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103 - A. Camposeo 2015
Nanofibers functionalized by metal nanostructures and particles are exploited as effective flexible substrates for SERS analysis. Their complex three-dimensional structure may provide Raman signals enhanced by orders of magnitude compared to untextured surfaces. Understanding the origin of such improved performances is therefore very important for pushing nanofiber-based analytical technologies to their upper limit. Here we report on polymer nanofiber mats which can be exploited as substrates for enhancing the Raman spectra of adsorbed probe molecules. The increased surface area and the scattering of light in the nanofibrous system are individually analyzed as mechanisms to enhance Raman scattering. The deposition of gold nanorods on the fibers further amplifies Raman signals due to SERS. This study suggests that Raman signals can be finely tuned in intensity and effectively enhanced in nanofiber mats and arrays by properly tailoring the architecture, composition, and light-scattering properties of the complex networks of filaments.
99 - I. Zinchenko 2015
We report the results of our observations of the S255IR area with the SMA at 1.3 mm in the very extended configuration and at 0.8 mm in the compact configuration as well as with the IRAM-30m at 0.8 mm. The best achieved angular resolution is about 0.4 arcsec. The dust continuum emission and several tens of molecular spectral lines are observed. The majority of the lines is detected only towards the S255IR-SMA1 clump, which represents a rotating structure (probably disk) around the young massive star. The achieved angular resolution is still insufficient for conclusions about Keplerian or non-Keplerian character of the rotation. The temperature of the molecular gas reaches 130-180 K. The size of the clump is about 500 AU. The clump is strongly fragmented as follows from the low beam filling factor. The mass of the hot gas is significantly lower than the mass of the central star. A strong DCN emission near the center of the hot core most probably indicates a presence of a relatively cold ($lesssim 80$ K) and rather massive clump there. High velocity emission is observed in the CO line as well as in lines of high density tracers HCN, HCO+, CS and other molecules. The outflow morphology obtained from combination of the SMA and IRAM-30m data is significantly different from that derived from the SMA data alone. The CO emission detected with the SMA traces only one boundary of the outflow. The outflow is most probably driven by jet bow shocks created by episodic ejections from the center. We detected a dense high velocity clump associated apparently with one of the bow shocks. The outflow strongly affects the chemical composition of the surrounding medium.
491 - Daniele Trifir`o 2015
Gravitational waves from coalescing binary black holes encode the evolution of their spins prior to merger. In the post-Newtonian regime and on the precession timescale, this evolution has one of three morphologies, with the spins either librating around one of two fixed points (resonances) or circulating freely. In this work we perform full parameter estimation on resonant binaries with fixed masses and spin magnitudes, changing three parameters: a conserved projected effective spin $xi$ and resonant family $DeltaPhi=0,pi$ (which uniquely label the source), the inclination $theta_{JN}$ of the binarys total angular momentum with respect to the line of sight (which determines the strength of precessional effects in the waveform), and the signal amplitude. We demonstrate that resonances can be distinguished for a wide range of binaries, except for highly symmetric configurations where precessional effects are suppressed. Motivated by new insight into double-spin evolution, we introduce new variables to characterize precessing black hole binaries which naturally reflects the timescale separation of the system and therefore better encode the dynamical information carried by gravitational waves.
We present spectral and timing analysis of NuSTAR observations of the accreting X-ray pulsar 2RXP J130159.6-635806. The source was serendipitously observed during a campaign focused on the gamma-ray binary PSR B1259-63 and was later targeted for a dedicated observation. The spectrum has a typical shape for accreting X-ray pulsars, consisting of a simple power law with an exponential cutoff starting at ~7 keV with a folding energy of E_fold=~18 keV. There is also an indication of the presence of a 6.4 keV iron line in the spectrum at the ~3 sigma significance level. NuSTAR measurements of the pulsation period reveal that the pulsar has undergone a strong and steady spin-up for the last 20 years. The pulsed fraction is estimated to be ~80%, and is constant with energy up to 40 keV. The power density spectrum shows a break towards higher frequencies relative to the current spin period. This, together with steady persistent luminosity, points to a long-term mass accretion rate high enough to bring the pulsar out of spin equilibrium.
Anomalous dynamics characterized by non-Gaussian probability distributions (PDFs) and/or temporal long-range correlations can cause subtle modifications of conventional fluctuation relations. As prototypes we study three variants of a generic time-fractional Fokker-Planck equation with constant force. Type A generates superdiffusion, type B subdiffusion and type C both super- and subdiffusion depending on parameter variation. Furthermore type C obeys a fluctuation-dissipation relation whereas A and B do not. We calculate analytically the position PDFs for all three cases and explore numerically their strongly non-Gaussian shapes. While for type C we obtain the conventional transient work fluctuation relation, type A and type B both yield deviations by featuring a coefficient that depends on time and by a nonlinear dependence on the work. We discuss possible applications of these types of dynamics and fluctuation relations to experiments.
