Association Of Supergranule Mean Scales with Solar Cycle Strengths and Total Solar Irradiance

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We analyze the long-term behavior of supergranule scale parameter, in active and quiet regions (AR, QR), using the Kodaikanal digitized data archive. This database provides century-long daily full disc observations of the Sun in Ca-II K wavelength. In this paper, we study the distributions of the supergranular scales, over the whole data duration, which show identical shape in these two regimes. We found that the AR mean scale values are always higher than that of the QR for every solar cycle. The mean scale values are highly correlated with the sunspot number cycle amplitude and also with total solar irradiance (TSI) variations. Such correlation establishes the cycle-wise mean scale as a potential calibrator for the historical data reconstructions. We also see an upward trend in the mean scales, as already been reported in TSI. This may provide new input for climate forcing models. These results also give us insight into the different evolutionary scenarios of the supergranules in the presence of strong (AR) and weak (QR) magnetic fields.

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