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397 - Y. Ao , Y. Matsuda , A. Beelen 2015
Lyman alpha blobs (LABs) are spatially extended lyman alpha nebulae seen at high redshift. The origin of Lyman alpha emission in the LABs is still unclear and under debate. To study their heating mechanism(s), we present Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of the 20 cm radio emission and Herschel PACS and SPIRE measurements of the far-infrared (FIR) emission towards the four LABs in the protocluster J2143-4423 at z=2.38. Among the four LABs, B6 and B7 are detected in the radio with fluxes of 67+/-17 microJy and 77+/-16 microJy, respectively, and B5 is marginally detected at 3 sigma (51+/-16 microJy). For all detected sources, their radio positions are consistent with the central positions of the LABs. B6 and B7 are obviously also detected in the FIR. By fitting the data with different templates, we obtained redshifts of 2.20$^{+0.30}_{-0.35}$ for B6 and 2.20$^{+0.45}_{-0.30}$ for B7 which are consistent with the redshift of the lyman alpha emission within uncertainties, indicating that both FIR sources are likely associated with the LABs. The associated FIR emission in B6 and B7 and high star formation rates strongly favor star formation in galaxies as an important powering source for the lyman alpha emission in both LABs. However, the other two, B1 and B5, are predominantly driven by the active galactic nuclei or other sources of energy still to be specified, but not mainly by star formation. In general, the LABs are powered by quite diverse sources of energy.
We report 250 GHz (1.2 mm) observations of a sample of 20 QSOs at redshifts 5.8<z<6.5 from the the Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey (CFHQS), using the Max-Planck Millimeter Bolometer (MAMBO) array at the IRAM 30-metre telescope. A rms sensitivity <~ 0.6 mJy was achieved for 65% of the sample, and <~ 1.0 mJy for 90%. Only one QSO, CFHQS J142952+544717, was robustly detected with S_250GHz = 3.46 +/-0.52 mJy. This indicates that one of the most powerful known starbursts at z~6 is associated with this radio loud QSO. On average, the other CFHQS QSOs, which have a mean optical magnitude fainter than previously studied SDSS samples of z~6 QSOs, have a mean 1.2 mm flux density <S_250GHz> = 0.41 +/-0.14 mJy; such a 2.9-sigma average detection is hardly meaningful. It would correspond to <L_FIR> ~ 0.94+/-0.32 10^12 Lo, and an average star formation rate of a few 100s Mo/yr, depending on the IMF and a possible AGN contribution to <L_FIR>. This is consistent with previous findings of Wang et al. (2011) on the far-infrared emission of z~6 QSOs and extends them toward optically fainter sources.
80 - S. Muller 2012
According to the Big Bang theory and as a consequence of adiabatic expansion of the Universe, the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) increases linearly with redshift. This relation is, however, poorly explored, and detection of any deviation would directly lead to (astro-)physics beyond the standard model. We aim at measuring the temperature of the CMB with an accuracy of a few percent at z=0.89 toward the molecular absorber in the galaxy lensing the quasar PKS1830-211. We adopt a Monte-Carlo Markov Chain approach, coupled with predictions from the non-LTE radiative transfer code RADEX, to solve the excitation of a set of various molecular species directly from their spectra. We determine Tcmb=5.08 pm 0.10 K at 68% confidence level. Our measurement is consistent with the value Tcmb=5.14 K predicted by the standard cosmological model with adiabatic expansion of the Universe. This is the most precise determination of Tcmb at z>0 to date.
