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We study the characteristics of the galaxy cluster samples expected from the European Space Agencys Euclid satellite and forecast constraints on cosmological parameters describing a variety of cosmological models. The method used in this paper, based on the Fisher Matrix approach, is the same one used to provide the constraints presented in the Euclid Red Book (Laureijs et al.2011). We describe the analytical approach to compute the selection function of the photometric and spectroscopic cluster surveys. Based on the photometric selection function, we forecast the constraints on a number of cosmological parameter sets corresponding to different extensions of the standard LambdaCDM model. The dynamical evolution of dark energy will be constrained to Delta w_0=0.03 and Delta w_a=0.2 with free curvature Omega_k, resulting in a (w_0,w_a) Figure of Merit (FoM) of 291. Including the Planck CMB covariance matrix improves the constraints to Delta w_0=0.02, Delta w_a=0.07 and a FoM=802. The amplitude of primordial non-Gaussianity, parametrised by f_NL, will be constrained to Delta f_NL ~ 6.6 for the local shape scenario, from Euclid clusters alone. Using only Euclid clusters, the growth factor parameter gamma, which signals deviations from GR, will be constrained to Delta gamma=0.02, and the neutrino density parameter to Delta Omega_ u=0.0013 (or Delta sum m_ u=0.01). We emphasise that knowledge of the observable--mass scaling relation will be crucial to constrain cosmological parameters from a cluster catalogue. The Euclid mission will have a clear advantage in this respect, thanks to its imaging and spectroscopic capabilities that will enable internal mass calibration from weak lensing and the dynamics of cluster galaxies. This information will be further complemented by wide-area multi-wavelength external cluster surveys that will already be available when Euclid flies. [Abridged]
Context. The study of the galaxy stellar mass function (SMF) in relation to the galaxy environment and the stellar mass density profile, rho(r), is a powerful tool to constrain models of galaxy evolution. Aims. We determine the SMF of the z=0.44 cluster of galaxies MACS J1206.2-0847 separately for passive and star-forming (SF) galaxies, in different regions of the cluster, from the center out to approximately 2 virial radii. We also determine rho(r) to compare it to the number density and total mass density profiles. Methods. We use the dataset from the CLASH-VLT survey. Stellar masses are obtained by SED fitting on 5-band photometric data obtained at the Subaru telescope. We identify 1363 cluster members down to a stellar mass of 10^9.5 Msolar. Results. The whole cluster SMF is well fitted by a double Schechter function. The SMFs of cluster SF and passive galaxies are statistically different. The SMF of the SF cluster galaxies does not depend on the environment. The SMF of the passive population has a significantly smaller slope (in absolute value) in the innermost (<0.50 Mpc), highest density cluster region, than in more external, lower density regions. The number ratio of giant/subgiant galaxies is maximum in this innermost region and minimum in the adjacent region, but then gently increases again toward the cluster outskirts. This is also reflected in a decreasing radial trend of the average stellar mass per cluster galaxy. On the other hand, the stellar mass fraction, i.e., the ratio of stellar to total cluster mass, does not show any significant radial trend. Conclusions. Our results appear consistent with a scenario in which SF galaxies evolve into passive galaxies due to density-dependent environmental processes, and eventually get destroyed very near the cluster center to become part of a diffuse intracluster medium.
The most striking feature of the Cosmic Star Formation History (CSFH) of the Universe is a dramatic drop of the star formation (SF) activity, since z~1. In this work we investigate if the very same process of assembly and growth of structures is one of the major drivers of the observed decline. We study the contribution to the CSFH of galaxies in halos of different masses. This is done by studying the total SFR-halo mass-redshift plane from redshift 0 to redshift z~1.6 in a sample of 57 groups and clusters by using the deepest available mid- and far-infrared surveys conducted with Spitzer MIPS and Herschel PACS and SPIRE. Our results show that low mass groups provide a 60-80% contribution to the CSFH at z~1. Such contribution declines faster than the CSFH in the last 8 billion years to less than 10% at z<0.3, where the overall SF activity is sustained by lower mass halos. More massive systems provide only a marginal contribution (<10%) at any epoch. A simplified abundance matching method shows that the large contribution of low mass groups at z~1 is due to a large fraction (>50%) of very massive, highly star forming Main Sequence galaxies. Below z~1 a quenching process must take place in massive halos to cause the observed faster suppression of their SF activity. Such process must be a slow one though, as most of the models implementing a rapid quenching of the SF activity in accreting satellites significantly underpredicts the observed SF level in massive halos at any redshift. Starvation or the transition from cold to hot accretion would provide a quenching timescale of 1 Gyrs more consistent with the observations. Our results suggest a scenario in which, due to the structure formation process, more and more galaxies experience the group environment and, thus, the associated quenching process. This leads to the progressive suppression of their SF activity shaping the CSFH below z~1.
