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The bipartite ground state entanglement in a finite linear harmonic chain of particles is numerically investigated. The particles are subjected to an external on-site periodic potential belonging to a family parametrized by the unit interval encompassing the sine-Gordon potential at both ends of the interval. Strong correspondences between the soliton entanglement entropy and the kink energy distribution profile as functions of the sub-chain length are found.
In this work we study the presence of kinks in models described by two real scalar fields in bi-dimensional space-time. We generate new two-field models, constructed from distinct but important one-field models, and we solve them with techniques that we introduce in the current work. We illustrate the results with several examples of current interest to high energy physics.
In this paper we describe the structure of a class of two-component scalar field models in a (1+1) Minkowskian space-time which generalize the well-known Montonen-Sarker-Trullinger-Bishop -hence MSTB- model. This class includes all the field models whose static field equations are equivalent to the Newton equations of two-dimensional type I Liouville mechanical systems with a discrete set of instability points. We offer a systematic procedure to characterize these models and to identify the solitary wave or kink solutions as homoclinic or heteroclinic trajectories in the analogous mechanical system. This procedure is applied to a one-parametric family of generalized MSTB models with a degree-eight polynomial as potential energy density.
In these Lectures a method is described to analyze the effect of quantum fluctuations on topological defect backgrounds up to the one-loop level. The method is based on the spectral heat kernel/zeta function regularization procedure, and it is first applied to various types of kinks arising in several deformed linear and non-linear sigma models with different numbers of scalar fields. In the second part, the same conceptual framework is constructed for the topological solitons of the planar semilocal Abelian Higgs model, built from a doublet of complex scalar fields and one U(1) gauge field.
The stability of the kinks of the non-linear ${mathbb S}^2$-sigma model discovered in Phys. Rev. Lett. 101(2008)131602 is discussed from several points of view. After a direct estimation of the spectra of the second-order fluctuation operators around topological kinks, first-order field equations are proposed to distinguish between BPS and non-BPS kinks. The one-loop mass shifts caused by quantum fluctuations around the topological kinks are computed using the Cahill-Comtet-Glauber formula proposed in Phys. Lett. 64B(1976)283. The (lack of) stability of the non-topological kinks is unveiled by application of the Morse index theorem. These kinks are identified as non-BPS states and the interplay between instability and supersymmetry is explored.
We describe the kink solitary waves of a massive non-linear sigma model with an ${mathbb S}^2$ sphere as the target manifold. Our solutions form a moduli space of non-relativistic solitary waves in the long wavelength limit of ferromagnetic linear spin chains.
Mass shifts induced by one-loop fluctuations of semi-local self-dual vortices are computed. The procedure is based on canonical quantization and heat kernel/ zeta function regularization methods. The issue of the survival of the classical degeneracy in the semi-classical regime is explored.
A formula is derived that allows the computation of one-loop mass shifts for self-dual semilocal topological solitons. These extended objects, which in three spatial dimensions are called semi-local strings, arise in a generalized Abelian Higgs model with a doublet of complex Higgs fields. Having a mixture of global, SU(2), and local (gauge), U(1), symmetries, this weird system may seem bizarre, but it is in fact the bosonic sector of electro-weak theory when the weak mixing angle is of 90 degrees. The procedure for computing the semi-classical mass shifts is based on canonical quantization and heat kernel/zeta function regularization methods.

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