101 - S. Muller , M. Guelin (3 2011
We present the results of a 7 mm spectral survey of molecular absorption lines originating in the disk of a z=0.89 spiral galaxy located in front of the quasar PKS 1830-211. [...] A total of 28 different species, plus 8 isotopic variants, were detected toward the south-west absorption region, located about 2 kpc from the center of the z=0.89 galaxy, which therefore has the largest number of detected molecular species of any extragalactic object so far. The results of our rotation diagram analysis show that the rotation temperatures are close to the cosmic microwave background temperature of 5.14 K that we expect to measure at z=0.89, whereas the kinetic temperature is one order of magnitude higher, indicating that the gas is subthermally excited. The molecular fractional abundances are found to be in-between those in typical Galactic diffuse and translucent clouds, and clearly deviate from those observed in the dark cloud TMC 1 or in the Galactic center giant molecular cloud Sgr B2. The isotopic ratios of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and silicon deviate significantly from the solar values, which can be linked to the young age of the z=0.89 galaxy and a release of nucleosynthesis products dominated by massive stars. [...] We also report the discovery of several new absorption components, with velocities spanning between -300 and +170 km/s. Finally, the line centroids of several species (e.g., CH3OH, NH3) are found to be significantly offset from the average velocity. If caused by a variation in the proton-to-electron mass ratio mu with redshift, these offsets yield an upper limit |Delta_mu/mu|<4e-6, which takes into account the kinematical noise produced by the velocity dispersion measured from a large number of molecular species.
115 - A. Beelen , A. Omont , N. Bavouzet 2008
We present observations aimed at exploring both the nature of Lya emitting nebulae (Lya blobs) at z=2.38 and the way they trace large scale structure (LSS), by exploring their proximity to maximum starbursts through submillimeter emission. Our most important objectives are to make a census of associated submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), check their properties, and look for a possible overdensity in the protocluster J2142-4426 at z=2.38. We used the newly commissioned Large APEX Bolometer Camera (LABoCa) on the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope, in its Science Verification phase, to carry out a deep 10x10 map at 870 micron, and we performed multiple checks of the quality of data processing and source extraction. Our map, the first published deep image, confirms the capabilities of APEX/LABoCa as the most efficient current equipment for wide and deep submm mapping. Twenty-two sources were securely extracted with 870 micron flux densities in the range 3-21 mJy, rms noise 0.8-2.4 mJy, and far-IR luminosities probably in the range ~5-20 x 10(12) Lo. Only one of the four 50 kpc-extended Lya blobs has a secure 870 micron counterpart. The 870 micron source counts in the whole area are marginally higher than in the SHADES SCUBA survey, with a possible over-density around this blob. The majority of the 3.6-24 micron SEDs of the submillimeter sources indicate they are starburst dominated, with redshifts mostly >2. However, there is evidence of a high-z AGN in ~30% of the sources.
223 - R. Maiolino , R. Neri , A. Beelen 2007
We present observations with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer of three QSOs at z>5 aimed at detecting molecular gas in their host galaxies as traced by CO transitions. CO (5-4) is detected in SDSSJ033829.31+002156.3 at z=5.0267, placing it amongst the most distant sources detected in CO. The CO emission is unresolved with a beam size of ~1, implying that the molecular gas is contained within a compact region, less than ~3kpc in radius. We infer an upper limit on the dynamical mass of the CO emitting region of ~3x10^10 Msun/sin(i)^2. The comparison with the Black Hole mass inferred from near-IR data suggests that the BH-to-bulge mass ratio in this galaxy is significantly higher than in local galaxies. From the CO luminosity we infer a mass reservoir of molecular gas as high as M(H2)=2.4x10^10 Msun, implying that the molecular gas accounts for a significant fraction of the dynamical mass. When compared to the star formation rate derived from the far-IR luminosity, we infer a very short gas exhaustion timescale (~10^7 yrs), comparable to the dynamical timescale. CO is not detected in the other two QSOs (SDSSJ083643.85+005453.3 and SDSSJ163033.90+401209.6) and upper limits are given for their molecular gas content. When combined with CO observations of other type 1 AGNs, spanning a wide redshift range (0<z<6.4), we find that the host galaxy CO luminosity (hence molecular gas content) and the AGN optical luminosity (hence BH accretion rate) are correlated, but the relation is not linear: L(CO) ~ [lambda*L_lambda(4400A)]^0.72. Moreover, at high redshifts (and especially at z>5) the CO luminosity appears to saturate. We discuss the implications of these findings in terms of black hole-galaxy co-evolution.

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