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New advances in x-ray diffraction, extended x-ray absorption fine structure EXAFS and x-ray absorption near edge structure XANES using synchrotron radiation have now provided compelling evidence for a short range charge density wave phase (CDW) called striped phase in the CuO2 plane of all cuprate high temperature superconductors. The CDW is associated with a bond order wave (BOW) and an orbital density wave (ODW) forming nanoscale puddles which coexist with superconducting puddles below Tc. The electronic CDW crystalline phase occurs around the hole doping 0.125 between the Mott charge transfer insulator, and the 2D metal. The Van der Waals (VdW) theoretical model for a liquid of anisotropic extended objects proposed for supercooled water is used to describe : a) the underdoped regime as a first spinodal regime of a slightly doped charge transfer Mott insulator puddles coexisting with the striped polaronic CDW puddles; and b) the optimum doping regime as a second spinodal regime where striped polaronic CDW puddles coexist with the normal 2D metal puddles. This complex phase separation with 3 competing phases depends on the strength of the anisotropic electron-phonon interaction that favors the formation striped polaronic CDW phase.
We report experimental evidence for the phase diagram of doped cuprate superconductors as a function of the micro-strain (e) of the Cu-O bond length, measured by Cu K-edge EXAFS, and hole doping (d). This phase diagram shows a QCP at P(e*,d*) where for the micro-strain e larger than the critical value e* charge-orbital-spin stripes and free carriers co-exist. The superconducting phase occurs in the region of critical fluctuations around this QCP. The critical temperature is function of two variables and Tc shows its maximum at the strain driven QCP. The critical fluctuations near this strain QCP give the self-organization of a metallic superlattice of quantum wires superstripes that favors the amplification of the critical temperature.
Fixed-target unpolarized Drell-Yan experiments often feature an acceptance depending on the polar angle of the lepton tracks in the laboratory frame. Typically leptons are detected in a defined angular range, with a dead zone in the forward region. If the cutoffs imposed by the angular acceptance are independent of the azimuth, at first sight they do not appear dangerous for a measurement of the cos(2phi)-asymmetry, relevant because of its association with the violation of the Lam-Tung rule and with the Boer-Mulders function. On the contrary, direct simulations show that up to 10 percent asymmetries are produced by these cutoffs. These artificial asymmetries present qualitative features that allow them to mimic the physical ones. They introduce some model-dependence in the measurements of the cos(2phi)-asymmetry, since a precise reconstruction of the acceptance in the Collins-Soper frame requires a Monte Carlo simulation, that in turn requires some detailed physical input to generate event distributions. Although experiments in the eighties seem to have been aware of this problem, the possibility of using the Boer-Mulders function as an input parameter in the extraction of Transversity has much increased the requirements of precision on this measurement. Our simulations show that the safest approach to these measurements is a strong cutoff on the Collins-Soper polar angle. This reduces statistics, but does not necessarily decrease the precision in a measurement of the Boer-Mulders function.
We report here experimental evidence of the reflection of a large fraction of a beam of low energy antiprotons by an aluminum wall. This derives from the analysis of a set of annihilations of antiprotons that come to rest in rarefied helium gas after hitting the end wall of the apparatus. A Monte Carlo simulation of the antiproton path in aluminum indicates that the observed reflection occurs primarily via a multiple Rutherford-style scattering on Al nuclei, at least in the energy range 1-10 keV where the phenomenon is most visible in the analyzed data. These results contradict the common belief according to which the interactions between matter and antimatter are dominated by the reciprocally destructive phenomenon of annihilation.

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