80 - P. P. Povinec 2015
A reference material designed for the determination of natural radionuclides in solid samples (glass pellets) is described and the results of certification are presented. The material has been certified for 7 natural radionuclides (40K, 226Ra, 228Ra, 228Th, 232Th, 235U and 238U). An information value is given for 210Pb. Radon (222Rn) emanation experiments showed results comparable within participating laboratories, however, the number of data and precision was too low to carry out a certification process. The reference material may be used for quality management of analytical laboratories engaged in the high-sensitive analysis of radionuclides in the construction materials of detectors placed in ultra low background underground laboratories.
211 - J. S. Urquhart 2015
We present the results of ammonia observations towards 66 massive star forming regions identified by the Red MSX source survey. We have used the Green Bank Telescope and the K-band focal plane array to map the ammonia NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) inversion emission at a resolution of 30 arcsec in 8 arcmin regions towards the positions of embedded massive star formation. We have identified a total of 115 distinct clumps, approximately two-thirds of which are associated with an embedded massive young stellar object or compact HII region, while the others are classified as quiescent. There is a strong spatial correlation between the peak NH3 emission and the presence of embedded objects. We derive the spatial distribution of the kinetic gas temperatures, line widths, and NH$_3$ column densities from these maps, and by combining these data with dust emission maps we estimate clump masses, H$_2$ column densities and ammonia abundances. The clumps have typical masses of ~1000 Msun and radii ~0.5 pc, line widths of ~2 km/s and kinetic temperatures of ~16-20 K. We find no significant difference between the sizes and masses of the star forming and quiescent subsamples; however, the distribution maps reveal the presence of temperature and line width gradients peaking towards the centre for the star forming clumps while the quiescent clumps show relatively uniform temperatures and line widths throughout. Virial analysis suggests that the vast majority of clumps are gravitationally bound and are likely to be in a state of global free fall in the absence of strong magnetic fields. The similarities between the properties of the two subsamples suggest that the quiescent clumps are also likely to form massive stars in the future, and therefore provide a excellent opportunity to study the initial conditions of massive pre-stellar and protostellar clumps.
We present a new integral-field spectroscopic dataset of the central part of the Orion Nebula (M 42), observed with the MUSE instrument at the ESO VLT. We reduced the data with the public MUSE pipeline. The output products are two FITS cubes with a spatial size of ~5.9x4.9 (corresponding to ~0.76 pc x 0.63 pc) and a contiguous wavelength coverage of 4595...9366 Angstrom, spatially sampled at 0.2. We provide t
375 - P. Padovani 2015
Blazars have been suggested as possible neutrino sources long before the recent IceCube discovery of high-energy neutrinos. We re-examine this possibility within a new framework built upon the blazar simplified view and a self-consistent modelling of neutrino emission from individual sources. The former is a recently proposed paradigm that explains the diverse statistical properties of blazars adopting minimal assumptions on blazars physical and geometrical properties. This view, tested through detailed Monte Carlo simulations, reproduces the main features of radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray blazar surveys and also the extragalactic gamma-ray background at energies > 10 GeV. Here we add a hadronic component for neutrino production and estimate the neutrino emission from BL Lacs as a class, calibrated by fitting the spectral energy distributions of a preselected sample of BL Lac objects and their (putative) neutrino spectra. Unlike all previous papers on this topic, the neutrino background is then derived by summing up at a given energy the fluxes of each BL Lac in the simulation, all characterised by their own redshift, synchrotron peak energy, gamma-ray flux, etc. Our main result is that BL Lacs as a class can explain the neutrino background seen by IceCube above ~ 0.5 PeV while they only contribute ~ 10% at lower energies, leaving room to some other population(s)/physical mechanism. However, one cannot also exclude the possibility that individual BL Lacs still make a contribution at the ~ 20% level to the IceCube low-energy events. Our scenario makes specific predictions testable in the next few years.
90 - E. Oliva 2015
Aims Determining the intensity of lines and continuum airglow emission in the H-band is important for the design of faint-object infrared spectrographs. Existing spectra at low/medium resolution cannot disentangle the true sky-continuum from instrumental effects (e.g. diffuse light in the wings of strong lines). We aim to obtain, for the first time, a high resolution infrared spectrum deep enough to set significant constraints on the continuum emission between the lines in the H-band. Methods During the second commissioning run of the GIANO high-resolution infrared spectrograph at La Palma Observatory, we pointed the instrument directly to the sky and obtained a deep spectrum that extends from 0.97 to 2.4 micron. Results The spectrum shows about 1500 emission lines, a factor of two more than in previous works. Of these, 80% are identified as OH transitions; half of these are from highly excited molecules (hot-OH component) that are not included in the OH airglow emission models normally used for astronomical applications. The other lines are attributable to O2 or unidentified. Several of the faint lines are in spectral regions that were previously believed to be free of line emission. The continuum in the H-band is marginally detected at a level of about 300 photons/m^2/s/arcsec^2/micron, equivalent to 20.1 AB-mag/arcsec^2. The observed spectrum and the list of observed sky-lines are published in electronic format. Conclusions Our measurements indicate that the sky continuum in the H-band could be even darker than previously believed. However, the myriad of airglow emission lines severely limits the spectral ranges where very low background can be effectively achieved with low/medium resolution spectrographs. We identify a few spectral bands that could still remain quite dark at the resolving power foreseen for VLT-MOONS (R ~6,600).

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