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Optimal two-treatment crossover designs for binary response models

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 نشر من قبل Siuli Mukhopadhyay
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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Optimal two-treatment, $p$ period crossover designs for binary responses are determined. The optimal designs are obtained by minimizing the variance of the treatment contrast estimator over all possible allocations of $n$ subjects to $2^p$ possible treatment sequences. An appropriate logistic regression model is postulated and the within subject covariances are modeled through a working correlation matrix. The marginal mean of the binary responses are fitted using generalized estimating equations. The efficiencies of some crossover designs for $p=2,3,4$ periods are calculated. The effect of misspecified working correlation matrix on design efficiency is also studied.

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254 - Pengqi Liu , Lucy Gao , 2019
We investigate R-optimal designs for multi-response regression models with multi-factors, where the random errors in these models are correlated. Several theoretical results are derived for Roptimal designs, including scale invariance, reflection sym metry, line and plane symmetry, and dependence on the covariance matrix of the errors. All the results can be applied to linear and nonlinear models. In addition, an efficient algorithm based on an interior point method is developed for finding R-optimal designs on discrete design spaces. The algorithm is very flexible, and can be applied to any multi-response regression model.
The issue of determining not only an adequate dose but also a dosing frequency of a drug arises frequently in Phase II clinical trials. This results in the comparison of models which have some parameters in common. Planning such studies based on Baye sian optimal designs offers robustness to our conclusions since these designs, unlike locally optimal designs, are efficient even if the parameters are misspecified. In this paper we develop approximate design theory for Bayesian $D$-optimality for nonlinear regression models with common parameters and investigate the cases of common location or common location and scale parameters separately. Analytical characterisations of saturated Bayesian $D$-optimal designs are derived for frequently used dose-response models and the advantages of our results are illustrated via a numerical investigation.
303 - Crystal T. Nguyen 2019
The field of precision medicine aims to tailor treatment based on patient-specific factors in a reproducible way. To this end, estimating an optimal individualized treatment regime (ITR) that recommends treatment decisions based on patient characteri stics to maximize the mean of a pre-specified outcome is of particular interest. Several methods have been proposed for estimating an optimal ITR from clinical trial data in the parallel group setting where each subject is randomized to a single intervention. However, little work has been done in the area of estimating the optimal ITR from crossover study designs. Such designs naturally lend themselves to precision medicine, because they allow for observing the response to multiple treatments for each patient. In this paper, we introduce a method for estimating the optimal ITR using data from a 2x2 crossover study with or without carryover effects. The proposed method is similar to policy search methods such as outcome weighted learning; however, we take advantage of the crossover design by using the difference in responses under each treatment as the observed reward. We establish Fisher and global consistency, present numerical experiments, and analyze data from a feeding trial to demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed method compared to standard methods for a parallel study design.
117 - Weibin Mo , Yufeng Liu 2021
Recent development in data-driven decision science has seen great advances in individualized decision making. Given data with individual covariates, treatment assignments and outcomes, researchers can search for the optimal individualized treatment r ule (ITR) that maximizes the expected outcome. Existing methods typically require initial estimation of some nuisance models. The double robustness property that can protect from misspecification of either the treatment-free effect or the propensity score has been widely advocated. However, when model misspecification exists, a doubly robust estimate can be consistent but may suffer from downgraded efficiency. Other than potential misspecified nuisance models, most existing methods do not account for the potential problem when the variance of outcome is heterogeneous among covariates and treatment. We observe that such heteroscedasticity can greatly affect the estimation efficiency of the optimal ITR. In this paper, we demonstrate that the consequences of misspecified treatment-free effect and heteroscedasticity can be unified as a covariate-treatment dependent variance of residuals. To improve efficiency of the estimated ITR, we propose an Efficient Learning (E-Learning) framework for finding an optimal ITR in the multi-armed treatment setting. We show that the proposed E-Learning is optimal among a regular class of semiparametric estimates that can allow treatment-free effect misspecification. In our simulation study, E-Learning demonstrates its effectiveness if one of or both misspecified treatment-free effect and heteroscedasticity exist. Our analysis of a Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) observational study also suggests the improved efficiency of E-Learning.
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