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Direct experimental evidence of non-equilibrium energy sharing in dissipative collisions

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 نشر من قبل Alessandro Olmi
 تاريخ النشر 1996
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Primary and secondary masses of heavy reaction products have been deduced from kinematics and E-ToF measurements, respectively, for the direct and reverse collisions of 100Mo with 120Sn at 14.1 A MeV. Direct experimental evidence of the correlation of energy-sharing with net mass transfer and model-independent results on the evolution of the average excitation from equal-energy to equal-temperature partition are presented.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

62 - G. Casini , G. Poggi , M. Bini 1999
Light charged particles emitted by the projectile-like fragment were measured in the direct and reverse collision of $^{93}$Nb and $^{116}$Sn at 25 AMeV. The experimental multiplicities of Hydrogen and Helium particles as a function of the primary ma ss of the emitting fragment show evidence for a correlation with net mass transfer. The ratio of Hydrogen and Helium multiplicities points to a dependence of the angular momentum sharing on the net mass transfer.
The first experimental results of a new quantum method for calculating nuclear temperature and density of fragmenting heavy ions is presented. This method is based on fluctuations in the event quadrupole momentum and fragment multiplicity distributio ns of light Fermions. The cal- culated temperatures are lower than those obtained with a similar classical method. Quenching of the normalized multiplicity distributions of light fermions due to Pauli blocking is also observed. These results indicate a need for a quantum treatment when dealing with statistical properties of fragmenting heavy-ions.
Energy and angular dependence of double differential cross sections d$^2sigma$/d$Omega$dE was measured for reactions induced by 2.5 GeV protons on Au target with isotopic identification of light products (H, He, Li, Be, and B) and with elemental iden tification of heavier intermediate mass fragments (C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, and Al). It was found that two different reaction mechanisms give comparable contributions to the cross sections. The intranuclear cascade of nucleon-nucleon collisions followed by evaporation from an equilibrated residuum describes low energy part of the energy distributions whereas another reaction mechanism is responsible for high energy part of the spectra of composite particles. Phenomenological model description of the differential cross sections by isotropic emission from two moving sources led to a very good description of all measured data. Values of the extracted parameters of the emitting sources are compatible with the hypothesis claiming that the high energy particles emerge from pre-equilibrium processes consisting in a breakup of the target into three groups of nucleons; small, fast and hot fireball of $sim$ 8 nucleons, and two larger, excited prefragments, which emits the light charged particles and intermediate mass fragments. The smaller of them contains $sim$ 20 nucleons and moves with velocity larger than the CM velocity of the proton projectile and the target. The heavier prefragment behaves similarly as the heavy residuum of the intranuclear cascade of nucleon-nucleon collisions. %The mass and charge dependence of the total production cross %sections was extracted from the above analysis for all observed %reaction products. This dependence follows the power low behavior %(A$^{-tau}$ or Z$^{-tau}$).
371 - G. H. Liu , Y. G. Ma , X. Z. Cai 2008
Hard photon emitted from energetic heavy ion collisions is of very interesting since it does not experience the late-stage nuclear interaction, therefore it is useful to explore the early-stage information of matter phase. In this work, we have prese nted a first calculation of azimuthal asymmetry, characterized by directed transverse flow parameter $F$ and elliptic asymmetry coefficient $v_2$, for proton-neutron bremsstrahlung hard photons in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions. The positive $F$ and negative $v_2$ of direct photons are illustrated and they seem to be anti-correlated to the corresponding free protons flow.
75 - B. Davin 2002
The defining characteristics of fragment emission resulting from the non-central collision of 114Cd ions with 92Mo target nuclei at E/A = 50 MeV are presented. Charge correlations and average relative velocities for mid-velocity fragment emission exh ibit significant differences when compared to standard statistical decay. These differences associated with similar velocity dissipation are indicative of the influence of the entrance channel dynamics on the fragment production process.
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