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Comment on the article Anisotropies in the astrophysical gravitational-wave background: The impact of black hole distributions by A.C. Jenkins et al. [arXiv:1810.13435]

65   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Cyril Pitrou
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the discrepancy pointed out by Jenkins et al. in Ref. [1] between the predictions of anisotropies of the astrophysical gravitational wave (GW) background, derived using different methods in Cusin et al. [2] and in Jenkins et al. [3]. We show that this discrepancy is not due to our treatment of galaxy clustering, contrary to the claim made in Ref. [1] and we show that our modeling of clustering gives results in very good agreement with observations. Furthermore we show that the power law spectrum used in Refs. [1] and [3] to describe galaxy clustering is incorrect on large scales and leads to a different scaling of the multipoles $C_ell$. Moreover, we also explain that the analytic derivation of the gravitational wave background correlation function in Refs. [1] and [3] is mathematically ill-defined and predicts an amplitude of the angular power spectrum which depends on the (arbitrary) choice of a non-physical cut-off.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We use population inference to explore the impact that uncertainties in the distribution of binary black holes (BBH) have on the astrophysical gravitational-wave background (AGWB). Our results show that the AGWB monopole is sensitive to the nature of the BBH population (particularly the local merger rate), while the anisotropic $C_ell$ spectrum is only modified to within a few percent, at a level which is insignificant compared to other sources of uncertainty (such as cosmic variance). This is very promising news for future observational studies of the AGWB, as it shows that (i) the monopole can be used as a new probe of the population of compact objects throughout cosmic history, complementary to direct observations by LIGO and Virgo and (ii) we are able to make surprisingly robust predictions for the $C_ell$ spectrum, even with only very approximate knowledge of the black hole population. As a result, the AGWB anisotropies have enormous potential as a new probe of the large-scale structure of the Universe, and of late-Universe cosmology in general.
We offer a brief response to the criticisms put forward by Cusin et al in arXiv:1811.03582 about our work arXiv:1810.13435 and arXiv:1806.01718, emphasising that none of these criticisms are relevant to our main results.
In the literature different approaches have been proposed to compute the anisotropies of the astrophysical gravitational wave background. The different expressions derived, although starting from our work Cusin, Pitrou, Uzan, Phys.Rev.D96, 103019 (20 17) [1], seem to differ. This article compares the various theoretical expressions proposed so far and provides a separate derivation based on a Boltzmann approach. We show that all the theoretical formula in the literature are equivalent and boil down to the one of Ref. [1] when a proper matching of terms and integration by parts are performed. The difference between the various predictions presented for anisotropies in a cosmological context can only lie in the astrophysical modeling of sources, and neither in the theory nor in the cosmological description of the large scale structures. Finally we comment on the gauge invariance of expressions.
We show that the anisotropies of the astrophysical stochastic gravitational wave background in the mHz band have a strong dependence on the modelling of galactic and sub-galactic physics. We explore a wide range of self-consistent astrophysical model s for stellar evolution and for the distribution of orbital parameters, all calibrated such that they predict the same number of resolved mergers to fit the number of detections during LIGO/Virgo O1+O2 observations runs. We show that different physical choices for the process of black hole collapse and cut-off in the black hole mass distribution give fractional differences in the angular power spectrum of anisotropies up to 50% on all angular scales. We also point out that the astrophysical information which can be extracted from anisotropies is complementary to the isotropic background and individual mergers. These results underline the interest in the anisotropies of the stochastic gravitational wave background as a new and potentially rich field of research, at the cross-road between astrophysics and cosmology.
238 - Tania Regimbau 2011
A gravitational wave stochastic background of astrophysical origin may have resulted from the superposition of a large number of unresolved sources since the beginning of stellar activity. Its detection would put very strong constrains on the physica l properties of compact objects, the initial mass function or the star formation history. On the other hand, it could be a noise that would mask the stochastic background of cosmological origin. We review the main astrophysical processes able to produce a stochastic background and discuss how it may differ from the primordial contribution by its statistical properties. Current detection methods are also presented.
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