Cavity Beam Length Monitor is beam length measurement detector metering ultra short bunch. We designed a RF front-end and make simulations to testify this has high signal-to-noise ratio ensuring beam length measurement precision.
A new bunch length measurement method based on high order mode cavity was proposed. Operating the harmonic cavity at mode TM0n0 so that its radius could be chosen, in order to break the limitation of beam pipe radius. A two-cavity bunch length monito
r for linac of positron source was designed. Operating frequency selection for different bunch time structure was discussed and calculation formula of bunch length was deducted. Fundamental harmonic cavity resonates at 2.856 GHz with mode TM010. Fifth harmonic cavity resonates at 14.28 GHz (fifth harmonic of the linac fundamental frequency 2.856 GHz) with mode TM020, which could provide larger radius. Each cavity equipped with a filter to suppress unwanted signal. A simulation measurement was conducted in CST Particle Studio for beam current from 100-300mA, bunch length from 5-10ps, calculation results shows a fairly high accuracy (better than 3%). Several cases were discussed.
With electron beam durations down to femtoseconds and sub-femtoseconds achievable in current state-of-the-art accelerators, longitudinal bunch length diagnostics with resolution at the attosecond level are required. In this paper, we present such a n
ovel measurement device which combines a high power laser modulator with an RF deflecting cavity in the orthogonal direction. While the laser applies a strong correlated angular modulation to a beam, the RF deflector ensures the full resolution of this streaking effect across the bunch hence recovering the temporal beam profile with sub-femtosecond resolution. Preliminary measurements to test the key components of this concept were carried out at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at Brookhaven National Laboratory recently, the results of which are presented and discussed here. Moreover, a possible application of the technique for novel accelerator schemes is examined based on simulations with the particle-tracking code elegant and our beam profile reconstruction tool.
Realization of a short bunch beam by manipulating the longitudinal phase space distribution with a finite longitudinal dispersion following an off-crest accelera- tion is a widely used technique. The technique was applied in a compact test accelerato
r of an energy-recovery linac scheme for compressing the bunch length at the return loop. A diagnostic system utilizing coherent transition radiation was developed for the beam tuning and for estimating the bunch length. By scanning the beam parameters, we experimentally found the best condition for the bunch compression. The RMS bunch length of 250+-50 fs was obtained at a bunch charge of 2 pC. This result confirmed the design and the tuning pro- cedure of the bunch compression operation for the future energy-recovery linac (ERL).
In the past decade, the bunch lengths of electrons in accelerators have decreased dramatically to the range of a few picoseconds cite{Uesaka94,Trotz97}. Measurement of the length as well as the longitudinal profile of these short bunches have been a
topic of research in a number of institutions cite{Uesaka97,Liu97,Hutchins00}. One of the techniques uses the electric field induced by the passage of electrons in the vicinity of a birefringent crystal to change its optical characteristics. Well-established electro-optic techniques can then be used to measure the temporal characteristics of the electron bunch. In this paper we present a novel, non-invasive, single-shot approach to improve the resolution to tens of femtoseconds so that sub-millimeter bunch length can be measured.
Front end of a CW linac of the Project X contains an H source, an RFQ, a medium energy transport line with the beam chopper, and a SC low-beta linac that accelerates H- from 2.5 MeV to 160 MeV. SC Single Spoke Resonators (SSR) will be used in the lin
ac, because Fermilab already successfully developed and tested a SSR for beta=0.21. Two manufactured cavities achieve 2.5 times more than design accelerating gradients. One of these cavities completely dressed, e.g. welded to helium vessel with integrated slow and fast tuners, and tested in CW regime. Successful tests of beta=0.21 SSR give us a confidence to use this type of cavity for low beta (0.117) and for high-beta (0.4) as well. Both types of these cavities are under development. In present report the basic constrains, parameters, electromagnetic and mechanical design for all the three SSR cavities, and first test results of beta=0.21 SSR are presented.