Understanding the Hoarding Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic using Large Scale Social Media Data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected peoples lives around the world on an unprecedented scale. We intend to investigate hoarding behaviors in response to the pandemic using large-scale social media data. First, we collect hoarding-related tweets shortly after the outbreak of the coronavirus. Next, we analyze the hoarding and anti-hoarding patterns of over 42,000 unique Twitter users in the United States from March 1 to April 30, 2020, and dissect the hoarding-related tweets by age, gender, and geographic location. We find the percentage of females in both hoarding and anti-hoarding groups is higher than that of the general Twitter user population. Furthermore, using topic modeling, we investigate the opinions expressed towards the hoarding behavior by categorizing these topics according to demographic and geographic groups. We also calculate the anxiety scores for the hoarding and anti-hoarding related tweets using a lexical approach. By comparing their anxiety scores with the baseline Twitter anxiety score, we reveal further insights. The LIWC anxiety mean for the hoarding-related tweets is significantly higher than the baseline Twitter anxiety mean. Interestingly, beer has the highest calculated anxiety score compared to other hoarded items mentioned in the tweets.

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