 SUSY Seibergs star product deformation scheme.
We study new FRW type cosmological models of modified gravity treated on the background of Palatini approach. These models are generalization of Einstein gravity by the presence of a scalar field non-minimally coupled to the curvature. The models employ Starobinskys term in the Lagrangian and dust matter. Therefore, as a by-product, an exhausted cosmological analysis of general relativity amended by quadratic term is presented. We investigate dynamics of our models, confront them with the currently available astrophysical data as well as against LCDM model. We have used the dynamical system methods in order to investigate dynamics of the models. It reveals the presence of a final sudden singularity. Fitting free parameters we have demonstrated by statistical analysis that this class of models is in a very good agreement with the data (including CMB measurements) as well as with the standard LCDM model predictions. One has to use statefinder diagnostic in order to discriminate among them. Therefore Bayesian methods of model selection have been employed in order to indicate preferred model. Only in the light of CMB data the concordance model remains invincible.
104 - A. Borowiec 2009
Two one-parameter families of twists providing kappa-Minkowski * -product deformed spacetime are considered: Abelian and Jordanian. We compare the derivation of quantum Minkowski space from two perspectives. The first one is the Hopf module algebra point of view, which is strictly related with Drinfelds twisting tensor technique. The other one relies on an appropriate extension of deformed realizations of nondeformed Lorentz algebra by the quantum Minkowski algebra. This extension turns out to be de Sitter Lie algebra. We show the way both approaches are related. The second path allows us to calculate deformed dispersion relations for toy models ensuing from different twist parameters. In the Abelian case one recovers kappa-Poincare dispersion relations having numerous applications in doubly special relativity. Jordanian twists provide a new type of dispersion relations which in the minimal case (related to Weyl-Poincare algebra) takes an energy-dependent linear mass deformation form.
246 - A. Borowiec 2008
This paper together with the previous one (arXiv:hep-th/0604146) presents the detailed description of all quantum deformations of D=4 Lorentz algebra as Hopf algebra in terms of complex and real generators. We describe here in detail two quantum deformations of the D=4 Lorentz algebra o(3,1) obtained by twisting of the standard q-deformation U_{q}(o(3,1)). For the first twisted q-deformation an Abelian twist depending on Cartan generators of o(3,1) is used. The second example of twisting provides a quantum deformation of Cremmer-Gervais type for the Lorentz algebra. For completeness we describe also twisting of the Lorentz algebra by standard Jordanian twist. By twist quantization techniques we obtain for these deformations new explicit formulae for the deformed coproducts and antipodes of the o(3,1)-generators.
174 - A. Borowiec 2008
We show how some classical r-matrices for the D=4 Poincare algebra can be supersymmetrized by an addition of part depending on odd supercharges. These r-matrices for D=4 super-Poincare algebra can be presented as a sum of the so-called subordinated r-matrices of super-Abelian and super-Jordanian type. Corresponding twists describing quantum deformations are obtained in an explicit form. These twists are the super-extensions of twists obtained in the paper arXiv:0712.3962.

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