Semi-analytical calculation of QED radiative corrections to $e^+e^-to bar{f}f$ with special emphasis on kinematical cuts to the final state

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this dissertation, a complete calculation of QED radiative corrections is presented for total cross sections and forward- backward asymmetries for s-channel fermion pair production in e+e- annihilation with kinematical cuts to the final state. This includes cuts on the maximal acollinearity angle theta_acol and on the minimal energies E_min of the final state fermion pair and on the cosine of the scattering angle of one fermion, cos{theta}. The applied cuts pose a realistic alternative for leptonic final states compared to cuts on the invariant mass squared s of the fermion pair and on cos{theta}. The new formulae and the analysis presented in this thesis for high energies and luminosities form an essential building block for an upgrading of two-fermion codes like ZFITTER for a future e+e- Linear Collider.

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