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Dual polynomials and communication complexity of $textsf{XOR}$ functions

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 نشر من قبل Nikhil Mande
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We show a new duality between the polynomial margin complexity of $f$ and the discrepancy of the function $f circ textsf{XOR}$, called an $textsf{XOR}$ function. Using this duality, we develop polynomial based techniques for understanding the bounded error ($textsf{BPP}$) and the weakly-unbounded error ($textsf{PP}$) communication complexities of $textsf{XOR}$ functions. We show the following. A weak form of an interesting conjecture of Zhang and Shi (Quantum Information and Computation, 2009) (The full conjecture has just been reported to be independently settled by Hatami and Qian (Arxiv, 2017). However, their techniques are quite different and are not known to yield many of the results we obtain here). Zhang and Shi assert that for symmetric functions $f : {0, 1}^n rightarrow {-1, 1}$, the weakly unbounded-error complexity of $f circ textsf{XOR}$ is essentially characterized by the number of points $i$ in the set ${0,1, dots,n-2}$ for which $D_f(i) eq D_f(i+2)$, where $D_f$ is the predicate corresponding to $f$. The number of such points is called the odd-even degree of $f$. We show that the $textsf{PP}$ complexity of $f circ textsf{XOR}$ is $Omega(k/ log(n/k))$. We resolve a conjecture of a different Zhang characterizing the Threshold of Parity circuit size of symmetric functions in terms of their odd-even degree. We obtain a new proof of the exponential separation between $textsf{PP}^{cc}$ and $textsf{UPP}^{cc}$ via an $textsf{XOR}$ function. We provide a characterization of the approximate spectral norm of symmetric functions, affirming a conjecture of Ada et al. (APPROX-RANDOM, 2012) which has several consequences. Additionally, we prove strong $textsf{UPP}$ lower bounds for $f circ textsf{XOR}$, when $f$ is symmetric and periodic with period $O(n^{1/2-epsilon})$, for any constant $epsilon > 0$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

188 - Penghui Yao 2015
In this note, we study the relation between the parity decision tree complexity of a boolean function $f$, denoted by $mathrm{D}_{oplus}(f)$, and the $k$-party number-in-hand multiparty communication complexity of the XOR functions $F(x_1,ldots, x_k) = f(x_1opluscdotsoplus x_k)$, denoted by $mathrm{CC}^{(k)}(F)$. It is known that $mathrm{CC}^{(k)}(F)leq kcdotmathrm{D}_{oplus}(f)$ because the players can simulate the parity decision tree that computes $f$. In this note, we show that [mathrm{D}_{oplus}(f)leq Obig(mathrm{CC}^{(4)}(F)^5big).] Our main tool is a recent result from additive combinatorics due to Sanders. As $mathrm{CC}^{(k)}(F)$ is non-decreasing as $k$ grows, the parity decision tree complexity of $f$ and the communication complexity of the corresponding $k$-argument XOR functions are polynomially equivalent whenever $kgeq 4$. Remark: After the first version of this paper was finished, we discovered that Hatami and Lovett had already discovered the same result a few years ago, without writing it up.
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301 - Tomer Kotek 2011
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