Longitudinal nonlocality in the string S-matrix

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We analyze four and five-point tree-level open string S-matrix amplitudes in the Regge limit, exhibiting some basic features which indicate longitudinal nonlocality, as suggested by light cone gauge calculations of string spreading. Using wavepackets to localize the asymptotic states, we compute the peak trajectories followed by the incoming and outgoing strings, determined by the phases in the amplitudes. These trajectories trace back in all dimensions such that the incoming strings deflect directly into corresponding outgoing ones, as expected from a Reggeon analysis. Bremsstrahlung radiation at five points emerges from the deflection point, corroborating this picture. An explicit solution for the intermediate state produced at four points in the $s$-channel exists, with endpoints precisely following the corresponding geometry and a periodicity which matches the series of time delays predicted by the amplitude. We find a nonzero peak impact parameter for this process, and show that it admits an interpretation in terms of longitudinal-spreading induced string joining, at the scale expected from light cone calculations, and does not appear to admit a straightforward interpretation purely in terms of the well-established transverse spreading. At five points, we exhibit a regime with advanced emission of one of the deflected outgoing strings. This strongly suggests early interaction induced by longitudinal nonlocality. In a companion paper, we apply string spreading to horizon dynamics.

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