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Phase behavior of a double-Gaussian fluid displaying water-like features

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 نشر من قبل Santi Prestipino
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Pair potentials that are bounded at the origin provide an accurate description of the effective interaction for many systems of dissolved soft macromolecules (e.g., flexible dendrimers). Using numerical free-energy calculations, we reconstruct the equilibrium phase diagram of a system of particles interacting through a potential that brings together a Gaussian repulsion with a much weaker Gaussian attraction, close to the thermodynamic stability threshold. Compared to the purely-repulsive model, only the reentrant branch of the melting line survives, since for lower densities solidification is overridden by liquid-vapor separation. As a result, the phase diagram of the system recalls that of water up to moderate (i.e., a few tens MPa) pressures. Upon superimposing a suitable hard core on the double-Gaussian potential, a further transition to a more compact solid phase is induced at high pressure, which might be regarded as the analog of the ice I to ice III transition in water.

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Isotropic pair potentials that are bounded at the origin have been proposed from time to time as models of the effective interaction between macromolecules of interest in the chemical physics of soft matter. We present a thorough study of the phase b ehavior of point particles interacting through a potential which combines a bounded short-range repulsion with a much weaker attraction at moderate distances, both of Gaussian shape. Notwithstanding the fact that the attraction acts as a small perturbation of the Gaussian-core model potential, the phase diagram of the double-Gaussian model (DGM) is far richer, showing two fluid phases and four distinct solid phases in the case that we have studied. Using free-energy calculations, the various regions of confluence of three distinct phases in the DGM system have all been characterized in detail. Moreover, two distinct lines of reentrant melting are found, and for each of them a rationale is provided in terms of the elastic properties of the solid phases.
We construct colloidal ``sticky rods from the semi-flexible filamentous fd virus and temperature-sensitive polymers poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM). The phase diagram of fd-PNIPAM system becomes independent of ionic strength at high salt concent ration and low temperature, i.e. the rods are sterically stabilized by the polymer. However, the network of sticky rods undergoes a sol-gel transition as the temperature is raised. The viscoelastic moduli of fd and fd-PNIPAM suspensions are compared as a function of temperature, and the effect of ionic strength on the gelling behavior of fd-PNIPAM solution is measured. For all fluidlike and solidlike samples, the frequency-dependant linear viscoelastic moduli can be scaled onto universal master curves.
The effective pair potentials between different kinds of dendrimers in solution can be well approximated by appropriate Gaussian functions. We find that in binary dendrimer mixtures the range and strength of the effective interactions depend strongly upon the specific dendrimer architecture. We consider two different types of dendrimer mixtures, employing the Gaussian effective pair potentials, to determine the bulk fluid structure and phase behavior. Using a simple mean field density functional theory (DFT) we find good agreement between theory and simulation results for the bulk fluid structure. Depending on the mixture, we find bulk fluid-fluid phase separation (macro-phase separation) or micro-phase separation, i.e., a transition to a state characterized by undamped periodic concentration fluctuations. We also determine the inhomogeneous fluid structure for confinement in spherical cavities. Again, we find good agreement between the DFT and simulation results. For the dendrimer mixture exhibiting micro-phase separation, we observe rather striking pattern formation under confinement.
We present evidence that the concurrent existence of two populations of particles with different effective diameters is not a prerequisite for the occurrence of anomalous phase behaviors in systems of particles interacting through spherically-symmetr ic unbounded potentials. Our results show that an extremely weak softening of the interparticle repulsion, yielding a single nearest-neighbor separation, is able to originate a wide spectrum of unconventional features including reentrant melting, solid polymorphism, as well as thermodynamic, dynamic, and structural anomalies. These findings extend the possibility of anomalous phase behavior to a class of systems much broader than currently assumed.
81 - John Russo , Kenji Akahane , 2018
Tetrahedral interactions describe the behaviour of the most abundant and technologically important materials on Earth, such as water, silicon, carbon, germanium, and countless others. Despite their differences, these materials share unique common phy sical behaviours, such as liquid anomalies, open crystalline structures, and extremely poor glass-forming ability at ambient pressure. To reveal the physical origin of these anomalies and their link to the shape of the phase diagram, we systematically study the properties of the Stillinger-Weber potential as a function of the strength of the tetrahedral interaction $lambda$. We uncover a new transition to a re-entrant spinodal line at low values of $lambda$, accompanied with a change in the dynamical behaviour, from Non-Arrhenius to Arrhenius. We then show that a two-state model can provide a comprehensive understanding on how the thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies of this important class of materials depend on the strength of the tetrahedral interaction. Our work establishes a deep link between the shape of phase diagram and the thermodynamic and dynamic properties through local structural ordering in liquids, and hints at why water is so special among all substances.
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