There is now a large consensus that the current epoch of the Cosmic Star Formation History (CSFH) is dominated by low mass galaxies while the most active phase at 1<z<2 is dominated by more massive galaxies, which undergo a faster evolution. Massive galaxies tend to inhabit very massive halos such as galaxy groups and clusters. We aim to understand whether the observed galaxy downsizing could be interpreted as a halo downsizing, whereas the most massive halos, and their galaxy populations, evolve more rapidly than the halos of lower mass. Thus, we study the contribution to the CSFH of galaxies inhabiting group-sized halos. This is done through the study of the evolution of the Infra-Red (IR) luminosity function of group galaxies from redshift 0 to ~1.6. We use a sample of 39 X-ray selected groups in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS), the Chandra Deep Field North (CDFN), and the COSMOS field, where the deepest available mid- and far-IR surveys have been conducted with Spitzer MIPS and Hersche PACS. Groups at low redshift lack the brightest, rarest, and most star forming IR-emitting galaxies observed in the field. Their IR-emitting galaxies contribute <10% of the comoving volume density of the whole IR galaxy population in the local Universe. At redshift >~1, the most IR-luminous galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs) are preferentially located in groups, and this is consistent with a reversal of the star-formation rate vs .density anti-correlation observed in the nearby Universe. At these redshifts, group galaxies contribute 60-80% of the CSFH, i.e. much more than at lower redshifts. Below z~1, the comoving number and SFR densities of IR-emitting galaxies in groups decline significantly faster than those of all IR-emitting galaxies. Our results are consistent with a halo downsizing scenario and highlight the significant role of environment quenching in shaping the CSFH.
Constraints on the mass distribution in high-redshift clusters of galaxies are not currently very strong. We aim to constrain the mass profile, M(r), and dynamical status of the $z sim 0.8$ LCDCS 0504 cluster of galaxies characterized by prominent giant gravitational arcs near its center. Our analysis is based on deep X-ray, optical, and infrared imaging, as well as optical spectroscopy. We model the mass distribution of the cluster with three different mass density profiles, whose parameters are constrained by the strong lensing features of the inner cluster region, by the X-ray emission from the intra-cluster medium, and by the kinematics of 71 cluster members. We obtain consistent M(r) determinations from three methods (dispersion-kurtosis, caustics and MAMPOSSt), out to the cluster virial radius and beyond. The mass profile inferred by the strong lensing analysis in the central cluster region is slightly above, but still consistent with, the kinematics estimate. On the other hand, the X-ray based M(r) is significantly below both the kinematics and strong lensing estimates. Theoretical predictions from $Lambda$CDM cosmology for the concentration--mass relation are in agreement with our observational results, when taking into account the uncertainties in both the observational and theoretical estimates. There appears to be a central deficit in the intra-cluster gas mass fraction compared to nearby clusters. Despite the relaxed appearance of this cluster, the determinations of its mass profile by different probes show substantial discrepancies, the origin of which remains to be determined. The extension of a similar dynamical analysis to other clusters of the DAFT/FADA survey will allow to shed light on the possible systematics that affect the determination of mass profiles of high-z clusters, possibly related to our incomplete understanding of intracluster baryon physics.
We use an unprecedented data-set of about 600 redshifts for cluster members, obtained as part of a VLT/VIMOS large programme, to constrain the mass profile of the z=0.44 cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 over the radial range 0-5 Mpc (0-2.5 virial radii) using the MAMPOSSt and Caustic methods. We then add external constraints from our previous gravitational lensing analysis. We invert the Jeans equation to obtain the velocity-anisotropy profiles of cluster members. With the mass-density and velocity-anisotropy profiles we then obtain the first determination of a cluster pseudo-phase-space density profile. The kinematics and lensing determinations of the cluster mass profile are in excellent agreement. This is very well fitted by a NFW model with mass M200=(1.4 +- 0.2) 10^15 Msun and concentration c200=6 +- 1, only slightly higher than theoretical expectations. Other mass profile models also provide acceptable fits to our data, of (slightly) lower (Burkert, Hernquist, and Softened Isothermal Sphere) or comparable (Einasto) quality than NFW. The velocity anisotropy profiles of the passive and star-forming cluster members are similar, close to isotropic near the center and increasingly radial outside. Passive cluster members follow extremely well the theoretical expectations for the pseudo-phase-space density profile and the relation between the slope of the mass-density profile and the velocity anisotropy. Star-forming cluster members show marginal deviations from theoretical expectations. This is the most accurate determination of a cluster mass profile out to a radius of 5 Mpc, and the only determination of the velocity-anisotropy and pseudo-phase-space density profiles of both passive and star-forming galaxies for an individual cluster [abridged]
Star formation in massive galaxies is quenched at some point during hierarchical mass assembly. To understand where and when the quenching processes takes place, we study the evolution of the total star formation rate per unit total halo mass (Sigma(SFR/M)) in three different mass scales: low mass halos (field galaxies), groups, and clusters, up to a redshift ~1.6. We use deep far-infrared PACS data at 100 and 160 um to accurately estimate the total star formation rate of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy population of 9 clusters with mass ~10^{15} M_{odot}, and 9 groups/poor clusters with mass ~ 5 x 10^{13} M_{odot}. Estimates of the field Sigma(SFR/M) are derived from the literature, by dividing the star formation rate density by the mean comoving matter density of the universe. The field Sigma(SFR/M) increases with redshift up to z~1 and it is constant thereafter. The evolution of the Sigma(SFR/M)-z relation in galaxy systems is much faster than in the field. Up to redshift z~0.2, the field has a higher Sigma(SFR/M) than galaxy groups and galaxy clusters. At higher redshifts, galaxy groups and the field have similar Sigma(SFR/M), while massive clusters have significantly lower Sigma(SFR/M) than both groups and the field. There is a hint of a reversal of the SFR activity vs. environment at z~1.6, where the group Sigma(SFR/M) lies above the field Sigma(SFR/M)-z relation. We discuss possible interpretations of our results in terms of the processes of downsizing, and star-formation quenching.

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