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Local and average behavior in inhomogeneous superdiffusive media

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 نشر من قبل Alessandro Vezzani
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider a random walk on one-dimensional inhomogeneous graphs built from Cantor fractals. Our study is motivated by recent experiments that demonstrated superdiffusion of light in complex disordered materials, thereby termed Levy glasses. We introduce a geometric parameter $alpha$ which plays a role analogous to the exponent characterizing the step length distribution in random systems. We study the large-time behavior of both local and average observables; for the latter case, we distinguish two different types of averages, respectively over the set of all initial sites and over the scattering sites only. The single long jump approximation is applied to analytically determine the different asymptotic behaviours as a function of $alpha$ and to understand their origin. We also discuss the possibility that the root of the mean square displacement and the characteristic length of the walker distribution may grow according to different power laws; this anomalous behaviour is typical of processes characterized by Levy statistics and here, in particular, it is shown to influence average quantities.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the effects of scattering lengths on Levy walks in quenched one-dimensional random and fractal quasi-lattices, with scatterers spaced according to a long-tailed distribution. By analyzing the scaling properties of the random-walk probability distribution, we show that the effect of the varying scattering length can be reabsorbed in the multiplicative coefficient of the scaling length. This leads to a superscaling behavior, where the dynamical exponents and also the scaling functions do not depend on the value of the scattering length. Within the scaling framework, we obtain an exact expression for the multiplicative coefficient as a function of the scattering length both in the annealed and in the quenched random and fractal cases. Our analytic results are compared with numerical simulations, with excellent agreement, and are supposed to hold also in higher dimensions
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