New results on Pionic Twist-3 Distribution Amplitudes within the QCD Sum Rules

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present an improved calculation on the pionic twist-3 distribution amplitudes $phi^{pi}_{p}$ and $phi^{pi}_{sigma}$, which are studied within the QCD sum rules. By adding all the uncertainties in quadrature, it is found that $<xi^2_p>=0.248^{+0.076}_{-0.052}$, $<xi^4_p>=0.262^{+0.080}_{-0.055}$, $<xi^2_sigma>=0.102^{+0.035}_{-0.025}$ and $<xi^4_sigma>=0.094^{+0.028}_{-0.020}$. Furthermore, with the help of these moments, we construct a model for the twist-3 wave functions $psi^{pi}_{p,sigma}(x,mathbf{k}_bot)$, which have better end-point behavior and are helpful for perturbative QCD approach. The obtained twist-3 distribution amplitudes are adopted to calculate the $Btopi$ transition form factor $f^+_{Bpi}$ within the QCD light-cone sum rules up to next-to-leading order. By suitable choice of the parameters, we obtain a consistent $f^+_{Bpi}$ with those obtained in the literature.

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