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Superconductors without an inversion center of symmetry: The s-wave state

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 نشر من قبل P. A. Frigeri
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In materials without an inversion center of symmetry the spin degeneracy of the conducting band is lifted by an antisymmetric spin orbit coupling (ASOC). Under such circumstances, spin and parity cannot be separately used to classify the Cooper pairing states. Consequently, the superconducting order parameter is generally a mixture of spin singlet and triplet pairing states. In this paper we investigate the structure of the order parameter and its response to disorder for the most symmetric pairing state ($A_1$). Using the example of the heavy Fermion superconductor CePt$_3$Si, we determine characteristic properties of the superconducting instability as a function of (non-magnetic) impurity concentrations. Moreover, we explore the possibility of the presence of accidental line nodes in the quasiparticle gap. Such nodes would be essential to explain recent low-temperature data of thermodynamic quantities such as the NMR-$T_1^{-1}$, London penetration depth, and heat conductance.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In materials without spatial inversion symmetry the spin degeneracy of the conduction electrons can be lifted by an antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling. We discuss the influence of this spin-orbit coupling on the spin susceptibility of such superconduc tors, with a particular emphasis on the recently discovered heavy Fermion superconductor CePt3Si. We find that, for this compound (with tetragonal crystal symmetry,) irrespective of the pairing symmetry, the stable superconducting phases would give a very weak change of the spin susceptibility for fields along the c-axis and an intermediate reduction for fields in the basal plane. We also comment on the consequences for the paramagnetic limiting in this material.
We develop a microscopic and gauge-invariant theory for collective modes resulting from the phase of the superconducting order parameter in non-centrosymmetric superconductors. Considering various crystal symmetries we derive the corresponding gauge mode $omega_{rm G}({bf q})$ and find, in particular, new Leggett modes $omega_{rm L}({bf q})$ with characteristic properties that are unique to non-centrosymmetric superconductors. We calculate their mass and dispersion that reflect the underlying spin-orbit coupling and thus the balance between triplet and singlet superconductivity occurring simultaneously. Finally, we demonstrate the role of the Anderson-Higgs mechanism: while the long-range Coulomb interaction shifts $omega_{rm G}({bf q})$ to the condensate plasma mode $omega_{rm P}({bf q})$, it leaves the mass $Lambda_0$ of the new Leggett mode unaffected and only slightly modifies its dispersion.
479 - A. Furrer 2007
Neutron crystal-field spectroscopy experiments in the Y- and La-type high-temperature superconductors HoBa2Cu3O6.56, HoBa2Cu4O8, and La1.81Sr0.15Ho0.04CuO4 are reviewed. By this bulk-sensitive technique, information on the gap function is obtained fr om the relaxation behavior of crystal-field transitions associated with the Ho3+ ions which sit as local probes close to the superconducting copper-oxide planes. The relaxation data exhibit a peculiar change from a convex to a concave shape between the superconducting transition temperature Tc and the pseudogap temperature T* which can only be modelled satisfactorily if the gap function of predominantly d-wave symmetry includes an s-wave component of the order of 20-25%, independent of the doping level. Moreover, our results are compatible with an unusual temperature dependence of the gap function in the pseudogap region (Tc<T<T*), i.e., a breakup of the Fermi surface into disconnected arcs.
342 - Yunkyu Bang , G. R. Stewart 2017
Although the pairing mechanism of the Fe-based superconductors (FeSCs) has not yet been settled with a consensus, as to the pairing symmetry and the superconducting (SC) gap function, the abundant majority of experiments are supporting for the spin-s inglet sign-changing s-wave SC gaps on multibands ($s^{pm}$-wave state). This multiband $s^{pm}$-wave state is a very unique gap state {it per se} and displays numerous unexpected novel SC properties such as a strong reduction of the coherence peak, non-trivial impurity effects, nodal-gap-like nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals, various Volovik effects in the specific heat (SH) and thermal conductivity, and anomalous scaling behaviors with the SH jump and the condensation energy vs. $T_c$, etc. In particular, many of these non-trivial SC properties can be easily mistaken as evidence for a nodal gap state such as a d-wave gap. In this review, we provide detailed explanations of theoretical principles for the various non-trivial SC properties of the $s^{pm}$-wave pairing state, and then critically compare the theoretical predictions with the experiments of the FeSCs. This will provide a pedagogical overview of how much we can coherently understand the wide range of different experiments of the FeSCs within the $s^{pm}$-wave gap model.
297 - Qinghong Cui , Kun Yang 2008
The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state is a superconducting state stabilized by a large Zeeman splitting between up- and down-spin electrons in a singlet superconductor. In the absence of disorder, the superconducting order parameter has a periodic spatial structure, with periodicity determined by the Zeeman splitting. Using the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) approach, we investigate the spatial profiles of the order parameters of FFLO states in a two-dimensional s-wave superconductors with nonmagnetic impurities. The FFLO state is found to survive under moderate disorder strength, and the order parameter structure remains approximately periodic. The actual structure of the order parameter depends on not only the Zeeman field, but also the disorder strength and in particular the specific disorder configuration.
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